Reviews for Familiar Faces
Conan Sama chapter 1 . 6/16/2019
I love how you included the Trisha from the other place. This was very much needed. I want more. Please?
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 12/16/2013
Ahhhhh Dash why do you think this is horrible?! I really like this idea and I have never seen it before. My goodness, that their family existed on the other side of the gate and that that world's Ed and Al were brothers too (no reason why not, really) and THAT TRISHA EXISTED AND WAS THEIR MOTHER. Because... because that means that even though one of each of them has died, there is still a chance for them to be together and be a happy family here and this just alskjhfdslaifkhs makes me so very excited. I know they can't replace each other, but they are people they can grow to love like the family they all want. :3
rewind route chapter 1 . 12/13/2013
OH MY GOSH! This is great! Everything you write is so flawless and beautiful it blows me away! You really, really have to write a multi-chapter fic for FMA, please? I love your writing! You come up with the best ideas!
Shmebulock chapter 1 . 12/13/2013
What do you mean, this is only awful in the best kind of way: it hurts like hell.
I really like the symmetry, that Ed and Al lose Trisha in one world and she loses them in another. And I'd like to think they stayed together after this because damnit it's the closest they could get to being whole again but the careful wording it leaves it open for interpretation. Don't necessarily think it requires any more elaboration, it's kind of a self-contained idea and I just really really like it uwu
tigerlily chapter 1 . 12/13/2013
That was a good oneshot. It would be cool if you could make it into a story. It was an idea I've never read before for Fullmetal fanfiction.