Reviews for Death or Despair
Guest chapter 22 . 7/25/2019
An exciting story, I enjoyed it. :)
RosieCotton3791 chapter 11 . 3/29/2019
This story was GREAT! Thank you for writing this :) I love Aragorn and Legolas fanfictions. (especially adventure/friendship) Usually I don't read fanfictions this long but yours kept me on the edge of my seat and engaged to the last sentence- which was great by the way!
My favorite moment while reading was the part in "Escape With Cost" when Legolas is racing across the cave jumping over fire pits and leaping gracefully off forges. He was almost to Aragorn when someone in the house started listening to an epic music score. It fit so perfectly! I just sat there for a few moments thinking, "This is awesome!" - Rosie C.
Sophia the Scribe chapter 22 . 7/3/2015

I have no idea if you're even still following this site, but I just wanted to let you know, anyway, how much I enjoyed reading your tales, especially this one. They were quite lovely!

~Sophia the Scribe
Alpecca Ankaa Black chapter 22 . 11/16/2013
I LOVE that last line! *giggles*
Alpecca Ankaa Black chapter 12 . 11/16/2013
Oh, dear the dwarves probably won't trust an elf; I hadn't even thought of that.
Dr34ming chapter 22 . 1/29/2012
This is an amazing story. It is positively captivating, I couldn't stop reading. I love your portrayal of Aragorns and Legolas' friendship, they were brilliant. And your last line had me in stitches. :-D
CosmicEssence chapter 22 . 5/1/2009
Wowee! This is an absolutely awesome Lego/Aragorn story...I'm surprised its taken me so long to find it ;P (LONG Feedback ALERT!)

Totally fantastic!

I'm surprised at how much effort you put into the names and impressed at how good your OCs were. Kelegalen (nice name), Nethalt, Nowin (for the little he played), Naraka and Furnmorth were especially excellent.

Its also surprising that so much happened in only 22 chapters. Where they were captured and taken on the ship seems like a lifetime ago to me, never mind them! Seriously 22 chps isnt much considering all that happens in this one.

Loved the hint at Gimli ref, that was amusing. And well the whole thing just ran so naturally. If i didnt know that this was 'made up' i would say it was actually apart of LOTR history...if ya get my drift ;) Seriosuly, the wrting was very smooth, the humor easy, the angst and drama rather gripping at the times it appeared and the 'despair'...oh definitely well done. Interactions between Lego and Ara were superb. Their friendship and teasing and comraderie (is that how its spelt?) were all so bloody perfect that i didnt want it to end. I simply cant say how much i liked this one.

However there were a few faults. Bit of a little details person myself so...the bow being chucked bothered me. Ragrak you called Rigrak during Gilthad's battle and after Naraka's death you said 'cold fingers'...i know i know its a very little thing but when there is so much that cant be faulted its the little things that do unfortunately get noticed. A few grammatical mistakes but nothing major so no worries and was this really written by 2 authors? Who did the main body of the writing cause i couldnt see any breaks in the normal writing at all and usually you can work out where one autor ends and another begins due to a slight change in style or prose?

There were many mnay favourite or just plain enjoyable scenes. Oh and the dwarves were great, especially liked there reaction to Legolas and then Strider, seemingly without effort, getting along with them. Legolas' near kill of Aragorn, Nethalt's joy over rebelling against his captors, meeting up with the Twins, Aragorn's reaction to Legolas' 'death', finding him and then later in the guardsroom with their reunion, Aragorn getting Lego's hair away from Naraka, Lego cutting his own hair (bet its slanting to one side now :glee: ), them both looking after each other everytime their injured, Kelegalen stopping Legolas during Aragorn's screams are all examples of well liked parts. And they're just a few I could name too :p

Oh and before we get onto my main dislike...fraid there is something yes...the 'trailer' at the end is surprisingly enticing.I wouldnt of thought such a thing would work without the vid to go with but it does...and now i wanna read it! As for Cassia's well where do i find them? Ive tried searching before and not being able to find anything but a website with a load of vid trailers on it. I'm a big fan of L/A fics and keep hearing about these two but cant find em anywhere!

K. The ending. It was, what?, not enough? It didnt seem like an ending to me. I mean i think i understand why it was left there but it felt kinda cutoff. I would have liked to see a mini epilogue i suppose showing them telling, at least briefly of what happened to the twins. And maybe but not necessarily also showing Thranduil's (possibly Elrond's) reaction to seeing his son and his 'hair'. And maybe cause Lego wasnt fully healed. I kinda guessed you would leave it where you did, without any 'spoken closure' as i like to call it. I figured you'd have them either appearing wihtin the borders of one of their homes, and maybe have someone notice their arrival and then a word from each and that would be that. And essentially that is what you've done but i was really hoping, since they met the twins that this one wouldn't do that. Cause, to be frank, i hate it when people DO that. It makes me wanna shove the writer aside and get it right!

:sheepish grin: but ahh thats just my personal opinion so yeah...

Despite all that, I do love this fic _ and in an odd way thats rather contradictory to the above, Legolas' way of explaining it simply really hits the button

So i'll stop rambling now and let ya all get on...A
StarLight9 chapter 22 . 5/18/2008
Marvelous story! I just read the entire thing. And excellent read and I'll surely check your other works.
Lothiriel chapter 22 . 7/1/2007
Hehe...yeah, I just found this story and read it. I liked it!
Neko-Cat-Sama chapter 22 . 7/3/2006
Wow I loved it. I too am a big fan of Mellon chronicles and I love the fact that you used Legolas's fear of caves and 'men.' Very very good job. I look forward to reading more by you two...three.
HazleSilver chapter 22 . 1/19/2006
*grumbles about the luckey authors who have sisters who actually like LotR rather than hate it, and who help write fics rather than knock my laptop over* Okay, done grumbling. WOWWOWWOWWOWWOW! Wow! Okay, so, excellent! *scurries to read Thorongil*
Lyn chapter 9 . 1/3/2006 I remember.

The torture...was unrealistic. Especially for

a human, even Numenorean. Just too much.

Yes, it is possible to have too extreme torture

written down in a story. Not that evil people are

not capable of doing it (they could skin him alive

if they wanted), but the problem is,

could anyone ever recover completely, nearly

completely, or even barely recover (much less

function in a kingly fashion with vigor).

And surface scars would be nothing compared

to cut muscles mismatched in alignment, shortened

with scar tissue so range of motion is severely


Internal organs are not able to "heal"

when sliced.

This is only meant to encourage you to not make

torture so severely unrealistic. The writing itself

is excellent...the story line and characterizations

are wonderful, but the amount of torture is

"overkill"-like killing a fly with an AK-47

or a cannon or even a boulder.

Further research into the outcomes of torture

and the medical aspects of what happens physiologically

might help. That is, if you expect the hero to

be anything more than a living lump of scarred flesh

after the story is over.
memyselfandi chapter 22 . 11/20/2005
*claps until hands hurt* That was good. I'm just really glade I read it once it was finished otherwise I might have died from your evil cliffys. Oh, and why, oh why, did you have to give Legolas a hair cut?
Deana chapter 22 . 2/5/2005
Awesome story! Legolas words at the end were funny, lol! :)
neo chapter 22 . 8/18/2004
wow, i just started reading this fic yesterday, and now im DONE! that is how i couldnt get away from this story. it was so exciting, and sad and funny and everything else in between... what now? are ya planning a sequel?

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