Reviews for End
FirstFandomFangirl chapter 5 . 11/24/2019
While this hurts, it hurts in a good way. I totally feel college being busy, geez. On that note, I should be going to bed...

I’d encourage you to write an ending, but tbh I probably don’t wanna see how this ends... just make me more sad... :(

Guest chapter 5 . 1/17/2016
Please continue!
EnabiSeira chapter 5 . 1/18/2016
I'd be lying if I said I hate how you write...
This is awesome from the first to the last word. I'm so interested what would happen to the world and all its inhabitants. But as I see this history is not going to have an end, right?Anyway... I'm so proud I found it. Now my mind have another adventure to dream about xD
cryptologicalMystic chapter 5 . 4/16/2015
I demand updates! ...Please? :)
Splinter-the-dragonqueen chapter 5 . 1/13/2015
Hey dude, just wanted to let you know that this story idea is just the best thing ever
Its so original and your description as well as the fast paced action packed sequences just make this story so exciting and it just leaves me wanting more
There is just so many different directions this story could go and I can't wait for more updates
But I understand, college is hard. Im currently in winter session so I feel you on that
I can't wait to see when Steve and Herobrine meet up
Like will Brine be his typical self and try to appear strong before Steve only to fail with his powers gone
I don't know but I just cant wait to find out
(And also good job on your other works as well) :D
Guest chapter 1 . 9/10/2014
A Blazing Star chapter 5 . 9/11/2014
Yay! You finally updated!
First, congratulations on another wonderful chapter, I was really captivated by it. And you did the descriptions really well. It was really well done.
At last, good luck with your new fic!(Although please don;t forget this fic...)
BlackDragon41 chapter 5 . 9/10/2014
Once again, a wonderful chapter that leaves me wanting more, oh the suspense of the end approaching is driving me nuts. I imagined that there would have been casualties; particularly on Herobrine's end but now those foolish villagers that made the decision to stay are likely going to suffer the consequences. And again, you did great characterization of Hero's mobs and Steve, i could just imagine their faces when they saw the coming. :3 The story i was talking about is called A Minecraft Tale by Amanda the Huntress. It's loaded with feels and awesome fight scenes, mystery, and it's just an overall amazing fic. Check it out sometime. I love how she wrote her Herobrine and her characters are nicely fleshed out.

Anyway, awesome chapter and totally excited about any updates you have coming. Particularly your latest mc fic. :D. Good luck with it!
Xena13a chapter 5 . 9/10/2014
Oh my goodness. . . Herobrine is showing pity to mobs! Best Apocalypse ever. strange, but I think that he will show pity to all creation , if he doesn't die - rare occasion, he's immortal- first. As for walking dead, maybe. But it's been a while sense updates on this story or the other. Keep it up!
A. N. Onymous chapter 4 . 6/1/2014
I love how Herobrine is trying to protect his mobs!And THE APOCOLYPSE IS SO AWESOME!
A. N. Onymous chapter 2 . 6/1/2014
It is a supernova right?If it was a supernova then MC would be nothing but ash and rocks.
WH1T3R4V3N chapter 4 . 3/20/2014
So good :)
BlackDragon41 chapter 4 . 1/28/2014
I I would like to apologize for taking so long to review, as I have said in that pm; i just had way too much feels in such a short time. Way too much. The fic i read before yours just put me into a pit of despair ;as strange as it sounds, it happened. I read differently from most, i tend to put myself in the plot and situations and after reading this character getting captured by the Enderdragon and practically brainwashed; which she went and killed almost all of her friends and almost her lover but after she realized what she had done it was too late to undo her mistakes and she was captured again to probably be tormented and brainwashed again. So that chapter of that story... I can honestly say that I was speechless. Then your fic was updated and I was rocked and slammed into the metaphorical walls of depression,... I just get too INTO the story sometimes. -_-; Sorry about that. This chapter was pretty depressing, Herobrine is severely ill and pretty much powerless, the Endermen can't teleport, Steve is deathly afraid, especially after not getting answers, and now the black is starting to claim the world; taking everything it touches to the before time. I think? That part with Steve was really kind of sad though, I knew Herobrine wasn't going to show but to be in his place and only have silence in the dark world is pretty intense. I can only imagine the perilous journey he's going to make and what he'll find along the way. Great chapter though, it definitely makes me want to read more and soon.

Herobrineiscute? I don't want to be rude. D: I don't mean it... Or maybe I misunderstood your review?

Anyways, awesome job and keep on writing my good friend... And update again soon. ;)
herobrineiscute chapter 3 . 1/21/2014
In response to blackdragon41. If you go on her site, it says she is a story to be rude. It is actually like a compliment to writers, waiting for the next chapter
BlackDragon41 chapter 3 . 1/21/2014
Another wonderful chapter... But again, I hold sympathy for Herobrine. He's virtually human now(which I am trying to guess of how that happened) he's also ill and having trouble to even walk. Poor ol white eyes, at least he's trying to stop the end. He also seems to still have loyalty from some of the mobs too which is good even in his condition. And Steve, it's always so easy to assume. I guess infinite darkness could be a little trick of Herobrine's If he wasn't weak and powerless? I kinda guessed that he'd pin the blame on Herobrine, seems fitting with Herobrine being mischievous and all. Oh won't the miner be surprised when he finds out that Herobrine is not behind it but rather trying to prevent the end. Awesome chapter again! Please update again soon, I keep thinking on this and your other story at work sometimes, it's either your fics or Hero's Bane and Hero's Might. Keep up the good work and happy writing friend! :D
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