Reviews for A Twist of Fate
Unknown user chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
E. Aster Bunnymund, I wish Kanan Jarrus, A.K.A Caleb Dume was your replacement as the Guaridan of Hope! #:(
Demi clayton chapter 6 . 10/24/2019
I think you should write more, when you can as it is really good so for, yet sad and funny as well as cute. Please and thank you.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/12/2019
Great story, keep it up!
Myra109 chapter 6 . 8/4/2018
This story is amazing! Definitely one of the best Rise of the Guardians stories I've read so far! There's a lot of detail without making the chapters excessively long; it involves new and lesser used characters and gives them important roles (the Groundhog, mostly) unlike any I've ever seen before. I wish you'd continue this story, but even if you don't, it's still amazing, even if it is uncompleted. Thank you for writing this, and great job on this story!
lillelouis chapter 6 . 6/6/2018

Oh my god I am LOVING this and it ends?! HERE?! D:

This is so great! So detailed and rich!

It can't be the end!

...I need more. STAT.
Blitza chapter 6 . 5/28/2018
I like it
Ireland Scott of BROH chapter 6 . 1/12/2017
NO! NONONNONONONO! How. Dare. You! Not on that note!
The Best Guesst chapter 6 . 12/9/2016
I love this so much and I can't wait for more of it! I hope things are less crazy for you now, and that you can get back to writing! Good job with this!
Nekohime1 chapter 6 . 9/16/2016
Oh my gosh O-O I literally can't wait for the next update!
story magic chapter 6 . 6/12/2016
oh, i cant wait for the next chapter, this is too good
Convenient Alias chapter 6 . 5/8/2016
I really like this fic, especially the parts about Jamie and Jack bonding, and of course the Jack hurt/comfort. Poor Jack tries so hard and thinks he only ever messes up. I love how Jamie can see his weaknesses but still idolizes him. He's like Jack's little brother. :)
Moira Colleen chapter 6 . 1/22/2016
I had forgotten about this fic. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Sora Tayuya chapter 6 . 1/22/2016
So he the shadow is blackmail in order for Pitch to get his dirty work done. Despicable. Especially since the Groundhog actually cares a bit for Jack, and that Jack was so touched/taken back that the legend came to help him.
SassySnowflake16 chapter 6 . 1/22/2016
i need help...
dizappearingirl chapter 5 . 1/8/2016
Oooh, I really like the idea of this story. It makes a lot of sense that instead of just taking Jack out of the picture he uses Baby Tooth as incentive to turn Jack against the guardians. I can totally see that happening. And look it just how much that can change things!

I'm glad the guardians didn't linger on the idea that Jack was bad for too long. And I like that even when he was attempting to follow Pitch's orders, Jack just couldn't do it. 300 years of being ignored and he managed to keep his intentions good? Pitch isn't going to be able to turn him if Jack can do that!

Oh the wonderful amounts of whump in this. Augh, I am such a sucker for hurt/comfort and this is dripping in it! Poor Jack, so sure that no one cares, no one will miss him, no one will help. The scene with North rescuing from the cage just breaks my heart. Talk about effective torture for Jack... I also loved Jack attempting to cheer Jamie up in the cages. And Jamie's little comment about Jack not talking anymore...oh man. The apprehension...

Jack clinging to Jamie at the pole is intriguing. I think you totally got the right idea there and I had never thought about him acting that way before. But it totally makes sense as one way he could react. And I love Jamie's insistence that Jack not only be a guardian but believe that Jamie will still believe him beyond the next few minutes. Go Jamie go!

Sophie's little monologue in here was awesome. I love her ideas and how you wrote her voice. Very fun scene to read!

I like your idea about the groundhog-am I right in guessing that it was him and his shadow?! That is cool! (If you explained this in an author's note, I apologize. I was so intrigued, I wasn't stopping to read them!)

Oooh, you pulled in the moon in this one! In an actual defensive position and everything. Not many people take the idea of the moon and his moonbeams and what they can do against Pitch. Very nice.

I am excited to see more. :3
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