Reviews for Surfacing
Kate chapter 9 . 1/21/2018
Wow this is one if not the best Roy homunculi fics I’ve ever read your very talented and I know it’s been a while since you’ve worked on this one but this reader would be so down for an update! Great work!
ParrishGranger chapter 9 . 8/3/2017
oooh this is a really good one, Roy as a you know what would be very deadly indeed. no spoilers in comments lol please keep going with this one
Skjalda chapter 9 . 4/12/2017
Oh no! I want to read how it will goes on... I love your storys (but not the part Riza/Havoc ;) ) and your ideas!
Gomboc123 chapter 9 . 9/5/2016
Aaaaaahhhh omg this is so good so far!
Your writing style flows so nicely, and you do an absolutely fantastic job of portraying the characters emotions in every scene. I was flipping out along with Riza after it was revealed that Roy wasn't actually dead!
I really want to know what happens next in the storyline, because this is so promising, and has done a great job keeping me in suspense! I'm looking forward to any updates!
darkraistlyn chapter 9 . 8/24/2016
Dear lord no, I need to know what happened. I never ask for people to straight up finish, but there's SO much character development and the conspiracy was SO well done, Riza is doing alchemy very convincingly, and the notes she's deciphering? I'm totally drawn in. Even if you don't post it, can you tell me what happened to them? Please? :)
freebird2992 chapter 9 . 12/30/2014
Oh please please please tell me there's more to this story!? You cannot tease a reader like that, you have to follow up with your updates. It's so well written and I love your writing technique. It's fascinating seeing how the story progresses and I get so hooked at the end of each chapter. But your last update was In August and it's almost January! Please update soon!
TheClumsyThief chapter 8 . 6/8/2014
Ah, the hidden photo in the pocket-watch. Oh god, that was heartbreaking!

Another great chapter! A lot was revealed this chapter, and I can't wait to see what comes next. I'm really enjoying this AU- especially the alchemist!Riza aspect. Thanks for sharing!
CJbean chapter 8 . 4/6/2014
Oh my god, your writing. It's gorgeous, and emotional, and raw, and basically perfect in every way. From the first chapter, I was totally captivated. Your ability to pull the reader in-making us feel the grief, anger, horror, passion-is awe-inspiring, and I hope you know how talented you are.
I can't wait to see where this intriguing plot line goes next!
fallenangel7583 chapter 8 . 4/2/2014
This is a very creative and addictive story. I love the raw emotion of Hawkeye dealing with the loss. I always wondered about her learnimg the alchemist tactics and tricks. Great job, keep it up!
Shimmerbreeze chapter 8 . 4/2/2014
Ohhhhh DAT flame alchemy doe
ssadropout chapter 8 . 4/2/2014
I should have mentioned the following regarding chapter 7: Riza's new connection to alchemy is intriguing. I can't wait to see what is happening there. (Is it latent/ inherited ability rising to the surface, or has Roy somehow done something to enable Riza? Or...?) Can't wait to read more about the photo and the watch, too.
Thousand Sunny Lyon chapter 7 . 2/26/2014
You manage to breathe such life into these characters and make them down to earth real. Your storytelling is wonderfully paced. This universe of yours deserves some exploring. I can't wait for your next update.
ssadropout chapter 7 . 2/8/2014
I always look forward to your new chapters. Riza's mental and physical travels in this one were wrenching. Somehow, you choose the perfect words to make the reader feel what she does.
Shimmerbreeze chapter 7 . 2/8/2014
Awwwww. poor Riza... T.T
mebh chapter 6 . 1/15/2014
Brilliant storytelling. Well done!
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