Reviews for To Live or Die?
IIFangirlingII chapter 13 . 12/19/2016
FOB FTW! And please keep writing you are great
IIFangirlingII chapter 1 . 12/19/2016
I'm so excited I read this story a long while back but then I forgot what it was called and I'm so happy I found it !

Best story ever keep writing
Winter-ShinyDragon chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
Very niche written :) I like it.
timelordsinc chapter 12 . 8/4/2014
:( its been 6 months, no chapter.
me sad
timelordsinc chapter 13 . 6/25/2014
continue pleaseeee! i cant wait longer!
robotiancornattack chapter 13 . 2/12/2014
Hey, babe! Glad to hear from you and that you're okay (even though school, BLECH)! And don't even worry about taking so long to update (in retrospect, it's really not all THAT long). I can't speak on behalf of all your readers, but I, personally, understand that real life matters come before fanfiction. I don't see any real reason why you need to cut the story down because I don't mind waiting for as long as it takes for you to write and update - even if the next chapter didn't come out until the summer or something! Haha. But above all else, don't feel pressured to get out speedy updates! Just write when you have time, and we will gobble up the updates happily when they come. :)
humderpdididerp chapter 12 . 2/11/2014
This is amazing
HalcyonBluezz chapter 12 . 1/26/2014
I really like this story I wonder when the next chapter well come i just cant want
robotiancornattack chapter 12 . 1/19/2014
OH MY GOD. SO MANY COCKBLOCKS. Whyyyy. hahaha. But I could totally feel the frustration the two boys must've felt! And David is right to keep concerned about Ian. So long as he keeps vigilant, I'm sure he can protect Ian best. Hopefully it won't be too long before Iancorn makes an Ianporn. :P Oh yeah. I'm totally lame. But damn, I missed this story!
robotiancornattack chapter 11 . 1/8/2014
BOO. YOU TEASE. lol that's all I have to say after reading the end of that.

I'm glad that David made Ian flush everything, but I still have this nagging doubt that there's a secret stash somewhere. Or maybe he won't even need the morphine anymore to hallucinate Anthony and Matt. In which case, he has no clear cut escape. :( idk I feel like things are turning out to be too good to be true. I'm waiting for you to come in and crush me. haha
robotiancornattack chapter 10 . 1/7/2014
I LOVED the nightmare. Just...I love mindfuckery stuff, so having Matt and Anthony antagonize Ian and then pin their deaths on him while bleeding was just marvelous. And I really love David in this story. Most of the stories I've read and all of the ones I've written have had Ian as the stronger person in the relationship - so seeing the roles reversed, seeing David be Ian's rock is a really wonderful thing. It makes me love David even more because I could see him taking on this kind of role. He just needs to be extra thorough in making sure Ian flushes all the morphine and barring Mari from getting any more!
robotiancornattack chapter 9 . 1/6/2014
Alright here we go. I am so happy David and Ian kissed! lol I was so mad that the Mom interrupted them last chapter, so they made up for it this one thankfully! And David's intuition made my heart swell with happiness. I could just feel his urgency to get to Ian and rescue him, and it just made me want to slap Ian for popping those pills at the end - if only because I know it won't be smooth sailing from here. David needs to remain a strong presence in Ian's life to break him away from his hallucinations. :(
robotiancornattack chapter 8 . 1/5/2014
! #$%& stupid mother cockblocking! lol I was finally hoping for a kiss dangit! But overall this was a fantastic chapter. Full of so many emotions and angst. David's strength continues to impress me with every chapter, and it's just what Ian needs in his life. But I worry what Ian's 'friends' are gonna say when he takes what's supposed to be the 'final' dose. I have a feeling they're not gonna let him go without a fight. If you get a chance, go listen to 'I'm Alive' from the musical Next to Normal. The whole song defines what I think Anthony and Matt have become to Ian, haha.
robotiancornattack chapter 7 . 1/5/2014
omg my heart. Ian... BUT I'm so glad David caught him. That was a great scene. And the slow build of feelings and awkward cuteness between them is superb (the bed scene, and the flirting, and then the hug at the end). I love David's strength and how caring he is. I had written this review a few hours ago, came over to this tab and saw I never hit send. sdkfjsf sorry! I'm sick and out of it if that's any excuse :(

But this was a nice thing to read all curled up in my bed with my laptop. And don't worry about taking a bit to get chapters out. The wait will be worth it!
robotiancornattack chapter 6 . 1/3/2014
I'm glad Ian was able to remain sober around David. :( hopefully David can keep him on the right track just by spending time with him. Also glad Ian's starting to suffer because hopefully that'll be a wake up call that what he's doing to his body isn't right. The part with the hallucinations not really liking the thought of David was pretty cool, too. It's almost like Ian's hallucinations are morphing and turning into a darker part of him which is probably like...a way to personify the drug and how it felt great at first but is taking a turn down a dark road. Liked the chapter overall and can't wait to see David meet up with Mari and Joven!
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