Reviews for The Shadow's Edge
klu chapter 17 . 7/24/2014
This was a really great story and you did an excellent job of working the 'supernatural' aspects, the emotional/relationship issues and sexy bits all together. I thought the concept of Bela using the blood spell to get RJ was a cool tactic because she knew she couldn't get to him any other way.
I also liked the idea that you were able to utilize Garth and he was rather bad*ss.
Kudos on an all-around fun tale. Thanks for writing.
klu chapter 11 . 7/24/2014
In his twisted, self-depreciating way, Dean's Hell-dream was brought on by feelings of guilt of 'cheating' on Beth; for not recognizing that it wasn't 'her' he was intimate with. Even though he can completely accept that Beth wasn't herself when she came onto Sam and Bobby, I'm sure he thinks he should have realized that it wasn't her and he somehow did something wrong. You did an excellent job of him not explaining it verbally, but showing her what was wrong and how sorry he was for all of it.

As a side note: JW Blue is way expensive booze. Not the usual rot-gut, 'Hunters' helper' Dean is used to drinking. As a lover of the 'good stuff' it does pain me just a little that he didn't take the time to appreciate it... ;)
klu chapter 10 . 7/24/2014
You really had me fooled with this Hunt and 'Emily' being the ghost. I so thought that once Dean realized Beth was possessed, they were going to discover that Emily did see her mother and fiancé in bed and kill herself, but her father found his daughter's body and when he went to tell her fiancé, he found the two lovers and HE was the one who killed them. I thought the spirit possessing Beth was going to be the cheating stepmother. So you really threw me a curveball with the dead hooker spirit. After what happened to Sam, I wonder if the 'evil' stepmother was also innocent in the affair that cost her her life?
klu chapter 7 . 7/24/2014
You did a good job of conveying Beth's frustration in this chapter and I think that her complaints are valid, but they're also a bit uhm... I don't know if selfish is the right word, but they aren't very 'parental'. She needs to consider that while Bobby or Sam might be willing to stay with BJ while she and Dean go on a Hunt together, that isn't what's best for the little guy. They are all realistic enough to understand every hunt could be your last; what if both she and Dean didn't come home, leaving their some to his uncle and grandpa? If she wants to go our and get her Hunt on, because she needs that action or wants to feel useful as more than a 'mommy' (and I DO think those are a valid feelings and reasons to do it) then she needs to go with Bobby or Sam and leave Dean at the Bunker with BJ.
klu chapter 3 . 7/24/2014
Yay! A wedding! The 'girly girl' in me really wanted this so much!
ebonywarrior85 chapter 17 . 5/14/2014
I loved this story it was great! And dean is the best
ebonywarrior85 chapter 16 . 4/17/2014
Oh I hope Beth kills that bitch bela and I hope dean is ok
ebonywarrior85 chapter 15 . 4/17/2014
Nice chapter! And I hate bela
ebonywarrior85 chapter 13 . 3/20/2014
I loved this chapter:) and I love dean! He's awesome
ebonywarrior85 chapter 10 . 2/23/2014
Oh I loved this chapter and I felt sick when Delia touched bobby. Can't wait for dean to save Beth.
ebonywarrior85 chapter 9 . 2/16/2014
Oh crap what the hell Sam ! I hope dean punches Sam in the face:) and Beth is such a lucky bitch. Dean is so hot and he's the best. And dean sex is the best. Update soon:)
ebonywarrior85 chapter 7 . 2/5/2014
I loved this chapter:)
ebonywarrior85 chapter 6 . 1/30/2014
I loved this chapter and love dean. And I hate bela I hope dean kills her this time hehe:) update soon
ebonywarrior85 chapter 5 . 1/22/2014
I really loved this chapter:)
ebonywarrior85 chapter 4 . 1/15/2014
I really loved this chapted and yes dean is very sexy!:) update soon
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