Reviews for The Gift
IceTear1 chapter 1 . 7/9/2016
This was the sweetest 3
joalyn chapter 1 . 5/9/2015
this is lovely :) I love Daddy Deacon and Maddie and I love that feeling as Rayna and Deacon warm up to each other again. I adore all the hard questions that Maddie asks and all the difficult answers from both of her parents. You have their voices and mannerisms just right. (I would love to see more of those conversations on the show)
BeckyPo chapter 1 . 7/11/2014
So sweet! Loved the tough questions Maddie asked Deacon and LOVED Rayna and Deacons visit!
Meade chapter 1 . 6/7/2014
Deacon explaining to Maddie about who gave him his guitar strap we never knew who gave it to him know we do Thanks for that. Luke gone Thanks again for that one too...Maddie loves her strap you should send that idea to Callie maybe she could write an episode on it. Different view of things always nice to know there's another way to write an episode...
charbrose chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
I can't even with this. Like, I just can't. This is everything I want Deacon and Maddie to be.

You wrote her perfectly. It was like reading dialogue that came straight from the show.

I also liked - even though I don't care for her (obviously) - you didn't undermine Deacon's new relationship with Meghan. Just like Rayna showing up didn't automatically lead up to their reuninon, it seemed more real for their current status on the show, trying to get back to a comfortable place with the way things have drastically changed.

Love that Deacon bought Maddie her first personalized guitar strap.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
I'm reading it again, just for the ending!
blondeclyde chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
Crying now! This is so beautiful.
RClaybourne chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
She called him Dad. To his face. I think my heart just grew three sizes! I did NOT see that coming!
I love your stories.
I loved that comment about Rayna feeling on the outside right now, and his feelings about that. It seems so appropriate.
I like that you comment on maddie’s expressions, because they truly look so much alike, and it’s interesting that he never would have picked up on it.
I love that he loved that she hugged him. It seems like that would be something so meaningful to Deacon.
I’m glad Rayna says she’s sorry. There’s never enough of that.
I love the way maddie changes teh subject as they are talking. Seems very teenager-y, and enough to throw Deacon off just a tad, like any good dad.
But the ending…oh, the ending!
Hellowhitty chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
Sweet heavens, this is adorable! I love that you focused on Maddie's relationship with Deacon, but also on Deacon and Rayna's relationship. I nearly teared up when she called him Dad.
soaper410 chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
I loved so much about this!

First you let us see Maddie bonding with Deacon and starting to ask questions about his relationship with Rayna. Love the gift (both Rayna's to Deacon and now how you continued that from Deacon to Maddie). Love how he notices what the characteristics that Maddie has inherited from each her parents.

You did a great job with the little ways that you show Rayna and Deacon slowing coming to terms with their relationship as it stands and the little hints of them getting back together in the future.

This was beyond adorable and sweet but at the same felt so natural and plausible for the show.
MoonlightGardenias chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
I was so happy to find out one of my prompts was going to be written about, and am even happier to find out it was this one. I love Deacon's gift & think it was a perfect idea for them. Also nice seeing him and Rayna working some of their issues out as well. Thanks for writing!
Shiny Jewel chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
I am a complete sucker for Deacon/Maddie bonding stories and this was absolutely wonderful. I thought it was especially nice that we got to see bits of their past through Maddie's eyes and the interactions between Deacon and Rayna were just the right amount of tentative, sweet, angsty and hopeful. The best part though, was Deacon buying Maddie the guitar strap. Very clever, not to mention touching and beautiful to read. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Loved it!
mulderitsme1 chapter 1 . 12/28/2013 just made me cry. can you please please please write another chapter...this was SO good.
KarenES chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
Really nicely written, and I love that you used the prompt as a way to resolve some of Deacon and Rayna's issues as well as bring Deacon and Maddie closer together.

Great gift idea too!
headtrip parade chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
OMG! This is so awesome and sweet and everything else and I love it. :)

That conversation between Deacon and Rayna is a conversation that they absolutely NEED to have, and I think this would be a perfect way for it to happen. Good work!
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