Reviews for Trust of a Dragon
Guest chapter 18 . 8/21/2019
Worst and disgusting chapter
Gaining Odd Opinions At Times chapter 11 . 4/25/2019
Damian...oh god you just made me immediately ship you with Draco. Right away. Like please do. Please. Jesus Christ I've been sucked into the hopeless blackhole of Damian x Draco (or as I like to call it, Dracian). I now breathe this and I will suffocate in relish in the moments of subtle Dracian. My thirst forever unquenched as I starve for even more. One more thing to make my life miserable and I can't say I hate it. No, I fucking love suffering for this ship that probably no one cares about.

God, I'm going to die at the end, heart wrenching dread and joy flooding my body. I can just feel it. In fact, I can just taste it.

Goodbye cruel world,
From An Avid Fan, Sirto Taito
Guest chapter 11 . 1/26/2016
Your use of French keeps bothering me
'Son bien, tout va bien' I know essentially it translates to the same meaning but why didn't you use c'est instead of son
Selivontez chapter 5 . 1/15/2016
i like it
MidnightShadeux chapter 44 . 1/5/2016
I thought this had finished with the last chapter, so when I received the update I got a little bit overexcited :) It was brilliant as always and a nice way to end one of the best and most original fanfics I've ever read (and probably the most emotional one). I'm a little confused what happened with Hogwarts though. Did Draco just end up having a little relationship with Hogwarts instead of the all-consuming one? Did it recover? And was it Nullius' superpowers that saved Draco or was there something more complicated? Was Nullius always magically powerful? I will miss this story loads, as I'm sure many will, but I hope you continue to write and start a new story because your writing truly is very good and you have loads of potential xxx
Deaffairy25 chapter 44 . 1/4/2016
More of this story as a sequel with the kids in this time PLEASE!
dracoluv chapter 44 . 1/2/2016
This story was absolutely beautiful. Strange that I would only discover it on its final day, but I've hardly taken a break for sleep and such necessities since it's discovery. This truly was a masterpiece. Congratulations on making Harry Potter into your own masterpiece. You are a skillful puppeteer, and a pleasant one at that. I can't wait to read more from you.
natsuki23 chapter 44 . 1/2/2016
This melted my heart. It was so sweet and cute and I love it. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story, too bad its the end. I look forward to more of your stories, I just know that I will love them all. No, I officially declare myself your number one fan. I just love this story so much! And I know I will love your other stories too, I look forward to reading more, no matter how long I have to wait. :)
dracoluv chapter 22 . 1/2/2016
Was it meant for Draco to call Harry "Potty" during that last outburst? Cuz it has me giggling
changeofheart505 chapter 43 . 12/19/2015
I just read this whole story...I think I'm gonna's so amazing!
Atalanta chapter 3 . 6/5/2015
Holy shit, Draco's POV in chap 2, was amazing, like wow
Atalanta chapter 2 . 6/5/2015
My gods, this is amazing! You are amazing! So fucking pumped I swear, I've been stuck in a state of bad writing and predictable plot, but you my friend, have delivered something that strives away from the cliches, and it's only the first chapter! I can tell that this is going to be amazing. Gods help me, it's 1am and I'm about to binge read
Atalanta chapter 1 . 6/5/2015
Omfg, great prologue! I haven't read such a good start in such a long time, I'm keen to start your story :)
Nikki1223 chapter 43 . 5/28/2015
This story is so so so so beautiful. My heart absolutely wrenches for Draco. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Martionmanswife chapter 43 . 4/6/2015
you need to use spell check more often. AND you are sometimes using the wrong words for the sentences. I am enjoying the story, and am adding it to my "list" BUT you need to take an English writing class.. It will help.
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