Reviews for The Heart of Erebor
Les Kinagies chapter 65 . 4/26
3 Hello! I'm French and I love all your stories (even if I put very few reviews in English as it's not necessarily natural for me to write in English - I find it easier to translate -)! Therefore, I was wondering if it would be possible to get permission to translate your fanfictions... ((mentioning of course the fact that you're the real author and I'm just a modest translator)).
Thanks to you for your writings, I'm looking forward to your answer!
Martiny the one and only still chapter 65 . 2/5
It may have taken me a concentrated three days to read this but I managed it. Early on when Kili was convinced they lived I was of two minds, because of the sheer length awaiting me, it could not merely be Kili either abdicating and living on, or ruling, but when he stormed Gundabad so early I was convinced that they would either not be there or that at least one would be dead. I was half-convinced it would be a story of him trailing after lead after lead.

You've created quite a beast of a fic, and done a good job of it! The first two and the latter half of act 5 are my favorites, I especially love the Poisoned Kili scenes, truely my biggest weakness. Somewhere in there, it was implied if not stated that Kili was the heart of Erebor and I loved it, as well as the true fate of the Arkenstone, somehow managed to bring me to tears. I only wish Bilbo was more than just here and there, for as glorious as the failed trap was.

Also, Dain wasn't used as a convenient bad guy which is pretty great, but you kept the mystery of if he *could* be going.

Congrats on finishing this!
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 65 . 10/5/2019
very beautiful story and I'm so glad that you finished it! I loved that you focused on the relationship between the Durin's and erased Tauriel while including Legolas and the twins :)
The GoldenGroups chapter 65 . 8/10/2019
well crap I've been absolutely unable to put this down for the past three days or so
I hope you're happy; no sleep for FOREVER
but it's MOST worth itthis is EASILY the best Tolkien Verse fanfic I've ever read because your writing and planning is simply superb. I hope you're doing something with this immense talent of yours for writing (by which I mean, breathing vibrant life into characters and plotlines) and having a great life because boy you've given me a TRIP of a past few days
Syblime chapter 65 . 7/22/2019
Wow, what an ending! I'm sorry I didn't read it at the time of posting, but I'm here now and it's been an epic journey. Thank you for writing this fic! :)
Syblime chapter 63 . 7/22/2019
Bilbo! Asking for a break for a bite to eat! I love it!
But poor Dis.
Syblime chapter 60 . 7/22/2019
Love Elladan and Elrohir! And Frerin left holding the stone is a lovely detail. :)
Syblime chapter 57 . 7/19/2019
Oh Kili, he may think he's no good at diplomacy, but he really is! :)
Syblime chapter 56 . 7/19/2019
Love this! :)
Syblime chapter 55 . 7/19/2019
Oh my word! Incredible chapter! :)
Syblime chapter 53 . 7/18/2019
Haha, way to go Dis! But what will she do next? :)
cmdavis1976 chapter 1 . 5/15/2019
I found this recently and have spent the last few days reading it. I loved it. You have crafted an amazing, well thought out, well written, emotional, heartbreaking story that ends with hope. I almost wanted to cry at times at what Kili, Fili and Thorin endure, and am saddened by the dark shadows of their past experiences they will always carry with them. But I also love their strength, resilience and how they see each other through in the end.
Madame Monocle chapter 1 . 1/17/2019
I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I started reading this fic several years ago and got lost somewhere in the middle due to general life stuff throwing me a curveball. Unfortunately I just wasn't able to keep up. In the few years since, what little I did read (perhaps the first quarter of the full story) always lingered in the back of my mind, and I was never really able to let it go. It was always this nagging desire to know where the journey was meant to go next. Last week I reread the Hobbit, as it's always been my most favorite book for taking my mind off of things, and immediately following I watched the films again. I don't know why it still hurts even though I know what happens at the end.

Anyway, that brought up a memory of this story and I decided to see what might have happened since I last checked in. Imagine my delight when I saw that not only was it completed, but it was essentially a novel three times longer than The Hobbit itself! I started again from the beginning, of course, and couldn't stop reading. Getting ready for work, on my lunch break, long after I should've been asleep. This story has taken me on an emotional rollercoaster of an adventure. The writing is incredible, and I love being able to see such depth in characters that didn't get much in the book and had only a little more in the movies. There was so much potential there and I love the way you explored every ounce of it.

Thank you so much for all the time and dedication you devoted to telling this tale and bringing much-loved characters to life. It's an absolute masterpiece, and definitely one I can see myself revisiting it in the future.
Guest chapter 65 . 12/1/2018
One of my favourite ever Hobbit fanfics! Thank you for finishing it. A true masterpiece.
tgo62 chapter 1 . 8/23/2018
Thank you for this long and amazing story!
Nearly 6 years of writing, what an accomplishment ! Great ending.
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