Reviews for An Unexpected Welcome
wotumba1 chapter 1 . 10/26/2016
gotta love the king
jkleeberger22 chapter 1 . 2/24/2016
Poor Faramir- losing so much in such a short period of time, not to mention he's scared that he will fail his new king. Not surprising, considering how Denethor was, but at least we know that Aragron will treat him right. :) It was so thoughtful and characteristic for Aragorn and Arwen to think of Faramir and to be there to greet him and invite him to dinner. I guess it demonstrates how a small act of kindness can mean so much to someone else.
Hannah Lynn chapter 1 . 6/11/2015
Oh, that I were in my account... Alack-a-day and I'll survive. *smiles*

Sorry, not so good of a day, and I decided to escape to Middle Earth for a while. Your stories always cheer me up and help me feel safely for a while, and so are a safe refuge for me. And I am taking the opportunity to simply review everything - the advantage of being a guest again! *Grins*

But I do love this story, especially. To be greeted when expecting nothing is comforting.
sian22 chapter 1 . 9/14/2014
This is just lovely...The Maya Angelou quote is so apt and Aragorn and Arwen's simple but so healing welcome just right. Trust Aragorn to be so thoughtful. Thank you for sharing it
Deandra chapter 1 . 11/16/2013
How nice of Aragorn and Arwen to be so considerate. Even stoic Faramir needs some coddling sometimes!

- Deandra
Darkover chapter 1 . 11/6/2013
Dear Linda: I'm glad you found and rescued this story from the limbo of your hard drive. I was feeling a bit down myself when I got home from work this evening, and I was pleased to find you had posted a new story. Your Aragorn-Faramir fan fics never fail to give me pleasure, as no one writes stories of their friendship better than you do. Considering my own blue feelings and the subject matter of this story, it is as if it was Valar-sent! As usual, you managed to pack quite a bit of thoughtful emotion into a brief tale, and you expressed it skillfully through well-written dialogue. The characterization is good in another way, too, as it is typical of Faramir in the early days of his relationship with the new King and Queen that he should wonder if they were truly interested in spending time with him, or if they are just being kind. Happily, the King and Queen as you have portrayed them always know how to set others at ease. The last two sentences remind the reader that it can be the simplest and seemingly most ordinary things in life that can mean the greatest happiness. I have enjoyed reading this. Thank you very much for writing and posting it. Sincerely, Darkover
Animekitty47 chapter 1 . 11/7/2013
Good thing you found it! Yay for seeing Arwen. XD Nice little fic. Poor deprived Faramir, too bad he had to wait so long to be happy but at least he is. :D
JuliaAurelia chapter 1 . 11/6/2013
Loved this!

Ok, I'm going to lie down. I'm feeling shaky.
constantlearner chapter 1 . 11/6/2013
Ahhhh. Nicely heart warming.