Reviews for Deep in the Heart
CastiellaWinchester94 chapter 9 . 6/22/2016
Eddie Izzard! 3
Guest chapter 16 . 6/17/2016
So glad you are okay even though it's been rough. I hope school works out though! But even if things feel helpless and bad luck seems to surround you, remember this: you woke up on this side of the dirt today. The hard part is already done!

This chapter - omg I was so mad and stressed and lost with the last one that this had me constantly feeling ill and sad and then boom. Boom boom boom. My heart about popped out of my chest for those last few moments.

So glad you updated and sending positive vibes your way!
SpnLover chapter 16 . 6/16/2016
This was AWESOME! I'm so glad you finally updated this masterpiece! Can't wait for the next update! The angst has been killing me but I'm addicted to it! I'm sorry to hear about your stressful situations! But please dont let that keep you from using your gift of writing awesome destiel!
SpnLover chapter 15 . 6/13/2016
Please update this! It's so beautiful! I haven't found another story like this! It's got just the right amount of angst and fluff! Please update this perfection!
Guest chapter 15 . 5/22/2016
So sorry about what you are going through. :( hope a review will bring a smile though!

Omg the characterization of them is just awesome! I love it! I'm so hoping Dean was wrong and he is chased after I want them to be happy together so much so! It's really great I love the people and places you describe it sucks you in so deep and it's totally awesome and I love it! Thank you for this and hope one day you continue it because yah I agree with so many other commenters on this
Guest chapter 15 . 4/23/2016
Sorry about your rough times. I really get it. I did want to say I love this story and I'm filled with all these angsty and worried flutters for Dean. Awesome job
NegasonicNegan chapter 15 . 4/20/2016
YOUR STORIES! THIS! NOMAD! IKOAFS! I'm so ADDICTED! Please please update this one soon if you can. It is by far my personal favorite and I am so not wanting this to be the way it is for Dean. I love and adore you and this story. Thank you so very much for it!
TrintaC chapter 15 . 4/9/2016
Started and finished your story in the last 24 hours. It is amazing. I hope to find out what happens next! Thank you for sharing and I hope things are getting better for you :hugs:
Oh Crap chapter 15 . 4/4/2016
ALL THE FEELS! ALL OF THEM! (update soon?)
Cassie chapter 15 . 4/2/2016
I hope all is well with you and your job and that you are keeping your head above the drowning waters of depression. I send warm thoughts, vibes, and prayers to any and all deities that you are able to conquer it all.

The story is phenomenal. I am left aching for more. I picture it in my head. Hoping Cas was not flirting, hoping Dean misunderstood, hoping they can resolve all of this drama and start focusing on building their relationship again. But alas, hope is fleeting. Just promise me in the end I won't be left with my heart torn out as I curl up into a ball of nothing and cry like a 3 minute old infant okay? Much love mi amiga, Cassie
sal chapter 15 . 3/3/2016
After you updated chapter 3, I would purposely avoid ffn because every time I go on here. I'd have the tendency to check this fic for updates. It would make me so anxious for bew updates and by far, I think this is my favorite fanfic of all time. I stopped checking though, beacause I knew how unhealthy it was to refresh the page probably 5 times a day hoping an update would magically appear xD. It was so refreshing reading this chapter and the ending left me in tears. I can't wait to find out how Cas is going to explain himself. Be well and don't stress yourself out too much okay? :)
Guest chapter 15 . 1/30/2016
You can't just leave it like that... Jesus! I have tears!
TheSecretRomantic chapter 15 . 2/1/2016
I Love this story, it's making my heart break. I would love updates but please don't overwork yourself and stay healthy. :)
lathebananaman chapter 15 . 1/31/2016
Hey! I may have squealed a lot when I got the update email this morning... woops. Thank you as always for your amazing writing and everything. This chapter was fantastic. I hope life gets better soon; take care of yourself okie?
BloodyHell281 chapter 15 . 1/31/2016
Finaaaaalleh! This is one of my favorite fics and I missed it so much. Also, I'm so sorry you have to go through the horrible depths of depression. I wish you all the best.
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