Reviews for Penumbra 1- This House of Bones
Aaronna chapter 6 . 2/6/2016
This story has brought me to tears several time with its emotional moments. Great job. I look forward to reading Penumbra 2. Until then.
wryter501 chapter 6 . 1/25/2016
Your writing is refreshingly mature for this site. I love your characterizations both before and after the reveal, merlin telling Arthur he needs to change his clothes, and for a good, thoughtful reason. I love the idea that Arthur takes care of the kingdom and merlin takes care of Arthur, even in ordinary ways, and that he's not only good at it, but invaluable to Arthur in that role also. And afterward. This is a complex situation, with unavoidable hurt and blame and innocence on both sides, I love that Gwen specifically is sensitive to that. I love that merlin can be devastated at Arthur's judgment, yet still pack and go with a sense of unconquerable optimism-this isn't the end. And that Arthur can be both just and merciful, uphold the law as is his duty while making a big mistake, tell merlin he never wants to see him again and then sneak one last look, threaten him with death if he's caught on camelot's lands and wish him life and safety, all at once. Because /life/ is complicated like that...
danisonval chapter 6 . 12/29/2014
I am new to Fan Fiction and this is my first post. I enjoyed your story and I am looking forward to reading more of your work. Keep up the excellent work!
ThorneofAcre chapter 6 . 10/19/2014
Wow.. this was really well written. I might even be so far as to say that it was perfect. Every scene was so lovingly thought out, ea h description so poetically precise that by tbe end i had tears in my eyes. I've read an insanely huge number of reveal fics, but have found very few of them to stand out. This did, it shone with an intensity that I've seldom seen.
It were the little details which made it such an enjoyable read for me; the backstory you described in the first chapter, the rock monster and the banter over it, Arthur letting them laugh at his expense because he didn't need their fear, Merlin's advice, Arthur thinking on the advice later, the knights seeing Merlin off regardless, and the final nod Merlin sent you Arthur... thank you for writing this.
Now I'm delighted to find that this is a series, so I'm off reading them all in the next few hours.
DragonThetan chapter 6 . 9/15/2014
Absolutely wonderful story & start to your new series! I look forward to reading all the completed stories/parts to this series.

For your info, I generally don't read works in progress, but in this case I plan on not only reading all of the completed parts, but also those which are still works-in-progress, just because I love your writing!
DragonThetan chapter 1 . 9/15/2014
Interesting start!
musicnlyrics chapter 6 . 8/10/2014
I am so happy that this continues. :D

Thanks for sharing!
eilonwy77 chapter 6 . 7/3/2014
This was a nicely-crafted story and I enjoyed it. I am looking forward to reading more of the series. :-)
XBlueWrenX chapter 6 . 4/27/2014
Oh... my... God... :O I am speechless. That story... OMG. I can't speak- Type, lol.
OK. Firstly, you may well be the best writer I have ever come across on this site. Your writing technique is the BEST I've EVER seen, and I mean that. I envy you! You have the right amount of detail, description, thoughts and feelings, and action in there that doesn't make it even slightly boring, but doesn't make it too dramatic or unrealistic either (and yes, i do realise magic is sort of unrealistic - NO IT'S NOT! - but I mean the events that take place).
Your reaction, or your writing of the reactions, of Merlin's and Arthur's just after the magic reveal... reduced me to tears. The sort I've never actually experienced before. (And I rarely cry at things...) I've - more than once - experienced tears of pure sadness and grief. More than I've wanted... I've, only once, cried in happiness and absolute shock at an event before, that was SO happy and shocking, at the same time I literally just BURST into happy tears. But I've never EVER cried... like that before.
Your writing creates so much emotion! I wasn't full on crying, but it's that type of crying where you just find odd tears falling because the piece you are watching/reading is so MOVING that you have nothing else to do. Your numb, you can't move, you can't speak, but your eyes just tell it all. I LOVED the magic reveal, and the prologue with Morgana and the new dark magic and the Triple Goddess and... that was really well written. I can't wait to see what's in store for her.
The magic reveal was good though. But ye, the bit with Arthur touching the sword hilt and Merlin flinching away and GOD! You and your eyes... The emotion you put behind them. The imagery is so perfect! The heartbreak and the fear is just right to create the perfect kind of tension and suspense. I honestly have never been so captivated by a story before! I honestly would do ANYTHING to have a talent like yours. You really should be proud. I honestly can't think why you don't have hundreds of reviews piling up for this story.
The only thing that worries me is the summary... Perhaps if it hinted more at the really enticing parts of your story... it would be better, and more people would look and think "ye, that sounds really good" and just have a quick peak at your first chapter. And because you are so good at writing, I don't think for a SECOND that anyone could turn away from your story once they've read the first few lines. But perhaps you could hint at the new evil coming about and explain more about how the story is about the after effects of the reveal or something, as I have seen your story summaries a lot, and only now have I just read them... but OH MY GOD! I'm so thankful I did! I often find myself skim reading lots of peoples work, but I honestly couldn't see myself skipping a single word for this story; it was so good!
I know I said I had no words... I'd be surprised if you'd just read through all of this, really. XD I hope you get this review! But this story was SO perfect and I honestly can't get to the sequel quick enough. THANK YOU! xxxx
Ash9 chapter 6 . 2/15/2014
Amazing. Such great characterizations!
mysticmoon1331 chapter 6 . 2/11/2014
love this!
zendog chapter 6 . 1/7/2014
Lyrical, articulate and moving. The scene where the five knights gather to say goodbye is beautifully simple and Arthurs regrets at the end are well thought out.
zendog chapter 3 . 1/7/2014
Absolutely loved this reveal...the use of Arthur's own battle cry echoed back to him by Merlin was inspired. Just the right level of emotion and anger. And Lancelots small interventions were lovely.
April29Roses chapter 5 . 11/28/2013
When I first saw this in my box, I was sad because I knew the story was almost over, but now...What a way to start a story arc!
The scene between Arthur and Merlin was intense and sad, and it was hard not to hope for a different outcome. Arthur felt he had been just, but his decision is going to come back and bite him in so many different ways, that you have to feel sorry, (but only a bit.) Merlin trying to cope with his exile as he says goodbye to Gaius and Gwen was beautifully written, with great emotive touches, like Gaius' medicine bag. His words were so true and so fatherly, as he hands his profession to Merlin as a way to keep going. A wandering healer is indeed always welcome. Great cover!
The final scene was absolutely moving. Arthur watching as Merlin leaves and knowing that Merlin saw him, left that 'open door' feeling, that makes me want to read the next story IMMEDIATELY! Poor Merlin and his little sack of possessions...
When I think about the stupendous prologue, I know we are in for some real adventure! Thanks so much for this story and all the hard work in your wordsmithing! Now go eat! Happy Thanksgiving my friend!
iceecream456 chapter 6 . 11/27/2013
I really can't wait for the next story! XD This story made me cry, especially the epilogue part where Arthur was thinking about that meeting that discussed the Great Purge stuff. You did a wonderful job! XD I hope you update your next story soon! XD
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