Makayla sat at her black desk in her room, working intently on her math homework. She hated math but then again not many enjoyed it. English was more her thing though. And it wasn't just because Isaac happened to be in her class. English just came naturally to her. She liked to write aswell but she hadn't ever told anyone of her little stories. She just wrote short ideas on paper and would stuff in a bucket she had in her closet. The only person who knew about her little hobby was Isaac, and she wasn't sure why she'd told him. She hadn't let him read them yet though. Not for his lack of asking, however. He's been begging for her to let him read a story she wrote. She knew she'd cave and let him read one eventually but it had to be the right one and it had to be perfect. Pushing the thought from her mind, she buckled down and got back to work on her maths. A half an hour later she was finished with her homework and was now lying on her new purple bed watching Supernatural. She knew she shouldn't be watching this show so late at night because she tended to have nightmares if she wasn't careful. She loved this show but had a low scary tolerance which annoyed her to no end. She was watching an episode about warewolves, which she thought was just to ironic after recent events. Just as Sam was pulling his usual face at Dean, Makayla heard a low growl. She looked back down at her laptop screen and realized it wasn't coming from there. Her heart skipped a beat anf she paused the show. She heard another growl coming from outside and she jumoed up off the bed. She scrounged around her drawer and pulled out her knife. She slowly tip-toed towards the window and peered through the blinds. For a second she could've swore she saw two red dots but she blinked and they were gone. There wasn't anymore growling and everything went quiet. Did she dream it? I'm going wolf crazy,she thought. She shrugged it off as paranoi and put her knife away, but something lingering in the back of her mind told her it wasn't that simple.


Makayla pulled up at the school and parked her baby aka her car. She looked towards the side of the school that Isaac's usually at... only he isn't there. Frowning, she got out of the car and continued towards the school. She stopped at Isaacs corner and her frown deepend and she sighed. She felt a presence behind her and a voice whisper next to her ear. "You miss me?" She jumped around and pulled her knife from her boot as a reflex. She held the knife against his chest but then looked up to see it was Isaac and relaxed. "Isaac Daniel Lahey! If you don't stop scaring me like that I swear! I ain't gonna gonna hold back next time and I'm just gonna go ahead and stab ya!" Her face flushed and her natural texan accent slipped more than she'd like it to. He smiled warmly at her and grabbed her by her shoulders. "I'm sorry I scared you, love but I must admit it was worth it to hear your accent," He took her knife and placed it back in its holster in her boot. "Now you wanna tell me why your so jumpy and carrying a knife around?" She sighed, "I don't know... I've just been on edge lately. Like my subconscience is telling me somethings wrong, but I can't put my finger on it," she shook her head and he furrowed his brow. "Are you alright? You know I won't let anything happen to you right?" she blushed at the sincerity in his eyes. "Isaac I appreciate you tryin' to protect me but I'm a big girl and it's impossible for you to always be there to protect me." He looked down seemingly realizing that what she said was true but he didn't want to accept it. "Well remember you can call me anytime you need me," he said making you blush again. He grinned,"I love how you go red at everything I say," he laughed. Which only succeded in making you blush more. You rolled your eyes and acted like it didn't get to you. But you figured you owed him something for trying to protect you. So you stood on your tip-toes and placed a soft kiss on one of those perfect cheek bones of his. Then ran into the school leaving your star struck warewolf behind.


"You kissed him?!" Allison giggled when you told her and Lydia about this morning. "Woah leave your horses in the stables Allison, it was just on the cheek." Allison rolled her eyes at your Texan comment but continued her fangirl moment. "He's tottaly into you. He wouldn't be vowing to protect you if he wasn't. Heck, he wouldn't have told you the secret in the first place if he was completely smitten with you," Lydia commented, checking her nails. "Lydia he kinda had to tell me, after I saw the wolf and all," She argued trying to prove she was nothing special. But Lydia just rolled her eyes and pursed her lips. "Honey you're not the first person to have seen them but you are one of the few that have been told. Especially since yours could've easily been shrugged off as a bad dream." Makayla pondered over what she said for the rest of the day. She was right. She probably would've eventually shrugged it off... so why did Isaac tell her? I mean sure, he does seem to kind of like her but that's not something you'd tell someone you just have a crush on. There just seems to be something stronger than that between her and Isaac and she wasn't going to stop till she discovered what it was.

Heyo you guys. Ya'll are amazing and I love you so so so much! I wish I could meet you and hug you and boop you on the nose and we can eat pizza and watch Teen Wolf and Supernatural and have a pillow fit and shipping debates before we all passout from exaustion on the floor. Oh well... they must remain dreams I suppose. Anywho, I didn't know Isaacs middle name and I tried googling it but I couldn't find it so it must not ever tell you. So I just used the actors first name as Isaacs middle name. Love ya :)