Reviews for Asphyxia
Peen chapter 26 . 10/26/2015
TheFir3bird chapter 18 . 9/30/2015
This is great so far, I am reading while it is already completed but it is still a wonderful story.
TickTockClockWork chapter 31 . 11/23/2014
What a fantastic story! I could never write a story so lovely and well written, let alone stick with it so consistently. You're amazing :) Fantastic work! I really enjoyed reading this!
firestorm26c chapter 5 . 8/5/2014
Man! This story is amazing! I wish I could keep reading it forever. I can't wait to finish it
christineisthename chapter 30 . 8/4/2014
Absolutely stunning. Wow. I've read this within the past 24 hours, and I'm so glad I did. *slow, appreciative applause* This was beautiful, and incredibly well-crafted. I'm so looking forward to reading the sequel in just a bit :)
GrammarNut chapter 20 . 7/25/2014
Ok last chapter you asked for inconstientasy and I have one grammar one. You keep referring to Sherlock as you and your only one time hav you used the correct grammar.
Gabby chapter 23 . 7/16/2014
I never got that far down that road but in order to write it like that you must have, and so I am sorry that you ever felt like that.
I do enjoy the story however so that you, thank you for the feels, ineeded them.
AsadLittleMuss chapter 31 . 7/8/2014
This was an amazing story I am so glad that I was able to seeit to it's end and I can't wait for Hysteria to come good luck and hopefully it will be as exciting and interesting as Asphyxia :)
Kaci chapter 31 . 7/8/2014
I've been reading your story, now that you finished it, I went back to the start to read again. I know this was really Johns story but I felt it must have been extremely difficult for Sherlock. I didn't understand why John was so enamored of Anne? Also why Johns father was killed.

Since I have panic attacks ( 45 years) I know they never go away. Once you start them, they make a pathway in your brain that makes them keep recurring. There really is no cure but Xanax does help.

Looking forward to your next story! Hope to see Gladstone in it.
Sendai chapter 31 . 7/7/2014
Your plot was fascinating but so complicated that I had trouble understanding some of it.
For instance, I had trouble understanding how Argall was a friend after he beat John to a pulp. Maybe that's because I've never been a double agent.
Some of the dream/hallucinations were a bit confusing but then some were obvious and they really added to what John was dealing with.
John's characterization was one your major strengths. His personality and his strengths and weaknesses always shone through.
Although the fic was written from John's pov, i thought that Mycroft, SHerlock and Anne's personalities came through really well too. Let's just say I think you have a flair for characterizations and also for dialog.
I very much enjoyed your work and eagerly looked forward to each update. I am excited at the possibility of a sequel and I will keep my fingers crossed that said sequel is born. Good luck and keep writing. Sendai :D
Sendai chapter 30 . 7/7/2014
Oh my, there are tears in my eyes. That is what is called a bittersweet ending.
I do so wish I could read the future and see how John and SHerlock progress. And their little dog too. (LOL)
Thanks for the wonderful fic. Sendai :D
BlueStarMusicGeek chapter 31 . 7/7/2014
I love the ending. Great story. I think I enjoyed it even more the second time around, and I'll definitely be looking out for the sequel.
Thanangst chapter 30 . 7/7/2014 moving and satisfying this chapter has turned out to be!
Love. Really.
Gameson221b chapter 31 . 7/7/2014
Terrific ending to a story that started out a bit shaky and just grew stronger with each chapter. Once along the way I got lost, but your story circled around and came back with a vengeance. It was well plotted and there were several twists that smacked me in the back of the head because I didn't see them coming. I will definitely watch for Hysteria. Thank you!
randomplotbunny chapter 31 . 7/7/2014
This has been an excellent run, than you for sharing it with us all. :-)
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