Reviews for The Lost Child of Gallifrey
Maci Smith chapter 32 . 9/28/2015
Girl, Rose or Donna
Chelsie drevon chapter 31 . 9/28/2015
Guest chapter 54 . 2/19/2015
I love your writing! Please make more chapters, I'm on the edge of my seat
Guest chapter 54 . 2/15/2015
its good, a little confusing the last few chapters, but still very good.
Clara H again chapter 54 . 1/27/2015
Can't be bothered to log on but wow! That was a pretty amazing chapter!
DoctorCaliborn chapter 54 . 1/27/2015
Øuch...That burns...
PennedInFire chapter 53 . 1/2/2015
Oh dear, not again...I hate that woman!
MadGirlWithAMask chapter 9 . 12/21/2014
Good.. you just need more pizazzz instead of "said" start using more words like "replied" and "exclaimed"
DoctorCaliborn chapter 52 . 12/21/2014
camryn singsandreads chapter 51 . 12/17/2014
Really good. update soon. I know you are probably busy with finals but keep writing.
DoctorCaliborn chapter 51 . 12/7/2014
Back to the stars! How exciting!
DoctorAmySong chapter 51 . 12/6/2014
Awesome chapters love your first please continue it!
gonedeletedgone chapter 51 . 12/6/2014
Still love this story and it will be really interesting to hear Amelia's point of view!
camryn singsandreads chapter 50 . 11/24/2014
So good. Can't wait to read more.
DoctorCaliborn chapter 50 . 11/21/2014
No River, don't cry! It's okay! Please don't weep in your bedroom!
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