Reviews for Holiday Love
Guest chapter 4 . 5/28
Love your story veryy mucchhh!
sh3ii chapter 4 . 9/29/2017
This fanfic was so beautiful! I thought it was rushed though but it was still amazing! I wish it was a little longer! I know it’s been three years but I’m still waiting on the epilogue! I hope you update soon! God bless!
Lilfoxy55 chapter 4 . 8/17/2017
This is such a beautiful fanfic... I really loved this story so much... Wish I could have a sequel but I love this as it is
Guest chapter 4 . 5/6/2016
I loved this so much. Thank you for writing it. It was a wonderful story.
Tamunii-chan chapter 4 . 8/31/2015
Such a sweet fanfiction :3 Loved it!
guest chapter 4 . 8/1/2015
I just finished this fanfiction and I was just like "aaaawwwwwww2 anyway this was a really cute fanfiction and you should carry on writing cause you are really talented :0)
Guest chapter 4 . 8/1/2015
cool i really liked it . i am a muslim but still i like christmas
Lightmoon54 chapter 4 . 6/7/2015
Oooohhhhh; a breathtakingly beautiful story. Much like their engagement ring. :) Albiet the length of the story was a bit short; it really was amazing in illustrating how two meant-to-be souls fell in love. And Jelly-san adhered to his promise :D things couldn't be anymore perfect :')

I'm also very amazed that you can so masterfully dream up such a wonderful story from one song. Just how talented are you girl?! XD thank you for writing this; I really enjoyed this :3
Lightmoon54 chapter 3 . 6/7/2015
Wow the beginning of the chapter was so warm and wonderful. Now this guy comes in to ruin the fun. But he can't treat her that way! Sure she was his fiancée, but she never chose him! Save her, Jelly bean!

I'm also feeling bad that you had such a terrible time with the stomach virus and I had not been able to solace you earlier. I'll do my best to read all yer stories the minute you publish them now, cause I know they are just that good. ;) excellent chapter, proceeding onward to the grand finale now.
Lightmoon54 chapter 2 . 6/7/2015
Yasssssssss! Yasssss! *throws confetti like a mad fangirl* They met! That was beautiful. I love how you so realistically incorporated their Tenrou ages even in this AU fanfic :D and Jelly-san can finally comfort our poor scarlet princess. Please just run away with her, run away from her dreaded fiancé! :3 they certainly deserve it even though they've met only for such a short time.
Lightmoon54 chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
Wooooooooooooo; I know it's been months since you've written this story, and I'm sorry it's taken me soooooooooooooo long to read it. Epic job, Sarah-chan! Set in London; with an Erza whose nervous features are a bit different from the Erza we usually know. But hey...who can blame her? Her husband-to-be looks like an absolute behemoth with deadly eyes in my imagination. And she is way to young for him! oh the horrors of I were to be in a similar position *covers eyes and cries in corner* please Jelly save her! And she's fallen for jelly already! KYAAAAAA XD

Now *ruffles shirt like nothing's happened* onto the next chappie! :)
amnaK96 chapter 4 . 5/27/2015
This was SUCH an adorable piece of art! I simply loved it! It was just beautiful! The whole story was so well thought out and plotted- to be completed in only four chapters is something that I found very skillful and brilliantly structured!
It was sooo cute OMG, I can't get over it! And to have Jiemma of all people as the antagonist was very different, and very much to my liking! X") I hope for an epilogue; even though it seems very late now haha! I hate only having found your superb work now, but be sure that I shall be aware from now on, and shall keep coming back for lots more!
The way your portrayed and described Erza was breathtaking; she's my favorite anime character; followed by Jellal and Gray! And ufff, you did my Jelly-baby justice, Sarah! I could picture him so vividly beside his blue Lambo; looking suave and smokin' hot; mere perfection!
I hope that in the future you post similar stories based solely on this couple. You've done remarkably with this one; it was written stupendously and I was drowned in utter bliss from the very first chapter! Something about Erza's personality was just so captivating, I really loved it! The innocence, the vulnerability, the forced forbidden love, and that lingering fiery passion- it was something I thought made her stronger as a character, it gave her depth and intensity!
I shall be hoping to read a lot more in the future from you- besides the "Suicide Circus Sequel"- perhaps another love-story; this time with a mix perhaps?! Two guys fighting over Erza?! *hint* *hint* (Jellal and Gray) Lol, see what you've done?! You've let out my inner fantasies! That's something only very talented writers are capable of doing! X")
Good luck with the writing, I'm really looking forward to it!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/29/2015
I loved this so much and everything was so detailed and spelling and grammar was correct, plus it made sense you are the best fanfiction author I have seen! Sorry but I really don't like it when things don't make sense or if its spelled wrong and this was just such a great story in general with the plot the setup and everything in between! I loved it! ;p
Guest chapter 4 . 1/18/2015
Why did you get rid of chapter 5?
Guest chapter 4 . 11/19/2014
awwwwwwwwwwww wheres natusu lucy gray happy wendy clara juvia ?REST OF FAIRY TAIL ! other than that AWESOME
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