Reviews for Changes
Fashionista-girl chapter 10 . 6/26/2019
Jen only said no TV and no phone, she never said anything about the movies so there is a loophole in her instructions.
Fashionista-girl chapter 9 . 6/26/2019
Middle name changed nice
Fashionista-girl chapter 5 . 6/26/2019
I get it Kit(Kirsten ℹyana odd) K.I.T
Chrissysmiles chapter 11 . 10/9/2017
Better kid than I would have been, nothing should prevent a real friend from having your back and for family to abandon you...even worse.
I would have taken the punishment and remained silent.
These are law enforcement kids, these are not the back biting political kids.
Never turn your back on a friend or family. This was rule #1 and it was treated like nothing even by this team, betrayal to Lexi times two...

Chrissysmiles chapter 4 . 10/9/2017
LOL! Jenny is concern that Lexi is taking Spanish, but when she said that she already completed AlgebraI didn't fight to get her into a math class that she hasn't like geometry or something else?
Why take a class she already took and mastered it?

Welcome back Kate :-)
Cathy Brown chapter 9 . 2/6/2017
My AbbyCat likes to sit on the keyboard. Yep, I named her for Abby Scuito.
sundance3367 chapter 11 . 2/23/2015
u should do a story with all the sisters with kate in charge.u write her as such a stern big sister and mom. wonder what she would do if her sisters messed with her lol would she spank them all?
Guest chapter 5 . 9/30/2014
Not really sure *why* Lexi feels like she should've been told about Kate. That situation doesn't affect her at all.
Loverofallthingsmusic chapter 12 . 7/4/2014
Hey Ally!

You did a fantastic job on this chapter! I LOVED it! I love Lexi and Jen's relationship it is SO sweet and loving! You write your characters fabulously and ahhh! You just did an amazing job! I mean, honestly, you really don't need my help editing your fics (not that you needed much help before). I honestly didn't notice any mistakes! Great job, Ally! Can't wait for the next fic!

Kikilia14 chapter 12 . 7/2/2014
Enjoyed the epilogue. Hope there's another Lexi story someday soon.
pinkhibiscus1965 chapter 12 . 7/2/2014
Found it interesting how Jen handled Ziva & Tony' s disobedience in chapter 11. Also find it interesting & entertaining how many different characters spank or discipline each other in the various chapters & stories - i.e., Jen spanks/disciplines Lexi & Ziva, but Ziva also spanks Lexi. Lexi is the only one who does not spank anyone, lol. And the there's Gibbs, of course, & no one spanks him, except for the very rare playful swats by Miz Nettie, lol.
I found ch 12 interesting. Didn't see that scenaio coming, but looking forward to seeing what happens next! ;-)
KrisShannon chapter 12 . 7/1/2014
Great job, loved this chapter. Poor Lexi, it is tough for a tomboy when an event requiring formal attire, namely a dress, comes along. It is also sad that Lexi is worried Jenny is taking on too much with her being 'part of the package' when Jen marries Gibbs. I am so glad Jen assured her that was not the case. Again, great chapter and I am looking forward to the next installment in this series. I assume it will include Gibbs and Jenny's wedding :-)
Loverofallthingsmusic chapter 11 . 5/28/2014
Nice job on this chapter Ally! I realized I never reviewed it! Whoops haha...
I love Lexi and Kirsten (even though they are quite the little troublemakers ;)), and I can't wait for more stories and chapters about them and their adventures!

Great job, as always :)
Kikilia14 chapter 11 . 3/23/2014
Interesting way to get the girls to solve their problems. Liked it.
Frecklies333 chapter 11 . 3/19/2014
Great chapter! So sad to see it's coming to an end soon. How are things going with you?
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