Reviews for The Wretched and the Damned
xsmokeandmirrorsx chapter 13 . 7/27/2018
I've enjoyed reading this, I like the premise. I am curious as to how Rai is still young if he gave up the xiaolin lifestyle too... seems like chase is losing his grip a bit as well. I'm not sure if you're still updating this story but I'll look out for new chapters
Guest chapter 1 . 5/16/2018
I've fallen in love with your story and you left on a cliffhanger. I've bookmarked your story in hopes that you will continue to update it as much as you can on your time. Thank you!
EmilyKayros chapter 13 . 2/22/2018
Yes! It has finally updated!
Now im more excited on what comes next.
EmilyKayros chapter 12 . 11/8/2017
This is getting me excited.
Jack helping Rai to find the others and all.
But what happened to Omi after the raid in their hideout? I want to know about that next.

Keep up the good work!
EmilyKayros chapter 11 . 11/8/2017
I didnt realize that this fanfic got updated.
I got so hyped for the continuation :)
Really do love your work!

ValkyrieWolf246 chapter 10 . 9/28/2017
I always liked stories that delve into what would happen if Chase had stayed in power. Your story is quite an interesting one!

You have, in my opinion, a perfect blend of OCs and original characters. Your invented characters are believeable, charming, and don't take center stage. They assist the story but don't undermind the original characters: for example Ash is an interesting character in and of himself but he doesn't overshadow Wuya. The rebels that travel with Omi are easy characters to fall in love with but they don't take the focus away from Omi. None of your OCs have crazy out-of-this-world powers for no apparent reason; they're realistic characters and that's what I love the most about them, to the point where I'm truly remorseful of the ones that you've allowed us to get to know only to have them die. Very well done!

You've told the story masterfully as well. You have revealed just enough for the story to not be too abstract but left enough thus far to leave readers wondering and guessing. "Where are Kimiko and Clay? What happened to them? What happened to Raimundo to put him in such a mental state?" These main questions about the original Xiaolin characters leave me wanting more! And, going back to your OCs, I love what you've done with adding their side stories and how they support the main story. Such as, Jen and Mama and Evie. Their side stories captured me and I can't wait for more on them! Although I will say that at first I was a bit confused and a little lost when a chapter would go to an OC but I understand now.

One thing to especially note is Chase Young. Chase has always been a complex character even in the original Xiaolin Showdown show. I like how you've kept the complexity of his character; when Omi mused about how Chase only cared about the poor at first as a way to manipulate the masses into submitting to him is exactly what Chase would do, as well as Chase's insecurities about being called a "monster." I don't believe that Chase would just start killing people just because he could. He would do it with good reason rather than just mindlessly slaughter townsfolk. I like how you did that with the parade, since most stories I read about these senarios just make Chase out to be a ruthless killer which is underminding his complex character. By adding the scene with the parade and the crowd chanting "monster" opened up to us the weakness of Chase Young and shown us that he really isn't the mighty powerful and fearless dictator he let's everyone believe; he still has a human side, so to speak, and his insecurity about his "beast side," as people refer to it, shows us that even all these decades later Chase is still human, too.

I've enjoyed reading your story so far and can't wait for more!
EmilyKayros chapter 10 . 12/4/2016
Ohh! I have been waiting for this update. Even in this chapter, Eoin gives me the creeps *shivers. I'm still wondering of what happened to the other Xiaolin Dragons besides Raimundo, maybe it will be revealed soon. Nevertheless, I shall wait for the next chapter :D Update when you have the time!
Faceless Charmer chapter 8 . 11/28/2016
Man, I'm almost caught up. Bummer. Where's Dojo?
Faceless Charmer chapter 7 . 11/28/2016
This id killing me! Somebody defeat Chase quickly!
Faceless Charmer chapter 6 . 11/28/2016
I hope Eion is a good guy. But who knows?
Faceless Charmer chapter 5 . 11/28/2016
Linda better not narc. I'll be quite furious. I really want to know what happened to Raimundo, and the others.
Faceless Charmer chapter 4 . 11/28/2016
It's not gonna be easy remembering all these names, but I'll try. What an exciting chapter.
Faceless Charmer chapter 3 . 11/27/2016
Yay! Jack lives! But what had happened to our poor Raimundo? I hope you'll continue to update, because it's really gonna suck if I read all the chapters you have updated only for you to never finish. I like Jack's characterization very much, because it's very spot on. A young Jack would eagerly obey Chase, but an older and wiser Jack would begin to regret these things and think more clearly, and come to regret them.
Faceless Charmer chapter 2 . 11/27/2016
Ohh, I'm intrigued. How did they all manage to survive this long? Sheer force of will? Naw, I'm kidding, probably something magical. Is Jack still alive? Probably not, huh? Anyway, I'm excited to see what happens!
EmilyKayros chapter 9 . 11/14/2016
Please continue when you have the time :D The suspense is killing me here~~
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