Reviews for Not So Different After All
Guest chapter 8 . 12/30/2018
Awesome story! You interpret Roche's character quite differently than what I would have, but I really like how he developed in this fic. And I really enjoyed all the snarky comments and witty comebacks. You have a great sense of humour
BlueNeutrino chapter 8 . 5/1/2018
Found this fic a couple of weeks ago when I was checking out the very back of the archive, which I think makes this one of the oldest Witcher fics posted to the site. I’m mostly on AO3 these days, but I was very glad to come across this and I think it’s easily one of my favourites for the fandom. I wanted to take the time to give it a proper review.

It gave an interesting perspective, reading a Witcher 2 fanfic written before Witcher 3 came out. I thought this was an astute character piece, as well as having an interesting plot that would fit neatly into Roche’s path and allowed Iorveth and Roche the interaction I wished they’d gotten in act three. I liked that they were able to find some kind of reconciliation and mutual respect, especially considering they were deprived of that in TW3 (despite it originally having been planned). The plot was believable and engaging, and I think you have a great grasp on the characters.

I’m going to disagree with the reviews that dispute the characterisation in places. I think you’ve got Iorveth’s voice down perfectly and Geralt was also handled well, despite the true focus of the story being elsewhere. Roche was simply excellent. I like that you dealt with the emotional consequences of him killing Henselt, though part of me does still wonder if taking the alternate choice would have weighed on him just as heavily.

Your writing style is enjoyable and I like how succinct you were able to keep this. It was just long enough to tell the story it needed to tell without dragging it out, which meant I read it all in one go and it was perfectly paced throughout. I have to admit I was disappointed when I saw this was the only story on your profile. I’d gladly read more from you! If you ever do decide to delve into fanfiction again, I’ll be keeping an eye out.
Em chapter 8 . 1/14/2018
Somehow it's nice that it's Iorveth, older and and elf that realizes vengeance doesn't lead to anything good - and Roche is the still youngish human hothead that needed to learn this lesson.
I enjoyed this read - thank you for sharing!
Guest chapter 8 . 10/24/2016
This was fantastic. I love how Vernon is so cutely grumpy all the time. And everything else was awesome too. Thank you so much for writing this!
Blue Arrows chapter 1 . 8/25/2015
I'm interested...
lufink chapter 8 . 5/25/2015
It was sooooo funny! Moody Vernon is the best.
Krisalt chapter 8 . 7/26/2014
I really like your story ! Iorveth and Vernon are two characters I appreaciated and reading about their interactions is very interesting. I think you did a good job about their personality, and the way Geralt is always interupting their spat or being neutral is really funny .
So thank you for writing it :)
and sorry for any spelling mistakes, I am french
Terikel chapter 8 . 3/7/2014
Hey :)
I really like this story, so much in fact that I read it in one go. There are not enough Witcher stories out there (something I'll never understand), so finding one that is so well written AND about my favourite character ever has definetly made my day. That Iorveth also takes part in it just made it even better.
I absolutely love your portrayal of Roche, I think it is very true to canon, which isn't all that easy to manage, IMHO. At least I'm having trouble really getting inside his head, something you seem to have done without the slightest problem. Hut ab. :D
Geralt and Iorveth seem a bit off in some places, but nothing major, I think. I can't really pinpoint what bothered me, just a feeling, so I'm sorry I'm not much help. Nothing major, anyway.
I also love your writing style, it has enough emotion, enough desciptions, the action scenes are very well written and the dialogue is to the point. All in all a really good story, and I'd just love to read more (Roche) from you, so please keep up the good work, you really got a talent. :)
MichellesPenScratches chapter 8 . 1/19/2014
I read through to see if you made any changes since the draft I read. The main difference I noticed was:
'"I am looking for someone dear to me. And for someone... who isn't. I believe they are in Loc Muinne. But that's all you need to know." Geralt understood and just nodded.'
It didn't seem like a big change at first, but when I was driving to work I got to thinking about it and I realized something pretty clever... ALL THREE of them are looking for someone dear and someone not. Roche is looking for Anais (who is important to him if only because she's the key to Temeria's independence) and Dethmold. Geralt is looking for Triss and Letho. So, that line not only puts Iorveth on a wavelength with Roche, but with Geralt as well. Well played. ;)
MichellesPenScratches chapter 7 . 1/16/2014
WitchWolf nailed precisely what I've been trying to say. Your Roche portrayal is spot-on, but Geralt and Iorveth are more or less ADAPTED to Roche. They say what Roche needs to hear and do things so Roche can react to them. Basically their characters are being viewed through "Roche" goggles. :P

Just wanted to weigh in on that. I've already left all my other impressions in the annotated version.
WitchWolf chapter 7 . 1/16/2014
Let me get the criticism out of the way first: While you are doing a masterful job portraying Roche, both Geralt and Iorveth in this chapter seem like they have... slipped your grasp, for a lack of a better explanation. Their little conversation/comments in the first paragraphs, those regarding Adam and his death seem rather off to me: not like something either of hthe two characters would actually say but rather as something they said simply so we can have Roche hear those exact sentiments. Similar "off moment" at the end of the chapter, where they both watch Roche with "grave expressions". Geralt knows Roche rather well by now, as does Iorveth. I can't see either of them overly surprised or worried or, well, having a grave expression at Roche pretty much being the Roche they both know.

That out of the way, let me also comend you on the good bits, of which there are plenty. Nicely polished writing style for starters. Short sentences and descriptions, very much to the point, painting a living, breathing world in which the characters walk and act. Same goes for your action scenes - well-described and dynamic, just as they should be. And yet you find a way to focus on the character and his toughts and inner turmoils in a given moment without having that interrupt and break the actual action. It is not something I often see pulled off this well, so congratulations on that ten times over.

And fianlly, the main character himself. Very believable and very well I did criticise what I percieve as a slip with the other two, you make no such slips with Roche at any point, neither in this chapter nor in any of the preceeding ones. His inner reactions to everything that has happened are spot-on, and his outward actions compliment them splendidly; it's a fine line to walk and still keep the character in-character, but you're doing a great job of it, hats off.

Though this belongs to the previous chapter, I'll especially highlight the nightmare moment which was one of the finest dream descriptions I've read in a while. Again, not something I've seen done well all that often, so all the more praise to you for it.

I'm very much looking forward to future updates. And having this particular chapter uploaded for my birthday was an unexpected but very welcome treat for me.
MichellesPenScratches chapter 6 . 1/11/2014
I was ALMOST going to complain that Roche dreaming about Ves being violated by Henselt was too trite. (I was a little upset in-game when that happened to Ves JUST so it would motivate Roche to revenge, and then Ves never showed up again. It felt like a cheap trick.) But then the dream changed to a memory of his mother, and THAT made it brilliant. :) Being a small child, hidden and watching disgusting lech after disgusting lech use his mother must have left an impression.
Jackledead chapter 2 . 1/10/2014
I really like this. I haven't read all too much, but (please forgive me) there's a small typo in the 4th paragraph.

Cheers :)
MichellesPenScratches chapter 5 . 1/9/2014
Yay! I can't help but like Adam Pangratt. I killed him on my first playthrough (I was really paranoid about him coming back to bite me in some way). Then when my brother played and spared him, I found out about his wife and kid on the way, so I kicked myself hard. XD I'm glad he survived in your story, too.
Still very good prose. I like the part about Roche shaking off his feelings and saying the time to feel sorry for the slain was *never.* I was only confused for a second when you said "He shot Iorveth," which made it sound like Roche was so enraged he lobbed a dagger at Iorveth or something. It took me a second to realize you meant "His gaze/eyes/etc. shot to Iorveth." Other than that, nicely done.
importchic chapter 5 . 1/7/2014
Thanks for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter. I liked how you worked Adam Pangratt into the story. I'm also really interested in finding out what exactly Iorveth is doing with them and who he is looking for.
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