Reviews for Until the Stars Are All Alight
AmberRiver02 chapter 1 . 11/9/2015
Beautiful, just have done Heaven's work indeed. :) I love it how Thranduil is so caring towards Legolas and his people, and how Legolas is so understanding and fiercely loyal towards his father and his people. Legolas's conversation with Gimli was so subtle and wistful, I can feel the different emotions running through him:) This story is really inspiring as you are able to make Lothlórien a peaceful haven where memories are recollected... :)
Zardi chapter 1 . 2/19/2014
Very nicely done. This is the first fic I have read that gives this view of Lothlorien. It makes a lot of sense.

Also, father-son fics and Legolas-Gimli fics are my favorites, and this has both! ;) You've done an excellent job keeping them all in character.
Elliska chapter 1 . 2/6/2014
Here's another one! Well, I love finding them.

The contrast between the two conversations is great. I love the portrayal of Lothlorien here and I think you hit it right on the head. And of course I love Thranduil and Legolas's relationship again. I can't get enough of that.

But the last lines, about the sea-longing...that was the saddest part.

Well done!
Gentle Breezes chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
An interesting take on war and the concept of peace. In times of trouble we always seek peace, but it's sweeter after coming through the trials to get to it. Peace all the time is wonderful, but without conflict you never know you strength, nor the strength of those around you. Not completely anyway. Very interesting!

I think you wrote the conversations between everyone very well. Legolas' and Thranuil's dialog was especially good. Bravo!
Viola Blaire chapter 1 . 12/25/2013
Welcome back! It's always a pleasure to read your writing, especially your Legolas and Thranduil stories! Honestly, I don't think I have ever read any adaption of Thranduil that is as beautiful as yours.

I would love to hear more about your opinion on the elves in the Hobbit. Personally, I think when Thranduil was interrogating the orc with Legolas, it felt like a mommy cat teaching its kitten. oh, and the way Thranduil cleaned the blood off his sword was awesome! after Tauriel abandoned Legolas, I'm ready to see Thranduil's papa bear, oh, and Legolas totally stole a horse! Where did he get the horse? Laketown doesn't have horses, but he stole a white horse! Think you can write a story about Legolas stealing horses? or Legolas interacting with Laketown people? Maybe he's met Bard before?

Wonderful story as always! Happy Holidays
rozzy07 chapter 1 . 12/22/2013
What did I think? Seriously all I could think as I absorbed this beautiful piece of writing of is how your ability so cleverly weaved out here a wonderful reminder to the multiple layers of what made up Tolkien's Middle Age so intriguing. Legolas' home and trees are/is true to being of this world whilst Galadriel's trees of Lothorien are not, a reflection of another world . A division so telling in his feelings when summing up his stay in a world elves are intent on leaving. Loved it.
Book girl fan chapter 1 . 12/21/2013
It seems that peace comes at a price.
Somewhat Inspired chapter 1 . 12/21/2013
This is amazing. The characterization and everything is I could easily see this being one of the extended scenes in the movie. Great job! :)
Raven's Dusk chapter 1 . 12/21/2013
Now I'm sad. Especially the last thing Legolas said...
Anywho, this is fantastic. It's a wonderful piece of work and really fits with Tolkien's style... the melancholy mood, the indistinct sadness that is there, yet not there. Many thanks for your continued writing.
L.A.H.H chapter 1 . 12/18/2013
Lovely story. Thanks for writing
Guest chapter 1 . 12/18/2013
This is so nice. I like your Legolas very much and how he interacts with trees.
BladedBlossom chapter 1 . 12/18/2013
Contemplative. Sad. And yet, Gimli was the perfect person for Legolas to talk to. I think Gimli is well aware of the value of home, of safety, but is also another race with a long history and its own brand of "magic." Also, Gimli's honest and direct approach was an excellent contrast to Legolas' diplomacy. There was a real sense Gimli understood the essence of what Legolas said, if not the particulars about the trees and the...unreality of Lorien. Excellent work.

P.S. Liked the ironic discussion about Elven magic versus Galadriel's ring, which is real magic. Can totally understand how the Elves perceive their talents with living things as innate and nothing that special, much like Dwarves know stone and minerals.
entergrg chapter 1 . 12/17/2013
Wonderful story! I always loved the roles the trees play in your lotr fics :)
Ruthaer chapter 1 . 12/17/2013
I love it! I'm always ridicously excited when I see you've posted something in the LOTR fandom. I absolutely adore your Legolas, and the people you've created around him in Mirkwood. When Reading other stories I find myself looking for your characters and missing them. This was a beautiful story, and I can't wait to see more!
FanFiction Queen chapter 1 . 12/17/2013
Very good story!
I really liked it, but I had one question:
WHO is Lee Pace? The only Elf in the movies that I remember doing a "Behind the back stab" is Orlando Bloom as Legolas!
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