Reviews for Wielding Chains
Kibagurl08 chapter 38 . 5/18
Oh my I completely forgot about this story! I’m so glad to see that you’re continuing it!
I have to say I had to re read a few chapters to remember where it was this story was up to and let me tell you, I don’t regret having to do that - it was still as interesting as ever! The introduction of Alakai is interesting... and again, it will definitely put a test to their relationship... but do I want that? I have already endured 37 chapters iof relationship tests! Ugh, regardless - thank you so much for updating! I love your writing 3
Ilich123 chapter 37 . 5/17
Dude I don't even know why I'm reading this, I haven't read fanfiction in YEARS and had completely forgotten about this, but then I was looking through and old email account and saw the alert for this and I was like, I guess I want to know what happened to Kiba and Hotaru after everything , I don't know man I'm kind of just here for the luls but I guess I also wanted to tell you at least one person remembers.
lovinurbuks chapter 37 . 2/4
I absolutely love your book! although I have personal qualms with Kina and his problematicness, I love his character development in your book! I can't wait to read more
blinkstated chapter 37 . 1/22
Thanks for the update! Been away from fanfic for a hot moment and the email update got me ready to read and even write some more!

Story still super interesting for me remembering bits and parts of the story! But I always seem to recall the odd pairings better than the typical ones. Any who! I hope you are doing better! Keep up the good work and I hope you enjoy writing as much as we enjoy reading!
MadHatterLove7011 chapter 36 . 8/31/2018
I ain't know if u plan on updating this but I wish you would there is not a lot of kiba OC like this that are so good if u do ever update I will be patiently waiting for your next update
Guest chapter 36 . 12/8/2017
Dear god I just read 36 chapters in one go, and you write awesomely long chapters that I absolutely love. Pleeeease update I need to know what happens!
gracierose92 chapter 36 . 7/8/2017
I just want you to know that this is the most amazing fanfic I have ever read. It's so well thought out and I'm so invested in Hotaru as a character. You've done such an amazing job developing her story and I love it so much. I've been following this story since the beginning and I'm thrilled every time there's a new update. Thanks so much for never dropping it!
This most recent chapter made me cry. So emotional! I can't wait to read what happens next.
OwlTide chapter 36 . 4/12/2017
Although the chapter was a bit sad it was very good. Also I have an idea about the whole heir thing. I remeber you wrote something about marking early in the story, and I was thinking you could do that with Kiba and Hotaru. Once that's done, maybe it could have some unexpected side effects such as triangles maybe. Just a thought.
mchurch1992 chapter 36 . 3/27/2017
That is all lol. Great chapter though!
SandCastleQueen chapter 36 . 3/27/2017
Wow what an intense chapter!
Poor Hotaru she's been through so much and the story hasn't even finished yet. I'm impressed with the knowledge of tumor treatment, and the fight between Kiba and his mom was always going to happen and it was as exciting as I thought it was going to be! I hope with Kiba going with Hotaru to the Canyons they can sort though some issues and Hotaru can tell him her illness.
All in all another brilliant chapter and I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the next one! Keep being awsome!
marinaa07 chapter 36 . 3/27/2017
So happy to see an update! You can definitely count on me to always review. I definitely want the story to continue haha. It was a good one too! Man I figured it was a brain tumor but oh man I was not prepared for the feels it gave me hahaha. I almost cried. I so hope Kiba will go with her but I have a feeling mother dearest will have an opinion on that too. Haha. I love your writing style. I know I've said it a couple times but it flows so well. And your OC, to me, is probably one of the best I've read. She has her strengths and weaknesses and you stay true to those but allow room for growing. It's fantastic. I'm super excited to see how Kiba handles her home if he goes. I also have a feeling her ex will come into play which I'm excited to see. Until then!
rainydaywritings chapter 35 . 3/6/2017
Dun dun dunnnnnn! Ultimate cliffhanger! Don't leave me hanging lol Great chapter! Can't wait for the next :)
SandCastleQueen chapter 35 . 3/5/2017
Aw thank you and I'm very happy to be here. I've read this story before quite some time ago but abandoned it as it was not finished (this was before I knew I could follow stories and know of updates) so I'm very happy to see that you have in fact not abandoned it and I'm staying till the bitter end!
And another brilliant chapter as always, I can't wait till the next update! :D
marinaa07 chapter 35 . 3/5/2017
Oh no! Ugh! As a writer I so appreciate the twist but as a reader I just am so sad for her and so frustrated with Kiba hahaha. He's so in character though, he wouldn't change perfectly overnight. I had wondered if that is where it was going with her health. Man, that hit me right in the feels haha. I can't wait to see what happens with her health and with Kibas decision. Ugh what a cliffhanger haha. I'm looking forward to the next update! The writing itself was also wonderful as always. I always appreciate the good grammar and lack of spelling mistakes haha. Welcome back though! I hope your visit to America went well! Until next time :)
SandCastleQueen chapter 34 . 2/26/2017
I love this story! Please up date soon!
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