Reviews for For We Once So Loved The World
Tau Pok chapter 54 . 6/30
Please post a sequel on this app pleaseee the cliffhanger is just eating up my souls and I need to know what happens in the future ahhhh
Guest chapter 54 . 6/23
This is a very great story but I am so hanged at the way it was ended. Is there, by any chance, a sequel to this story?
Guest chapter 54 . 6/23
Is there a sequel of this story? If so, what is the title?
hsgsfsaf fs chapter 1 . 6/14
Wow... I only read the first chapter and I am awestruck
DaisyLynn21 chapter 53 . 5/21
You should make a sequel! You can't end it like this! You can't do this to us!
DaisyLynn21 chapter 38 . 5/20
This is my favorite story ever. And this chapter was soo powerful, and so heart-wrenching at the same time. I actually cried when you wrote the story of Loki's children. Why, just why? It was so sad. This story is soo beautiful, you've done a brilliant job writing your book, you can practically feel the emotions as you read the story.
Guest chapter 24 . 5/17
PM chapter 54 . 2/17
IM. CRYING. . This is my favorite thing that o have ever read, and it's not even finished.. I hope that you can find time to finish it
Hayley Castellan chapter 46 . 11/30/2019
Okay Im gonna take a wild guess and say that Loki isn't betraying anyone? It's a trick? (Also I see the dates and that this is completed Im just reviewing for the sake of it) THis is Awesome by the way
Stormzy chapter 52 . 10/1/2019
Tut tut… Iron man wielded it cause he is better than Captain America
Stormzy chapter 50 . 10/1/2019
Also love the representation of Loki but you made him wayyyy to overpowered... Like you really twisted the truth on how powerful he is
Stormzy chapter 48 . 10/1/2019
Jesus half these people be sucking Loki's dick... I'm on the side of Poseidon, these people have no idea if Loki is doing this for a greater good and even if he was Percy could have died in the process. Loki at this point should not be treated the way he is and even Odin who is a scumbag I'd rather support than Loki at this point...
Guest chapter 53 . 8/25/2019
I hate this story. I read the entire thing, and it is well written I will give you that. However what I just read is a piece of crap, yes I understand that Percy wouldn't forgive Loki for what he did, that would be insantity. Based off of your story though their stings where tied together and you aaid that they still loved each other. What do you do though, instead of a flash forward or showing some sort of punishment for Loki going against a promise he made on his own soul, you gice that piece of shit of an I'm Sorry letter and end it! That may give room for a squel but seriously, seriously thats dumb. Next time keep in line with your own character development. The fact that Percy was also given a hint that he should stay loyal before the attack happened was completrly ignored.
Guest chapter 54 . 7/29/2019
I’ve read this story multiple times within the years since 2016 when I read along as you wrote it. I always always hope for an ending even though I know better. I like to think that Percy has forgiven Loki and they have gotten together, but I don’t know if Percy could ever trust Loki again. Anyways, I adore the protective nature of the gods over Percy and I love his relationship with Triton. Beautiful story even tho the ending was abrupt.
Ender chapter 53 . 7/24/2019
I have one thing to say.

Author, I love you for this story.

But I hate you too.

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