Reviews for Saving Spring
breannakyle520 chapter 1 . 5/17
This was really good. The ending made me tear up. Thanks for sharing
Guest chapter 1 . 9/20/2014
Rip out out my heart and stomp on it, why don't you?
Lialioya chapter 1 . 3/16/2014
Oh my goodness, that was beautiful! I absolutely adore your descriptions of the garden and the different seasons. I also love how you added some stories when they are not together, because it really shows how much Loki cares for him, and how quickly Thor rises to hold his hand. Heartbreaking. I also like how you added the fact Loki was not a hundred percent compatible with summer. Honestly my favorite part was "sure enough, her eldest, his own footwork passable, was there crouching beside his minikin brother to help him up." Even before Frigga! Spectacular work, as always.
Take care,
Self-Inflicted Insanity chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
Nyar, sweet but very sad! And yes, a little bit sappy too ;P But not the bad, makes-you-feel-nauseous sappy! This was an enjoyable sappy ;3
Loved the mental image of Thor holding Loki on his shoulders while they tried to catch little white flowers out of the air, and then also the two of them traversing through piles of leaves and Loki disappearing while Thor searched for him was very, very cute X3
And then the summer with Loki getting left behind, and the winter with Loki being alone... the most momentous part was definitely when Thor turned out to be an illusion in that last section - I was totally not expecting that! But then afterwards I was just like "Oh, that makes sense" ;-;
And oh my gods the jar pendant with the two flowers in it - that totally seems like something mama Frigga would do X3
And of course, I love all your descriptions of the seasons! You've got the sight down very well. If I may give a suggestion though? You don't seem to have that much of the other senses - touch, smell, taste, sound - and if you tried including some of that, it would make your writing all the better, because then you really immerse your readers (I've noticed that I tend to do almost entirely sight descriptions as well, and so lately I've been consciously trying to include the other senses in my descriptions, so that's the only reason why I noticed and why I'm giving the suggestion XD).
Thank you so much for sharing!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
Awwwwwww... That was so sweet and sad! I really love this piece, you are amazing and I love you. (I'm in a really sappy mood right now so sorry about the sweet-bordering-on-creepy-ness)
PeaceHeather chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
This was lovely, and so sad.
juventus chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
you almost really made me cry in the end:( it is sad but it is easy to think that it is exactly what could happen in Loki's childhood.