Reviews for Percy Jackson and the Revenge of the Kishin
HayamiHinata chapter 1 . 4/22
"Well, duh, how else do you think I get back to your pocket? Magic? Please, magic weapons don't exist in this world." All of the children of Hecate seemed offended by this statement.

Riptide-Kun is so sassy
Faeyre chapter 6 . 1/7/2019
Great story you have here. :D
Hopefully the next chapter will come out soon!
draco7347 chapter 6 . 11/15/2015
cant wait till new chapters
percabeth11401 chapter 6 . 9/23/2014
Goodness, gracious, bro. Update now or I'll do a maka chop on you. I know where you live...
Little-Boy-B100 chapter 6 . 9/16/2014
Shadow Elvin Angel chapter 6 . 8/17/2014
I am greatly enjoying this story. Update soon. ;)
ethan.lukkar chapter 6 . 7/26/2014
Magnificent chapter can't wait for more please update soon.
DeXM TIK chapter 6 . 5/27/2014
and what is this supposed to mean?
DeXM TIK chapter 5 . 5/27/2014
this is hilarious
ChildrenAreMySoulFood chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
BlackStar can be so ignorant.
ChildrenAreMySoulFood chapter 6 . 5/11/2014
There's an issue here, good sir/ma'am.
Tris PhantomEvans chapter 6 . 4/30/2014
Umm, did something happened with your update? Because your sixth chapter seems to have a problem... No offense or anything! O/_/O
LaLunaSole chapter 6 . 4/28/2014
Uh, I'm pretty sure the update didnt work the way you wanted it to
Soul Eater Kishin chapter 5 . 4/22/2014
I love this please write more when you have the time!
Tris PhantomEvans chapter 5 . 3/31/2014
Oh, please, please, PLEASE continue the story! I like it very much and would like to hear more about it (and see Nico XDD He's my fav character from PJO and it would be funny to see him summon the dead in front of Kid! ;) Oh and just to say, could you bring Excalibur somewhere in the story, just to look how Percy and his friend would react (it's only a suggestion!) XD See ya!
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