Reviews for Diminishment
Guest chapter 30 . 3/25
Ahh... cliff hanger.
Guest chapter 27 . 1/9
Attention: from chapter 28 and further a new story arch is started. Unless you don’t mind unresolved, consider chapter 27 the real ending.
Here, I write an alternate chapter 28.

I’m just at a lost for words. Ezlo, met me before those six months ago? He had not, but in fact met me four thousand years ag—
Ezlo interrupts my inner monologue.
“Link, it was just a joke.”
“But how was that possible?! You accurately predicted word-for-word what m—“
“It was just a prank, bro.”
I wipe the perspiration from brow and exhale, caught so much in the moment I had temporarily forgotten to breath.
“Ah. Ha ha”, I chuckle, it comes out so unsteadily. So unlike myself.
I have to admit, Ezlo always knows the exact thing to tell me to evoke, some, less controlled manner of myself.
“Good one, Ezlo”
“Heh heh heh, you can never deny an old man his jests”, he says, twirling his long white beard, and with a smirk and jovial twinkle in the eye.
My knees are feeling rather weak at this point, and Ezlo must have picked up on this. So he offers me a chair.
“Oh, Link just sit down for a moment. Here, i’ll Get you some tea, before you’re out on your way.”
I really should be more angry with him, but I just can’t. Perhaps it’s just a combination of all the consecutive good fortune that’s been going on in my life for the past year, but I feel more incline to just let it go, and because it’s Ezlo, my friend.
“And here we go.”, Ezlo returns with a little tea platter, one cup for both of us.
“I had just gotten these herbs in you see.“, he pours some in his cup before filling mine.
This has been such an exhausting evening. My eyelids weigh heave on my eyes.
And Ezlo pulls my chair out for me before taking a seat himself. He gesture with his hand to sit down.
“Link have a seat”, He requests me.
I pull the chair behind me, and my tired legs give under me and I plop onto the cushioned seat.
A long flatulent roar emits from my cushion. Ah...
“*wheeeeeze* ha ha ha ha!”, Ezlo grips his chest and with his other hand he pounds madly on the table as if it’s the funniest thing ever, the tea spills in the process too.
A whoopie cusion.
How, juvenile.
“Uhhg! I was never the kid! I can’t believe you woke me up in the middle of the night for this.
Old Ezlo, child at heart.
EuKnighted chapter 1 . 2/5/2018
As I start to read this story for what has to be the third time, I just want to say that this has got to be one of my favorite stories on this website. I remember finding it and just being blown away by how engaging it was. So, thank you for writing this wonderful story, and I hope more people find it and enjoy it as well.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9/2016
I love this story! :D
Hope you update soon :)
Qwertypip chapter 30 . 8/31/2015
Congrats on a very well planned story reboot. Not many authors do nearly as good a job at dealing with the problem of their main character being too overpowered. (Link totally deserves the Triforce of power in this story, but I dunno about it really being the attribute that he actually VALUES the most. Let's not think too far into that though, it'seems not quite mandatory canon.)
Qwertypip chapter 17 . 8/31/2015
Finding Nemo. This is Finding Nemo right here. XD Something tells me with Link involved it'seems gonna come out a bit different though. XD
Qwertypip chapter 3 . 8/31/2015
There should be a fanfic where LINK has to defeat the baday guy as a hat. Turming him into a hat would be better than any villainous plan I've seen, lol.
DrBananaFace chapter 30 . 8/2/2015
Oh god... the time travel paradoxing has begun!... Again!

I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of sorcery you have planned for this!
DoctorZelda chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
Thank goodness! I was so worried you had abandoned this story. I absolutely love where this story is headed and I can't wait to read even more. You are such a great writer/story teller!
DrBananaFace chapter 29 . 1/27/2015
Just finished binge reading this fic so far, and wow. It's really interesting to see a dark take on the usually cheerful Minish Cap. I love the idea of link being an adult turned into a child, I love the idea of Link being a wizard, and I love the character building you have done with his son. Greatly looking forward to the next chapter :)
DoctorZelda chapter 29 . 1/16/2015
Cool so nows hes met elzo and he looks like himself again! No longer a slave either. I cant wait for the next chapter and I absolutely loooooooooooooooove this story!
DoctorZelda chapter 28 . 1/1/2015
Yes! Its not ending yet! poor link though he cant seem to catch a break
Anytime chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
wow i like this. Please your last updated is 26 november this year right? keep the work and i will review you
DoctorZelda chapter 27 . 12/26/2014
Please continue this story! love it and cant wait to read further about elzo's final secret! Thank you so much for writing this story its my favorite
Master of the Hellish Yard chapter 26 . 12/14/2014
Dear Koechophe:

This tale is a very interesting spin on Minish Cap. I do enjoy what you've done with it and the world you have created, and how much thought has been given into this.
If you still happen to be looking for a beta reader, I would be happy to offer my services. Through reading this I did note a variety of grammatical issues. They did not take away from the story to a point of distraction, but I believe it would be even better with them corrected.

Master of the Hellish Yard
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