Reviews for What You Should Have Told Me
Guest chapter 1 . 6/20
Love this! :)
ObsessedwReading chapter 1 . 3/23
Wonderful fanfiction
Guest chapter 1 . 10/20/2018
Your wrong thor odin never cared at least not for loki and not as a son as you and frigga dearly wish yo blind yourselves and believe
Izzaj chapter 1 . 9/29/2017
Oh, the last scene between brothers is so sweet. Poor Loki. But you did really good piece :)
AvaniX chapter 1 . 2/18/2016
King Princess
Volmornu chapter 1 . 11/2/2014
Oh my God, feels.
TheUndefeatable chapter 1 . 5/23/2014
Ooooh! Thor and Loki are cute like this! Write more! I want to know what happen next!
Sumi Anzu chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
This what thought of what happen to loki post thor and pre aveng. He was tortured in submission or brainwash.

I glad he got eir the healer who kind to him and he bonded again with his bro.

I like it. If i choose between the two, i perfer "what you should have done to me" due to drama, level of angst, and atempt to off oneself really stir the feelz in me.
safa56bmc chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
awwwwwwwwww..u brought me to tears again..u saved LOKI..dont let thanos touch my loki again..thank u very much dear for this lovely fic.
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 12/24/2013
nice fanfic
Misplaced Matches chapter 1 . 12/2/2013
Mwahah, I have all the glee upon discovering the sequel! This hit on the exact thing I was desperate for in the past fic- Thor! I like how Odin is in shock and I would have thought Loki's action a ploy to get his magic back had the thought about Hela not come about.

Frigga and Odin... Sheesh that's harsh! I can see him losing his temper though, especially because Loki wa taunting Thor earlier.

I like how Eir calm/sedates Loki.

Is Thanos part of why the blue torments him so?

"I know although my brother is the God of Mischief, he has a heart." 3 I do think that Loki went amiable quite quickly, but maybe he just wanted some unconditional love. I think he never believes that Thor actually does love him unconditionally... It might ease his pain in the marvel universe. I'm glad you continued!