Reviews for Confronting Temptation
barcastaff chapter 30 . 1/7/2019
The first two stories in this series is just plainly brilliant. Thank you for bringing us this story. However as tempting as it may be, I'm not going to start reading the third story. The prospect of diving into it only to drown in an abrupt stop is too much for me, I guess. So I reckon it is me who need to fight temptation, and maybe, just maybe, expect temptation also. I really do hope you still read your comments, and thanks again for writing it.
Harrypotterposthogwarts chapter 11 . 1/26/2018
Yeyyyyy finally a kiss. This is such a good story.
KK chapter 30 . 7/1/2017
I am absolutely loving returning to your stories. I got so emotionally wrapped up in them.

You portray a really good story of kids dealing with their parents' disapproval of their significant others. Most people would say "Forget what your family thinks," but as you've said in your notes, it's not that simple. Yes, we are meant to find someone and go away from our family with them, but we still want them in our lives. Disagreeing on a life partner strains that. And Rose/Scorpius were so young. I like that you showed the irony of how the parents fought a war based on prejudice, yet they ended up having the same prejudices when it came to their kids. This whole heartbreaking scenario wouldn't have happened had Draco, Ron and company had been more accepting.

Here, in this story, you show how dangerous it is to be in love with someone but not be able to trust them. Scorpius absolutely loves Rose, but she chose her parents before. He was afraid she'd leave him again if her dad asked, even though she had already stood up to Ron. He doesn't fully trust her because their last breakup was so devastating. Young love can be dangerous. You can love someone, but if you can't trust them, it won't last long unless you find a way to get that trust back. Scorpius and Rose are learning that love is important, but it isn't everything. You need other things in a relationship, and usually your love comes because you have those things. Sometimes things like love and trust go hand in hand, but their situation is realistic in that they love each other but don't have trust, which can happen. You can have a situation where either you love someone but don't trust them or that trust is broken, and you don't know what to do about it. Their situation is the latter. Love typically makes you want to work to have trust and the other important things in a relationship, and work on the relationship if you don't. But if fear takes over, the realization that you can sometimes have love without something important like trust behind it makes fixing things harder. And this pregnancy won't make things easier. They need to do some counseling and serious soul searching to get that trust back.

Sorry for the analysis. It's my way of expressing just how much I love your writing! Please continue!
Ella chapter 7 . 9/26/2015
Your stories are so great! I actually like your characterization of Rose - she isn't perfect and that humanizes her. Thank you for sharing your awesome writing skills with everyone!
FanofSlytherins7711 chapter 30 . 7/26/2015
I love the end of this story, just enough drama to carry over to the next story! Great work.
sarangingayo chapter 17 . 7/1/2015
I honestly don't think that Scor OMITTING the fact that he was married - IN PAPER is a deal? Why is Rose upset about this? Yes he was married and yes he should have told her but does it warrant this kind of reaction from rose? Who cares if they fucked and he was married - it was going to end by mutual divorce anyway. I don't get why you made Rose find this so unforgivable and a form of betrayal when it's such a minor thing to have omitted.
sarangingayo chapter 15 . 7/1/2015
Okay I can kinda see it a little bit but Fuck off rose! It shouldn't be a big deal because you know they're having problems and even if you didn't want to be that girl that ruined someones marriage - you wouldn't be because there was no real marriage because of her infidelity. I still think scorpius doesn't deserve roses wrath. And that Scorpius forgives Lexie and that Lexie finds happiness.
sarangingayo chapter 14 . 7/1/2015
I don't understand how you wrote scorpius's mind. Why should rose lose her trust in him when he didn't tell her about Hugo. It's her brothers fault - if anything she should feel guilty that her family member was part of this affair.
Guest chapter 30 . 11/2/2014
Ahhhh Scorpius was an idiot for doing it in the first place man I'm glad she finally found out she deserved to know
CCSKKJ chapter 30 . 10/29/2014
Really good story so far! I really liked your build-up to the finale in this chapter, its anice set-up for part 3. I cant wait to read it!
I hope, Scorpius and Rose handle their problems maturely, especially Rose can be pretty temperamental! And while it does make for an interesting read to handle a conflict like theirs with dramatic escapes (with banging doors and flying dishes) and overly romantic forgiveness-seeking gestures... it's not really what a marriage is all about! I hope the two of them know that making-up and forgiving/trusting each other will take some time... although it's certainly not an easy task with a baby on the way. I mean, my mother always says it's never perfect timing, but this baby really couldn't have chosen a worse time!
Well, I'm really curious about how you will wrap this all up in the last part and can't wait to see chapter 1 posted!
Nicky995 chapter 30 . 10/24/2014
Hey just started reading ur series a couple of days ago n haven't stopped reading it's so AMAZING! I love that it's realistic n not just set in hogwarts. OMG she pregnant ahhhh! Can't wait for next update!
DutchScorRosefan chapter 30 . 10/24/2014
Oooooh. That's a cliffy.

And yes please part 3 cannot wait...
iess24601 chapter 30 . 10/24/2014
Wooooooow you are getting better with each chapter. So ¿this is the end for this second part? I cant wait for the next chapter . Please keep updating.
iess24601 chapter 29 . 10/6/2014
Perfect, this put me more nervous about Scorpius and Rose confronting the fact that he has keeping the letters of her father away from her. That encounter with Lexi was great (jajajaja, Belinda likes Rose, how ironic) I love your Hugo, so sweet. Please keep updating as soon as possible :)
Da 0122 chapter 29 . 10/4/2014
It was good to see Hermione's point of view and to see that Rose confronted her mother about it. I know that this is a calm before the storm. There is still much to be dicussed and things that need to be brought to the light. As for the situation with Lexie, I am glad to see it was brought up at all.
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