Reviews for Standard Deviation
ArtificialRangerLiuria chapter 2 . 9/26/2018
It just occurred to me that Zero was itching for a fight right there. Tactical was blaring that he'd gotten through Sigma's proverbial armor. Gosh, Zero's irreverence of Sigma is so gratifying, especially so when you can tell who he's actually comparing Sigma to. Zero himself is the height of raw Hunter strength, or course, but he's not as rounded as X. X can strategize in ways he can't, more or less making them even. Sigma is coincidental, but X most certainly isn't. If npt for X, Zero may very well be elsewhere.
apples in the rain chapter 3 . 3/25/2018
If insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result, then it's a peculiar brand of sanity Sigma finds in obsessively checking his own sanity. It smells of fear. That if he's not sane then everything he's doing is wrong because he isn't perfect anymore. So he checks. And keeps checking.


Sigma's charisma shows well in his recruitment. It's... kind of scary actually.

But then he's balanced out with uncertainties. Loved the line and demonstrations that Zero makes him doubt his body and X makes him doubt his mind.
Redemmo chapter 3 . 11/29/2014
Excellent work! It would have been nice to see the conversation with X (and probably X's inclusion in the Maverick Hunters). I really enjoyed the interaction with Zero. Overall, the story was very well written and thought out.

ArcaneMaverick chapter 3 . 8/8/2014
It was cool to see a message from X. Pity we don't get to see the meeting.

"Something flawed can never produce something flawless" Isn't that inherently incorrect? Isn't it Only by making flawed things can one approach the flawless version?

I mostly liked the final part too. We just have differing views sometimes and that's fine. In my view, I don't believe the humans would treat reploids so badly. I would wonder how Sigma would react to a human who treated him with respect. Like what if he walked into a restaurant and was treated well? Idk. That's just what I think. But then, Sigma is supposed to be a bit crazy in his skewed views.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 2 . 8/8/2014
I liked this chapter more for the intricacies of your writing. I liked the double meaning speech and the part about Mavericks working in concert.

The Zero and Sigma talk didn't quite sell me. Zero seemed simply petulant as I read. Sigma acts far too human than I expect him to be given his status as a unit of perfection and a hater of anything human.

I thought reploids could turn off their emotion grid or something. The encounter with the girls did not sit well with me, but I didn't spend a lot of time thinking about why. I just believe the world is a bit different than how you portray it, like a different dimension or parallel universe to yours.

But the final sets of lines in that section made me think twice. I liked those.

Wow, I was disappointed how Sigma acted like an evasive politician in that press conference. I felt if he gave actual answers about how reploids were treated, that might be a step towards helping the human/reploid relationship. Although he did end that part well. I feel he hurt his cause more than help it. He reinforced the idea that reploids are just fancier robots built for a job and not beings with comparable intelligence to humans.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 1 . 8/8/2014
You have written a lot of extra stories. I'm finally getting around to reading them.

Supernova is my favorite. I feel like it could be a movie or something too.

Personally, I did not like this chapter for one reason. I feel the word choice gives Sigma a different personality than how I believe him to be. He seems too...slack. Too informal.

I don't read the sophistication, charisma, and strictness that he possesses normally. I also see him as more stoic. That, he is and seeks perfection. So I don't think he would care to smirk, especially when no one was around. That's a human gesture and he even expresses anger at Techy for doing something similar. That would make him a hypocrit.

At times, he seems vindictive and egocentric. He started out with a dream and only after a few defeats did he forget that and become egocentric and obsessed with X and Zero.

It was fun enough to read for the intrigue. I like when you expand on their world and responsibilities and get technical.
The Bad Hat Hooligan chapter 3 . 1/27/2014
Sigma. Leader of a Rebellion; super advanced Reploid, philosopher, warrior...

And a man willing to take revenge on two teenage girls. :P

I find that hilarious that in the middle of planning a world changing coup, he's putting those two on the same "Kill these guys " as the reporter who threatened to unearth his conspiracy. Cause that's hilariously petty.

Anyway, I liked this. Getting into Sigma's head while he was still more or less sane (or saner than he would be in later games at least) was interesting. He knows he a big shot, he genuinely believes in his cause, but he quite clearly revels in his power.

The way he pushed Techy from unsure and angry bot to devoted Maverick was great. He's really got a cult of personality going.

And then, X whoops his ass. XD

I wouldn't mind seeing more along these lines truthfully.
Laryna6 chapter 3 . 1/26/2014
Very amused by the way you've chosen to have Sigma conceive of X, and the possibilities you've had him examine. Those what-ifs were very fun to play with in my own fics (primarily Garden), but since this is part of your ficverse, I'm looking forward to his disappointment. He's going to include that he's the perfect version, isn't he, something greater created from the inferior precursor, like Lumine? Or like the relationship between humans and reploids (of course reploids are superior, Sigma is one). Or is he aware of the ethical testing? See that as the flaw, the human attempt to hold back, to enslave something greater?

Your Sigma is quite a demagogue. Feeding off the high of public adoration, to reinforce his opinion of himself. I'm interested by what he thinks of the concept of heroism: does he see himself as a hero, just to reploids as their liberator, instead of to humans as head of the hunters, or does he see it as an empty farce? Has Sigma bought into the lie that robot masters didn't have emotions and Dr. Light claimed this/that the Wily Wars weren't significant, or does he look at himself in a historical context, that he is inevitability & doing it better because he's not a human? I'm interested to read the chapter where he meets X, what he thinks of the Light family and the history there: would he dismiss Rock as like a mettool, mere programmed loyalty, or collaborator, the way you have him think of the later hunters?

Given that you've had him think about human nature, I doubt he came up with that in a vaccuum... Well, not that he doesn't have personal experience with the system in your version of the world. I like how you've made his viewpoint an inevitability: the system meant to keep reploids under control by denying them personhood forces them to rebel in order to obtain personhood, and they're based on X, whose primary priority was to be his own person. The mavericks become like water flowing downhill: a product of nature plus circumstances. To the point that it's not really choosing to be a maverick, it's choosing not to be a maverick that's going to be hard...

I do like the statistics joke in the title: were you aware that Sigma is specifically the population's standard deviation? The standard deviation of the sample someone takes is called 's.' 'S' is how irregular we think the population is. Sigma is how irregular things REALLY are. So, is your Sigma a barometer for how strong maverick sentiment is in the general population, at least those who have been alive long enough to learn anything about the situation they're in?
Fireminer chapter 3 . 1/26/2014
That is quite a chanting. Spendid work! I made a right choice to Follow you!

Say, the part with X, it makes me thinking: Both X and Sigma hates to see Reploid as lowlife, but X's hate born from understanding and compassion, while Sigma's is greed and arrogant. Or more importantly, one accepts that himself is flawless, while the another doesn't.
Nina chapter 2 . 1/26/2014
Well I read the second chapter a long time ao but never had the time to comment on anything. I love this chapter as well, you Sigma's character makes much more sense than the game's, and the villain here is more manipulative. Sigma really gives the image of someone who knows what he's talking about, knows what he's doing, is perfectly nitelligent and highly manipulative. Especially the latter.

Can't wait to see the rest of your take on Day of Sigma.

Also these made me laugh :
"So you're saying," Zero said, slowly, deliberately, "that it would be absurd for a less-powerful being to order me around."
This was a trap. I knew it was. Frustrated as I was, I didn't care. "Yes."
His eyes narrowed "Then why do you do it?"

I was thinking "oh snaaaaaaap!" hahaha

"Press conferences. Another reason it's good to be as photogenic as I am."

But..Sigma's not handsome! haha

Well keep up the good work! Hope to see more tomorrow, or the Monday after :)
Fireminer chapter 2 . 1/20/2014
Nice job! A bit more of Cain, perharps? I want to see him in regretness.
The Bad Hat Hooligan chapter 2 . 1/19/2014
Ok. I'm really liking this. We already know where he's going, but seeing Sigma walk the slow and steady path towards his rebellion is really interesting.

We are shown in this story why he did it, and what he was before his multiple deaths turned him into a shadow of his former self.

This is good. I hope you keep it up.
Ken Wise chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
Okay this story tells a much more manipulative Sigma and is somehow more believable than Day of Sigma ever was.
The Bad Hat Hooligan chapter 1 . 1/6/2014

I'll keep an eye on this one.
nina chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
howdy. Happy to see you keep writing mmx stuff. Loved red awakening, and loved this. Harhar the title is a nice pun.
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