Reviews for Jealous?
caramelminx chapter 1 . 7/19/2019
Great story!
harry styles chapter 1 . 9/16/2018
lovely dear...its brilliant ...keep it up
Matilda chapter 1 . 2/24/2017
I absolutely love this! I'm new to the Sherlolly fandom. I was totally shipping the wrong ship (JL) prior to The Final Problem, but the ILY scene was a complete game changer for me and now I'm watching the whole show again from a whole new perspective and I'm absolutely soaking up all these (for me) new fics and metas that's been out there for years, and loving it all!
The Miss America chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
I love Sherlock/molly fics! I wish they actually got together! I just finished watching the Empty Hearse it was amazing!
dragonball256 chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
I felt the same way when I saw the scene in the house and especially his face when he saw Tom. You know he wanted to rip him a new one
whovengerlockian chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
that was fantastic, I loved it! are you planning on continuing?
June Banks chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
Nice extrapolation from the "jealous" - more sherlolly please!
gingercake chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
Loved Sherlock internal monologue, and you did a really good job of portraying him battling with rational feelings. Haha, now all I can imagine is Sherlock shooting grumpy looks at Molly's fiancee the whole time XD
Guest chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
How SAD!
OnginalMaz chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
Oh this was brilliant. The way in which it's written is genius because I can just imagine Martin smirking while he says those words. And I feel like that's how Sherlock's thought process would happen so props for characterisation!
dyeyell chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
Haven't seen the episode yet (freaking America not freaking getting it sooner is frustrating). I will probably find it online, if not now then sometime tomorrow, but in the meantime I'm spoiling the episode for myself and I'm completely okay with that if there's as much Sherlolly potential as has been portrayed.

So yes, excellent fic as far as I can tell from what I know of the episode.
lavanyalabelle chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
Loved it!
Renaissancebooklover108 chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
Apparently he's called 'fakelock' now xD
KraZiiePyrozHavemoreFun chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
So good! His face when he saw Tom-ouch...that cold look and how he just kinda gave a smirk/smile and walked THROUGH them!
BlueSuedeShoes23 chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
YES! I'm so glad that I'm not the only person who thought Sherlock was jealous (not just mortified for Molly) when Tom walked in the room. I'm still in recovery from post-episodic feels, but I know I'll heal fully after reading some more adorable fics like yours. :)
I really liked your inclusion of John's nagging "voice" in Sherlock's head-a great salute to what actually happened in the episode. Keep it up!
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