Reviews for Fare
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8
*sighs happily*
AAWWW! That was super adorable... :)
I loved it a lot! Such a cute story!
And the ending...Isshin didn't have to go down so hard on his beloved ex-third seat!
Thanks for writing such a fluffy story!
snow-bun-buns1598 chapter 1 . 1/8
Nice story! I like it.
starscriptmage chapter 1 . 9/12/2015
I am starting to become a hardcore HitsuKarin shipper because of all the fanfiction.
TheRedSin chapter 1 . 4/21/2014
Why in the world did I read this just now? This is definitely adorable! Had me squealing a few times. And that kiss while being filmed! AWWWWWWWWW! T'was so cute! xDDD
scarlet-rosemary chapter 1 . 12/23/2013
I love it! 3
That was so wonderful and cute 3
That was a very nice way of ending the story _
R'ddle chapter 1 . 11/5/2013
So, I believe I've got most of your HK stories on my fave list, but man, did I just realize that I hadn't reviewed even a single? How idle could I get? -" Okay, so I am reviewing, hah.

'definitely love this. So adorable. I was just so entertained on the development of their relationship within those times they ate together. Sooooo smooth. And the scene during the baseball game, esp. the kiss, is just so... Haha, I don't know how to describe, but I so love it.

Thank you for, yet, wonderful story! :D
Adobo-chan chapter 1 . 11/5/2013

I love you and everything about you and this and HitsuKarin and just fhudisaohgfujrean. There are NO WORDS for all this fluffy adorable-ness. I can't handle it, I just can't. T.T

It was all so wonderful. The prompt is perfect (Alex made a good call on that ;D) and I think it captures the spirit of HitsuKarin so well. Karin is just a kid growing up and figuring herself out and she's going through the things that normal girls her age go through. And then you've got Toushirou who's much more mature and self-aware and he'd falling in love with her because he understands her better than anyone else. And I love that because that's them, that's how they'd fall in love.

My favorite scene was Toushirou and his little eating excursion. I mean, there's little else you can do to look unattractive than eating a whole bunch of gyoza in 5 minutes. I mean, really? But he does it in such an adorably weird way and your heart just goes out to him. And then you have Karin just being confused and realizing that she's been in love with the wrong person all along.

And then the baseball scene Oh man, loved that. Of course Karin would choose that exact moment to kiss him. And of course Isshin would threaten them until she showed up with Toushirou. It's just so very Kurosaki-like. They have the weirdest moments. Isshin meets Masaki formally while she's naked, Ichigo hides Rukia in his closet and she steals Yuzu's pajamas. The tradition is strong in this family.

I just have so many feels It was wonderful, really. Thank you sooo much, my lovely DDDD
iker-18 chapter 1 . 11/5/2013
Este es uno de los fic que mas he amado :') es hermoso :3 espero escribas mas sobre esta pareja :)
ca99oline chapter 1 . 11/5/2013
Yay what a great one shot!
I'm glad that you're back!
Eto117 chapter 1 . 11/5/2013
I KNEW she was gonna kiss him! I'm kinda proud I figured it out xD I like that she wants chocolates instead of flowers and that Toushirou doesn't believe in that a couple can't be friends nonsense. I mean, isn't your partner supposed to be your best friend? Your most private confidant? That person you feel the most comfortable with?

... and I went off topic. I loved the food theme. It's so normal yet at the same time so central to our lives. I'm really curious about what Isshin could have done that was so crazy it would make them need therapy. I've always thought of him as the type that would lock them up until they give him grandbabies XD

I also like how he gradually comes to accept his feelings for her and doesn't try to reason them away. He does that too often in a few fics. He does seem like he would be a stingy bastard. And the gyoza scene. Do you think Toushirou would have a black hole for a stomach if he was low on reiatsu? Manga logic would say eating a mountain of food would power them up xD

I always enjoy Toushirou's jealous side :) Even if it just makes a cameo appearance. Ugh, every time I read a HitsuKarin fic I always wish Kubo would draw them together. Even if it's just a tiny frame. They don't even have to interact xD

Sorry if I rambled, it's too early and I haven't slept. I love this. You are indeed one of my favorite authors :D

And a very happy birthday indeed to another great author, Adobo-chan! Bless her.