Reviews for Isle of Thorns
trontroy chapter 1 . 2/15/2019
Just chanced upon this fic and I really couldn’t stop reading. It’s really good and I like the original ideas and how Wendy was portrayed as well. I have also finished the sequel within a day. Hope you will keep writing more OUAT fanfics!
AlesiaJ89 chapter 1 . 11/7/2016
OMG this was amazing I freaking loved it
Foxytail9 chapter 22 . 2/8/2016
Thank you for this. Thank you so much. We don't get a lot of Darling Pan stories these day, and this one was bloody brilliant.
Farala chapter 15 . 10/31/2015
OOOh i like this especially the part about her morning blush and basking in the brilliance of what they had done last night. a big thumbs up
PrincessUniKityyy chapter 22 . 4/24/2015
This is one of the best, most confusing fucked up stories ever amen to you
Austin and Ally Go 1 Direction chapter 22 . 10/23/2014
This was absolute perfection.
Ode to a Fangirl chapter 22 . 6/25/2014
This story is so beautiful! Good job! I love all the back stories, and just, the whole thing!
novelreader chapter 22 . 6/25/2014
Okay so this wasn't so creepy I guess. Just weird with Peter still being Rumple's father... at least he didn't age back again so that he wouldn't be with Wendy.. still.. weird... Rumple has an adolescent father while he's like what? 41 years old... that's just weird... Henry's got a weird family. And now, well maybe, Wendy is his new adolescent step-mom.. like I said weird.
novelreader chapter 5 . 6/25/2014
Wow. Just wow. I think you just described the Wendy syndrome. I kinda understand now what Peter means about Wendy being a stupid girl, but then it's... love. I really wouldn't know, but you definitely do a good job painting her as a real person almost. Great Job. Also like how you did Peter. This definitely seem like a real Peter/Wendy relationship though more adult like, not the childish kind in the book and movie. I'm really hoping for a happy ending though to me realistically it will probably end in disaster.
Milady729 chapter 22 . 6/25/2014
Bravo! This story deserves a standing o for all the thought and hard work the author has put into it:) All of the twists and spins interlacing with the original plot was, I'm sure, time consuming. Beautifully done! I look forward to the sequel!:)
Milady729 chapter 21 . 6/17/2014
Outstanding! As always, you never cease to amaze me by the way you put your own visionary spin on the original story. Again, I am thoroughly impressed!
Milady729 chapter 20 . 6/10/2014
Wow! I was so pleasantly surprised to see this, and what a treat!:) I think this chapter is my favorite so far. Of all the intimate moments, that was the most tender and angsty and gut-wrenching. I felt so sorry for them, but good for you staying true to character. And, of course, thanks for the Hook scene, can never get enough of him and always happy to have a little bit of his character thrown in ;) ***Infinite stars***
Milady729 chapter 19 . 6/6/2014
Awesome awesome! You don't know how much I look forward to this story! I hope you are doing well:) Great update-5 stars all the way:)
VigilantBallofPassion chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
I love this story too much. Yesterday when I noticed there was an update I squealed Please continue this.
Milady729 chapter 17 . 4/25/2014
Wow! What a bridge to the present! I love all the gaps you are filling and all the characters are followed to the dot. I also just love a good cat and mouse theme. I was glad he caught up to her:) I like how you really showed where Tink's true loyalty lies. That's something I thought was very important that the show should've delved into a bit. Great update! Looking foward to more!
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