Reviews for Together
Ophelia chapter 1 . 2/22
Nicely written! It was sweet of May to get him a charm. And although it is short, the presentation is nice.
Senna113 chapter 1 . 4/22/2016
so adorable. I like slightly more grown-up May and Drew
Tropicallight chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
Wow! It was good and very well written. I'd love to read it's sequel.
Lovely Cup chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
This is one of the few romance oneshots I've read that haven't ended in a kiss.

It definitely isn't fluffy or cutesy, but the ending is perfect as it is. chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
Ahh that'sso perfect :) chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
BlackCranez chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
That was a great one shot and you should really write a sequel to this because it was too cute not to continue. You had me strung by all ur words and tht had to be one of the most in-character fanfiction ever! Thanks for the great read and please consider a sequel, ur writing style was just wonderful! :)
DeletedAccount365 chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
-He didn't think anything could be worse than Kanto, but Johto proved him wrong. The tropical climate of Hoenn certainly didn't prepare him for anything like this." I love the comparisons of the weather. It just makes the story feel that much more real as well as the poke-world that much bigger. I'm not sure how well known it is, but Hoenn region is based on the Kyushu region in Japan, which is a rather tropical place. So this is quite accurate. And Kanto, based on Kanto, and Johto, based on Kansai, are both described as "mild" online. I do not know how mild feels compared to tropical, but I'd assume Drew might be used to the whether? Thats just me over thinking, either way, I love the line.
-May: "Do you want a lump of coal?" I think this is a short line, but has a cute way of characterizing May and showing just how into Christmas she is.

Grammar and Formatting:
-"He had a home he preferred not to go home to." The wording of this sentence is incredibly awkward. It took me a few read backs to make sure I was reading it correctly. Perhaps "He had a home, but he prefers not to go there for the holidays," may flow a little bit better. There are many ways that this sentence could be written to match your style, however.
-Drew: "What, is it for love?" I think it may be more useful to make the comma into a question mark. It has a better effect and is easier to read.

I have to say, your summary had me fooled. I had figured this would be some fluffy, unrealistic holiday fic, but this is actually quite good.
-You have an excellent writing style and it is clear that this is edited.
-I love that this story didn't end with a make out session. It's realistic and has an excellent ending. I like this story where it is now, and feel as though a sequel may ruin the effect it has.

CRITICly Anonymous
SilverFoxPhantom chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
XxGypsyMoonxX chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
This was really good! You should make a sequel to this one on New Years XD
Contestshipper16 chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
This was so cute and sweet! I loev your stories, please do another one. Good luck! ANICA OUT LATESSSSSS!
Tiger Priestess chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
Cute fic!
videogamenerd101 chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
My, this was great. Drew and May were so perfectly kept in character; I really enjoyed reading all their interactions. Leave it to May to be the extreme shopper, buying something for Drew even if he asked for nothing, and then Drew taking out the rose lol. It was really sweet of May to buy a charm for Drew, and I think we can all tell what Drew's New Year's Resolution is, hmm? ;)

Great one-shot!
Down-the-Line chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
Heeeeyyy buddy o3o You know that I already really love this and I know I gave a lot of feedback already, but I figured I'd leave a review anyways. Over all this was really sweet and cute ; w; There were so many times where I smiled stupidly, especially during the fluff towards the end. Really good job over all e3e And I like the open-endedness at the end. Awesome one shot 3
Lammie chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
This was so sweet and in-character!
Please tell me you are going to write a sequel featuring their New Year's celebration, that'd be great!
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