Reviews for A Chairytale
GothicRay chapter 68 . 7/20
Love this story! Please update soon!:):):)
Guest chapter 68 . 6/5
Amazing story!
Fingers crossed you will finish it! Need to know
greenb6689 chapter 68 . 12/13/2019
Thank you, for this awesome Story. I really loved it. i am still hoping that you will finish ist someday.
kate.chachava chapter 68 . 2/4/2019
Genius! Please update!
Living in the West chapter 68 . 1/11/2019
Please update the story soon
Maria chapter 68 . 1/17/2017
I've literally read this all in one week. It's amazing and I've been hooked. I know it's been over a year since this was updated so the likely hood of this ever getting an update is slim. But I had to let you know how much I loved your story. Your writing is great.
Guest chapter 68 . 11/12/2016
Ahhh this is so good! Please update! I need to know what happens next! Upppppdddattte
deadly embrace chapter 68 . 7/18/2016
Oh my gods i love this story please please please update soon it is amazing way better than a lot of stories I've read on this site. xoxo deadly embrace
ladyck chapter 68 . 6/22/2016
you better update soon
chairfan chapter 68 . 3/20/2016
so u ever gonn update this
Asma20 chapter 68 . 10/29/2015
If serena ends up with Dan, I'll stop reading.
Klarobass chapter 68 . 9/25/2015
This chapter was a whirlwind of emotions. After the ending of the last chapter, I kind of knew Bart was go after Carter to cover up his crimes, so I predicted that Carter's Denise would happen in this chapter. But it still makes me incredibly sad Carter is never going to grow up to know his child, nor will his child grow up knowing it's father. Glad he was able to do one last good deed, and get Chuck the evidence he needed, to take down Bart Bass I have this feeling Serena's going to blame CB for Carter's death, but I hope I'm wrong. I can also see them feeling guilty for what happened to Carter as well and the role they indirectly played in it

And if losing Carter wasn't enough, Chuck had the fear of almost losing his wife in the same horrific way he lost his mother. To the point, he had to beg her f to get a C-section. I'm really glad that Blair stood her ground though, and didn't cave to his desires. Even if I can understand his fears, and Blair could see it in his eyes. I also love how she came to the compromise to go with the c-section if there was any hint of a threat to her life. It really shows how much they love each other. And how they show it, not just by words, but by actions too

I really hope Bart gets what's coming to him. He's c such a ruthless monster here I still believe death is way too easy for him. It would mean he gets the coward way out, rather than pay the price for his crimes he should have to go to prison for the rest of the life, without the possibility of parole and see how happy Chuck and Blair are without him. Bask in their c happiness and show Bart how much of a better father he is to Henry, than Bart was to Chuck. That would be the best punishment for him. But v at this point I will revel in Any kind of punishment for Bart. Again, really great charter and can't c wait for the next one and see how this story wraps up and comes together
narsuess chapter 68 . 9/24/2015
Finally, baby bass arrived :-)
With over 11.000 words, this chapter was worth the wait
Great Job as usual, Ray

Chuck was blonde? I could picture him clearly, thanks to blonde ED
Poor Serena to lose carter when she's 3 months along in pregnancy, I hope she won't blame CB for this.
I can't believe we almost come to an end of this wonderful fic, I hope I can get a glimpse of CB as parents on next last 2 chapters. Curious to what will happen to Bart, you made him so evil so I hope he'll get what he deserves.

until next time... xoxo
Guest chapter 68 . 9/24/2015
I really don't like your Chuck. I haven't felt his love for Blair for a long time. He is just selfish and taking Blair's love for granted. How dare he said those things when Blair is in pain for their child? And why the hell didn't he tell Blair like "I love you" or "You did good" or "thank you for giving me a son" after their son was born? I really can't believe him.
Nelson0987 chapter 68 . 9/23/2015
Wow drama filled! Really thought Carter would make it, poor Serena and bless little Henry. Another great chapter, please continue!
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