Reviews for Lil' Star
rinnie21 chapter 10 . 3/31/2015
I like this fic! Please continue, it's really good! Your writing is very good!
boasamishipper chapter 10 . 7/23/2014
Well. It's been a while since I've been in this AU 'verse of yours, B. I just reread the whole thing—it's awesome as ever by the way—and now I'm ready to finally review chapter ten! :)
That being said:
*nearly dies from fluff overload*
Seriously. Have I never said just how much I ship Kunna? They are sooooooo adorable it's not even funny. I love love love them! :)
*I am caught by alarm at remembering what caused him to run all the way out here in the first place- this smooth, confident-on-the-surface boy who hides his problems from the world through sweet smiles and witty remarks. I saw the boy-Liao-die in my vision, and another boy-whom I can only assume to have been Sunna- cause him to sleep. Forever. I know Sunna didn't meant what he did... to Liao. But, my powers never want so far as to kill anyone. Sure, I've burnt people, and I've seen people die in my visions, but to actually, by your own power, cause someone to never wake up again...
I shiver. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if that happened. I find myself happy that at least someone else has suffered more pain and guilt that I have. Am content with the fact that someone else shares my freak-dum.*
Funny enough, after using the name Liao for my OC in The Other Side of Me, I thought for a minute that the Liao Sunna had killed was actually MY Liao, LOL. I was like, "Liao, babe, what're you doing here? Get back to my AU 'verse!" before realizing they were two different characters and I laughed.
And thus ends a brief backstory by Boa. :)
*Then I stop and think about what kind of person that makes me. Shame heats my cheeks, threatens to force me to run back home. It tells me that I don't deserve to befriend him, let alone talk to him. Agni, Kida, you can be such a bitch sometimes.*
Yeah, I was about to mention what kinda person that made Kida but then our bb came to her senses. See, that is what I like about her—she has common sense and brains and an attitude and isn't a Mary Sue at all! You make your characters really well in that sense, my friend :)
*"You know," I grunt as I use 'Ol Bruiser to push my weight up, "It took me years to work up the guts to climb this high. I'm pretty sure you just defied the laws of Earthbenders everywhere. The 'Thou shalt not lift thy feet past five feet off thy ground' rule or whatever." He says nothing, his face still covered by his hands. "I'm a quarter mud," I continue, not sure where I'm going with this, "but I guess when you're a mutt like me, you've learned to just go with what comes naturally."*
Aww! It's so...Kida...if that makes sense. It sounds just like her—she really is the perfect mix of Mako and Korra. :)
*I am tugged with a longing to wipe his tears away. To brush away the pain in his grass-covered eyes, and get that sweet smile back on his face. His face, with his smooth, yet, dessert-baked skin, which is almost as dark as mine.*
Hang on. Pause, please. Doesn't Kida have pale skin, like Mako? Because now it sounds like she has Korra's skin...
*And his calloused hands which seem to tell a story by the way he curls his fingers, as if he can hold whole dunes of sand in them. The pebbles sparking in the sun, falling past his fingers in magic little morsels that have been their since before our great ancestors...*
God, your descriptions are great. :) I've probably mentioned this before, but they are, B. They're really good.
*My mother was never really one to show tears around others, always bottling up her frustrations, and Poppa wasn't much better. It wasn't that they told me that emotions were bad...more so that they gave off the impression that keeping crying to yourself was safer.
Or maybe that was just me.*
Oh, Kida. Oh, baby, please. You're making me cry, and the chapter hasn't even really taken off yet! Stop it! Stop making me want to give you a thousand hugs. Seriously.
Oh screw it. *hugs Kida*
*both Kida and Sunna look at me funny*
*whispers* Sorry. I'll leave now. But lemme just say that aside from Boasami, you're my OTP!
*"You don't wanna know. But, hey, can I ask you a question? Actually, a couple?"
"You just did." he says. "A couple equals two. Someone's not been doing their math."*
*nearly faints from the cuteness AGAIN* My god. These two kiddies are adorable, B! :) please make them get married and have beautiful babies!
*Or maybe Momma just thinks this because she gets resentful vibes from her past life, being that a group of Sandbenders stole his Flying Bison Spirit Guide and all. I would go all out if anyone dared to harm one feather on Tukka's little head. Kailani's Poodle-monkey can vogue for this.
My mother really isn't one to judge people ( so I guess I should have included me in that thought) but when she heard from the school about a student coming to our class whose family had moved from the Shang Wi dessert, she flinched. She didn't think I saw, but she did. An involuntary gust of wind had flown though the kitchen.
Poppa had told me to pretend it never happened.*
*winces* oh, YIKES. Yeah. I suppose I should've seen that complication coming. At least it didn't happen when Kida introduced Sunna to her parents face to face. That would've been awkward.
Kida's nickname for Sunna is cute. As is her reasoning. I'm squealing like a maniac at their dialogue and I'm pretty sure my family thinks that I'm insane. *shrugs* life of a reader/writer/reviewer, eh?
*I am sure that my cheeks have turned into tomatoes. That organ that pumps my blood is thumping hard, and my whole face feels warm.
"I...I, um," I clear my throat, "He says...he says, he thinks so, b-but would like to know why..."
Dumb ass! Can't you just say 'yes'?!
He clears his throat. "Well, let's see. You, firebender. You, hot, and quirky, and witty..."
What did I just say? So not cool!
He nods, his eyes sparking, "I think you're beautiful."*
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! *squeals* Seriously, though—awwww! They are so cuuuuuuuutttteeeeee! Kunna, I ship you forevah!
*I could do my worst right now, with my curiosity. I could ask him about his Powers and what happened that day with the sandstorm. Or even about that boy Liao.
But because I don't want his smile to go away, I ask him his favorite color.*
And yeah. That's also sweet. She cares about him. Aww! My god, I can totally envision the family meeting him. :)
Sunna playfully avoiding the question was very cute too. :D god, this is adorable.
*"Guilty. And to answer your question- I dare you to look at the sun the next time you get lost."
I snort. "Right. So the next time I get lost in my bedroom, I should look out my window at the sun. Anything specific I should do first?
He finds this little game very intriguing. He takes another apple bite, "Well you could call me first, and leave your clothes on, or take them off, while doing so. Whichever you prefer."*
Meow! Sunna is a real charmer, ain't he? :) :) :) Kida, if you don't want him, I'll gladly take him! (I'll also take Chan!)
*"A jerkbender."
He gasps in fake mockery. "Someone call the police! The Avatar's daughter has some very colorful language."*
See, she could call the police, or she could just call Mako, you know. Same result, LOL. :) that'd be an interesting phone call, too. "Yes, Chief? There've been some reports of colorful language near the Spirit Woods. BY YOUR DAUGHTER."
*pauses* "On my way."
*James Bond music plays in background*
Mako *takes off sunglasses* "The name is Mako. Detective Mako."
Yeah. I need to stop this before it gets out of hand. BACK TO ZE REVIEW!
*"Yeah? Well, you better write your questions down; I got plenty of answers!"
"I'll be the judge of that!" My feet hit the ground, and I turn on my heels with a confident smirk.
But all I can think of is, he thinks I'm beautiful.*
Seriously. *points at them* they rock. They really do. As do you, for creating them. :)
Awesome job once more and I can't wait for the next chappie, my friend.
Yours in Fanfiction,
-Boa :)
boasamishipper chapter 9 . 3/16/2014
Hey, B! *begs forgiveness for the lateness of this review* So, so sorry for not reviewing this earlier, but I'm here now, LOL. (Also, I SWEAR I am working on the scene for Intuition, it's almost done, pinky swear). But anyways. Onward to the review!
First off, about your author's note, I'm not sure. Now that you mention it, I do see similarities between Lil' Star and Intuition, but I dunno if you should have the stories connected. Maybe you can have this one take place however many years later after Intuiton or something, but I dunno. Maybe it's best to have the two separate story lines.
*So my moon peaches are now ripe, when do my mangoes come in? Spirits, I have to stop using food analogies...
But really, I have one arm, am psychic, and Bonded. I have to have a period, too?
I really need some chocolate.*
LOL. That is so Kida! *gigglesnorts* Way more open about it than I was, but there you go. *gives her a Toblerone bar*
*But you know what? I'm a friggin' woman now, and it was time for a change. I couldn't hide in my room anymore, talking to Tukka all night about my problems, writing my sorrows down in my journal. Not eating to try to be more pretty, or whatever the hell goes on in my messed up mind.
That Spirit had saved me for a reason, and decided that my life was worth more than getting smashed to bits in the car. The least I could do was attempt to finally live it.
An intervention was in session. I was done pretending.*
*applauds* Attagirl, Kida! Way to be a young woman, babe. So happy she's finally telling Mako and Korra everything. :)
*"Okay, I'm just gonna say it. I have a Power, and I'm Bonded." I suck in a breath, and they don't say anything, so I continue on. "That's why you used to hear my talking in my room all the time. I have a Spirit Bond. His name is Tukka."
After a moment of letting that settle in, Momma speaks up. Her voice sounds a bit hurt, "Honey, why didn't you just tell us? We would have understood. Lots of people have Powers and are Bonded-some are both. It's only the Spirits' will. Just look at your Aunt Jinora. She can see Spirits that no one else can, and talks to them!*
Yeah, exactly! And huh. Is that thing about Jinora canon? Because either way, that's a great way to incorporate it into the story. Maybe you can have Kida confide in Jinora or something in a few chappies...
*I nod. "You're the Avatar and the Chief of Police. Your lives are already hard enough. You have an invalid daughter who shocks herself when she wants a sip of water, and she's half Water Tribe. I'm already the one-armed freak at school. I didn't want you to find out what else was wrong with me."
Great, now I'm crying. I promised myself I wouldn't cry. Damn feelings. I yank 'Ol Bruiser off, with a grunt. "I'm sorry..."*
Now I'm crying too! Thanks a lot, B. *blows nose*
*Or maybe the woman cells in my body are infecting my brain with confidence, and optimism. Like those girls who chew bubble gum and skip to school. Maybe that's, like, the symptoms of this. Hormones, of whatever.
Either way, I do not know this Hopeful Kida. This Kida is stange. I must put her back. Tie her down before she can crawl out from inside and take over. Pretty soon I will be going to sleepovers with Kailani, and taking about boys while eating overly sugared snacks.
I shiver. I hope it's not too late for me.*
While funny, it's also a bit sad. Don't be afraid to be hopeful, Kida. Hope is wonderful. :)
*snickers* Tukka seems to be well received. Plus Asami's Spirit-proof locks will be a big thing on the market until Homeland Security takes over, LOL.
*Sandman takes a huge breath of relief. "O-Oh, thank you, Ma'am." One of his books fall, and slides towered me. And damn it, if I were normal, I'd pick it up, hand it to him with some nice comment, and The Minions would be in such a state of shock, they'd have to leave for the day.
Kailani picks it up. I nearly burn my papers again.*
I nearly burn Kailani, LOL. Of course she has to intervene.
*"Here you go, Sunna," her sing-song voice is that of a dying bird. Her gum pop pop pops as if she is trying to permanently stick the two of them together. And- dear, Agni, she winks.
Um, excuse me, I think I'm having a heart attack-*
Ditto. Bleh. *shudders*
And then...I present to you...Kunna! :) hee-hee. *snickers* They are so adorable together!
*Ol Bruiser jolts me back to life. In the background, I hear Kailani wine about how she has taken the exhausting and perilous trip into the front of the room, occupied by Kita Land, and used her bad wrist to pick up the book, which is still in recovery from the vast amounts of writing that she stayed up doing last night, so honestly, she is a savior and deserves some form of reward. AKA: The Sandman's sand.
She is scolded and goes back to her seat like a wounded cat-owl. I push me seat over, moving my papers over to make room.*
Yay! Kailani doesn't get the Sandman's Sand! *cracks up* that sounded wayyy better in my head.
*"Oh, Spirits..." The Minions Snicker behind me. "I should have brought the popcorn," Kailani pops her gum, "This is beautiful."*
I'm currently considering the merits of having the original characters from my fic come to yours and torture Kailani, LOL. Nah. Not worth it.
*I cluck my tongue. "Hmm, I see." I flip another page, faking boredom. I pray he'll keep talking. Damn, he's like a drug, this beautiful, strange, blunt boy.
"Tell you what." He actually bumps his elbow with mine playfully. My eyes open, a flash of annoyance. I did not say he could touch me. "I'll promise to always tell you what I feel, if you'll work on not being so afraid."
"I'm not afraid of anything!" my voice rings out, and pencils stop moving. Prune Head turns around to look at us.*
GodohGodohGodohGod, why can't this be an actual series! Like a spinoff for LOK! The Tales of Kida or something, haha. But seriously, I can picture this so well.
And then the happy fluff goes bye-bye. *sighs* Still. The memory of Liao made me sniffle a little bit. Poor guy. Sunna didn't mean to kill you. Promise. :(
*Sunna's face pales, his eyes dark. "I know." his whispers, "It was never supposed to happen like that."
"Kida! What did you do to Sunna?" Kailani screeches from behind.
Sunna, in one burst of anger, whips around, "She did nothing!" he demands. "Leave her alone!"
This time, it's he who makes the hasty exit, with me left watching him go.*
Huh. Well then, the tables are turned, I see. Hmm...
*Maybe it's time I find some answers of my own.
Don't worry, Sunna. I'll find you. I'll help you face your fears, too, whatever they are.*
An excellent ending, my dear B.
Two quibbles: you say "dig a whole" instead of "dig a hole". The other quibble is WHYISNTTHISAWESOMELYAWESOMEFICUPDATEDYETOHWHY!
*calms down*
Anyway. :)
Awesome job, my friend, and I can't wait for the next chappie.
Yours in Fanfiction,
-Boa :)
P.S thanks for your review for The Other Side of Me, I really appreciate it! :)
Guest chapter 9 . 3/6/2014
Yay an update! And a great one at that!
dcdishy chapter 9 . 3/5/2014
Mako and Korra hugging Kida so sweet. I am happy Kida's parents accepted her, it would be really sad if they didn't. And I can't imagine what she would end up doing if they didn't accept her.

Kida and Sunna are sooo cute together I want to see what their friendship will be like. Glad someone finally screamed at Kialani she deserves it. I missed this story please update soon.
EmikoSakura27 chapter 1 . 3/5/2014
Awww! Thats sweet! Its a big contrast to her rough nature and shows that she is maturing. Keep it up! I wonder how mako will react!
Guest chapter 8 . 1/26/2014
Ooh! An update for Lil' Star! Awesome :) as always, this new chappie did not disappoint, my friend. I absolutely loved it. And Kunna interactions next chappie?! *jumps up and down* Awesome! :) and now, onto the rest of this review...
*Take out the fact that Momma-the-Avatar-Korra attracts people to her like a hummer-bee to a honeycomb, and maybe things would be okay. But when you put in all the Pity Stares, plus 'Ol Brusier's ability to maul all of the shirts I actually managed to try on, and him sounding the alarm to every store that we had the misfortune to enter, add in Angry Store Manager against Angry Momma with the four elements, and, just to give it some flavor, maybe a few sprinkles of Kailani and her minions watching from the sidelines like it was the premiere of their favorite mover.*
Yikes. Oh, Kida, honey...that's terrible. :(
Lol, she nicknamed the wig Peachy? LMAO! I can so picture that. *snickers*
*"-She called you a horrible name, Kida," Momma's voice it stern, "She harassed you, and ordered us to leave. No one calls my daughter that and gets away with it."
I dip my chin down, "All she called me was a 'metal-armed invalid.'"
"Exactly!" I see her grip the searing wheel tighter, the fabric turning red, "And that's horrible."
"No, it's not." I say simply, as if answering a 'yes' or 'no' question, "It's true."*
*gasps along with Korra* No it isn't true! Kida, don't you ever think like that ever! You are NOT an invalid!
*The Spirit makes a scard, screeching noise. For a moment, I am the Spirit. I feel our souls connecting, or minds blurring as one. I see through his eyes, as the Avatar frantically manuevers the car back onto the road, the one-armed girl sitting in the passenger's seat, glowing with an invisible energy. I am all the Spirit is and ever was.
Then the car squelches to a halt, with the tires squeaking. I am slammed into me again.*
Awesome description, B :) I love love love that!
*But that's about all that I can take. I peel myself off the back of my closed door, and into bed. I feel icky all over. My sides hurt, but that might just be because I got jammed into the car door when we went over the bump. But it's insides feel all tingly.
And that Spirit. What was it that he wanted me to know? Or did he just do that...whatever it is that he did- to save me?
I'm too tired to think, too tired, too tired.
I shut my eyes and dream of glowing eyes, burnt shoe boxes, and a how to be normal.*
Awesome bit of paragraphs, B! Really well described. :) and Korra, you're the best momma ever and never tell yourself otherwise, alright?
And then...yeah, I can see why you had fun writing this last bit, LOL. *snickers immaturely*
*This is not freakin' pee.
Red dots the inside, popping bright against the white lace.
I probably sat there on the toilet, opened mouthed, staring at my underpants for a good straight ten minutes. The whole time I was probably thinking, Ta and La please let this be real, please don't let me be dying.*
I'm pretty sure this is exactly how I reacted to my first one too, LOL.
Try to imagine this: My mother and father rushing to the bathroom door, both nearly falling over, legs tangling on the rug. Their hair is a nest, faces coated in eye-boogers and they are barely breathing through their sputters of 'whatisitwhat'swrongareyouokay?'*
Hahahahahaha! I can TOTALLY picture this happening, LOL. :) *snorts* And the code red, oh god. *cracks up*
*"I did clearly state the hatching of my eggs," I reply with a smile, "as well as the possible 'code red'. I think it was pretty self-explanatory."
Momma starts guffawing, and Poppa's mouth opens and closes like a coi-fish. If it were possible, he blushes more.
"Congratulations, sweetheart. Well..." he clears his throat, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, "I-I'm gonna go...leave you two girls-woman!- here to," The door closes right behind him, with a murmur of, 'Spirits, thank you that Bolin was a boy..."*
*cracks up even harder* Oh, god, oh my frigging god, I think I'm dying! And that last bit! God! *laughs uncontrollably*
*And what a, special... talk it was...
"...What do you mean 'once every month'?!"
"Kida, calm down-!"
"I have to stick it up my what?!"*
*absolutely freaking dies of laughter*
My god, this was awesome, B! Really well done on this, seriously. I loved it.
Only one quibble: *Needles to say...* should be *Needless to say...* but other than that you're awesome. :)
Amazing job once more and I can't wait for the next chappie!
Yours in Fanfiction,
-Boa :)
Guest chapter 8 . 1/24/2014
I... can't... breathe! *Strangled laughter*
dcdishy chapter 8 . 1/26/2014
Great chapter a bit too short. I want to see their family discussion about Kida's behavior. Will she tell them about being bullied in school? The second part of the chapter was funny and it lightened up the chapter. I am glad Kida got her eggs hatched like she wanted. She deserves it after having so many hardships.

Update soon
twilly17103 chapter 8 . 1/25/2014
Once again, this story continues to interest me. As awkward as it sounds, I await the future conversations Korra, Mako, and Kida will have relating to her recent "changes" in the future, or the "changes" Kida will have to think about. Also the parent-child relationships, I can't wait to see how that goes through! And I can't wait to see the next chapter!
Guest chapter 7 . 12/27/2013
dcdishy chapter 7 . 12/28/2013
Great chapter. I love Sunna's back story its so sad (makes me think of the frozen movie cause he can't control/bottle up his powers). is he bonded too? I hope Kida gets a sibling eventually. Poor Korra..poor Kida she is so lonely.

I can understand why Kida doesnt want to go shopping it can make u feel so self conscious especially at that age. Looking forward to see how Kida and Korra interact.
Update soon :)
boasamishipper chapter 7 . 12/27/2013
*does a semi-random happy dance* Hurrah! An update of Lil' Star!
Oh my god, I get a shout-out?! That's so awesome, thank you so much, B :) I'll be your Fanfiction partner for as long as you'd like me to. :)
*But reality is not always nice, and sometimes sand, can erode away to what lays underneath.*
Excellent line, B! I loved that!
*Because if you do not acknowledge the elephant- goat in the room, it is not there. Their mouths will sing denial, but their eyes will show fear. Because they know something is not-quite-right, but their happy little bubble is all they've ever known.*
Also an excellent paragraph. It's extremely descriptive and all-around wonderful.
*When Sunna is attacked by a trio of men on his way to school one morning, nearly beaten to a pulp, the men claiming the need to 'beat the evil out of him', action is finally taken.*
Yikes. Poor Sunna. :(
And then...well, I definitely sense Kida/Sunna moments looming on the horizon.
Now onto Kida...
*reads it*
First off, EXCELLENT description of the Spirit Woods! I felt like I was right there with Kida, feeding leechi nuts to the Spirits. :) and the Pity...I'm so sorry, Kida honey... :( I'm glad there are at least some perks.
* I am not bound by what others feel, and am aloud to have my own emotions, without getting drunk with the enigmas of other people's souls eating away at me, influencing me.*
Another brilliant description—I totally love that!
*Here, in the Spirits Woods, I am Kida.
Not Kida-the-Avatar's- daughter. Or, Kida-the-one-armed-freak-show. Or even, Kida-the-creepy-powers-girl.
No. I am Kida, and if only I knew who 'Kida' was, then maybe I could really be her.*
Oh, sweetie...I really have no words. Right in the feels :/
And...and then.
Oh, my god! Oh, Korra and Mako, akdjeoejnfkeow...I'm so sorry. Those feels almost MURDERED me, B!
*And now Momma is still crying, and clutching her tummy desperately, murmuring, I can't believe I lost him, Mako. I was going to tell Kida tonight. She would have been so happy. I'm a horrible mother...
I feel the tears streaming down my face, and don't care if I get shocked by 'Ol Bruiser.*
Oh, baby. :( I'm crying too.
*Kailani would laugh. Kida-the-freak doesn't need books, because it's a wonder she can even read. What with her half a brain, and enormous monster arm, and ugly hair, and fatty legs, it's a wonder she can even bend!*
Oh my god. Excuse me, B, I think I'm going to go and murder Kailani! *coughs* Well. Um. How about I finish the review first?
*It should have been me, instead. That baby should be me. I bet my almost-sibling would be brave like my parents, and not stutter when addressed, and flinch at a hand shake. I bet they would be pretty, with shiny hair, and bright eyes. They would be normal, too. No Powers, or Bonding. A Waterbender.*
*sniffs* oh! Kida...honey...I'm sobbing my eyes out!
*They'd be a Waterbender, because water gives life, and can heal. They'd never burn themselves by accident ( or on purpose, in particularly rare, dark moods) They would never have to worry about electrocuting themselves when crying, or drinking water, or washing their hands- because they would have two arms. They would be tall, and not five feet. If a girl, she'd actually have boobs as a teenager, (because, um... when do mine come in?) and sexy hips, instead of being a twig, and have her period, because mine-should-have-come-by-now. ( Um...?)*
Oh, honey. You're beautiful just the way you are. :( and periods are nothing to want. Trust me. *shudders*
*But most of all, they'd be normal. And everyone would love them.*
*sobs uncontrollably*
My god, B, stop bringing me to tears with these wonderful fics of yours! I'm dehydrated again. *drinks some juice* Much better. Continuing on...
*By ten A.M. I deem my comatose hours sufficient, and, after cleaning off my wet pillow, feeding Tukka, and tending to my metal arm (yeah, I call 'Ol Brusier 'metal arm' when I'm upset. I don't think he likes it much) decide which method is safer. Either A: Stay in this room until I am an old hag. B) Escape to the Spirit Woods and risk my parents having the whole city searching for me, or C) Face the Wrath that is my poor Parents in the (Dungeon) Kitchen.*
LOL. "Comatose hours". That is so Kida. I'm glad she feels a bit better at least.
*Momma: Do you want to go clothes shopping with me? Just us girls?
I blink, my mouth hanging open. Me: Um...I'm sorry?*
LOL, I think Kida had the same reaction I did.
*If 'anticlimactic' had a specific Moment of Honor, this moment would be the award-winning one that would go down in history.*
*laughs* Nice, Kida.
*(Do I still have to eat if we go to-wherever-this-said-favorite-restaurant- is? Can I just watch Momma eat? Because Kailani and her Minions make it their mission to point out how fat I am everyday, and, um, I kinda 'forgot' to eat breakfast yesterday, and the day before that. Lunch, too. And last Wednesday, Momma and Poppa were out late, and there was really no point to make dinner for one...)*
*gasps* Oh, god, Kida. You have to eat, babe.
*The prob-lem, is that I realllllllyyyy do not like doing all that girly stuff, ( that's more of Auntie Asami's thing). Kailani and her minions are probably going to be at the same store, and, 'Ol Bruiser clashes with lots of colors, and I really need to lose, like, five pounds before anything in my age range would look good on me (there is this one shirt that I have had my eye on...) and, um, I'm kinda scared that I will see Sunna walking around, and If I do, I think I'd explode.
Any questions?*
Nope. No questions, ma'am. Just compliments. :) Excellent paragraph, B.
*Kida: (Explosion of mind, body, and soul) -Momma! Geez, nothing happened! Look, I gotta get dressed and stuff so we can go! I wanna go to that one store, with the...the...the cool pants!
Momma (bewildered) What? The pants? Kida, what's wr-*
*bursts out giggling* The pants? LOL...still giggling over that one.
*For a moment, I get a quick flash of Momma last night, saying she was a horrible mother, and conclude those doubts are part of her plan for wanting to take me out. I make a mental note to give her an extra big hug later and tell her how much I love her.*
Attagirl, Kida. Have fun on your trip, babe. And you won't mess up! (I hope...) Don't worry!
One quibble: *She snaps out of it with a terrified scream, and the girls behind her all sinker and make crude remarks.* "Sinker" should be "snicker". Other than that, excellent job! :)
This was an absolutely amazing chappie and I can't wait for the next one, B!
Yours in Fanfiction,
-Boa :)
Lost Glass chapter 7 . 12/27/2013
It's a great story. Maybe you could do a sequel about Bolin's new family or intertwine it with this story. Just an idea. Keep writing! :)
Princess Roary of KO-35 chapter 7 . 12/27/2013
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