Reviews for MEATing
DreamsOfTheDamn chapter 15 . 5/16/2017
Will you post a link to the story here or will it just be on your new account?
jena-tomas chapter 14 . 8/2/2016
Damnit! I don't care how old you are, I was emotionally attached! I was waiting here, reading, sitting on the edge of my SEAT! To see Paigee and Luffy go back together to the world of One Piece, because let's face it there is no way that LUFFY of all people WOULDN'T find a way back. And Paigee would go with him, cause honestly why would she stay?! If you have a reason please enlighten me, I implore you to.
Side note, we're about the same age at the moment.
WolfChild23 chapter 14 . 6/17/2015
come back soon
Nameless Angel 00 chapter 14 . 3/21/2015
I cant wait till your Haitus is over
calicat197 chapter 14 . 1/4/2015
You probably won't see this until you come back, but you are a pretty good writer. I can understand what's going on, I like your character, luffy seems in character, and it's getting really cute! I can tell you're really trying to make this a well made story. Please don't put yourself down by saying things like you don't know enough to post a story on the internet, this is really interesting and I hope to see more from you soon!
kybe-the-writer chapter 14 . 10/17/2014
WHAT!? NONONONONONONO! You can't just stop! I love it! I couldn't even tell you were 13... Update please...
cerezo14 chapter 14 . 6/3/2014
me gusta tu historia, tiene buena trama aunque cuando se traducida puede no ser leída como realmente esta hecha.
recarga las baterías y pon las en accione esperare la conti.
chau paz y amor desde Mexio.
Millie and Salt chapter 2 . 3/15/2014
Okay so... after reading this chapter I can only give it my personal opinion of "meh". It's really neither good nor bad considering your experience, but it certainly has its problems. So let's get started, shall we?

So, yet again, you have a lot of grammatical errors, but by far your biggest problem in this is the mid-chapter perspective changes. I know this is your first story so I'm lenient with it, but you should know that there's no excuse for full on changing your perspective in the middle of a chapter. It's, to say the very least, sloppy, if not a downright story killer. So my advice in this sense is simple: choose between third person and first person perspective for this chapter and stick with it.

Next problem is simple but also more pressing: the characters. Now I have no idea how Paigee is supposed to act (though I doubt I'm the only one starting to hold issue with her inner fangasm), but Luffy...Luffy just doesn't seem like himself. Your goals in fanfiction are simple: make a plotline that can fit somewhat into the rules of the franchise, and keep the canon characters in character. I can say with absolute certainty that Luffy is not acting enough like himself in this chapter.

Now I don't know whether or not you're all caught up in the show or not, but I'll assume you at least got to the Saboady archipelago arc. Remember when Luffy lost all his nakama in that arc? He flipped shit almost immediately, then got distracted by food, then started trying to get back to his nakama again. Now you got that part right, but you are missing something fairly important-the enthusiasm. I think one of the few times it's alright to use the CAPS lock in a story is if Luffy, or anyone else in One Piece for that matter, is yelling, because man, those guys are freaking loud. Also, I sincerely doubt Luffy would say the following lines: "Can we go somewhere more comfortable?" and "Where are we going to sleep tonight?". So I suggest axing that dialogue. On to the next chapter I guess.
P.S.- never clump dialogue from different persons in the same paragraph. Each time a new person speaks, a new paragraph begins.
Millie and Salt chapter 1 . 3/15/2014
Alright, so...partway out of insomnia and partway because the button won't move to ch 2 (hrm...damn button, you had one job...), I've decided to review your first chapter. There's some stuff I wanted to note anyway so why the heck not? So before you read further, I generally don't do halfassed reviews, even if I've fallen in love with a fanfic in the first paragraph. But that said, I hope that you read all my compliments and suggestions, no matter how long-winded.
Now this is your first fanfic and you are/were 13? It's really not bad with that considered. Expecting you to ace your first ever chapter would be like expecting temperatures of 90 degrees fahrengheit in Greenland. That being said, it's been a few months since this chapter's release, and your ship is sinking due to lack of repair. It's time to fix the Going Merry, so you'd best start at the roots.
For starters, this chapter alone has way too many grammatical errors in it, my inner grammar nazi was ready to deck the responsible party (otherwise known as, um, you). That being said, they're small, easy-to-fix issues, like improper verb tense or unclear sentences. Just do a run through of your chapter and you should find most of them. If all else fails, find a beta reader to help you with it.
Next issue is more of a personal problem than anything else, namely, Paigee, to be frank, is my issue. I really don't know how to feel about her, and that upsets me mostly because this is a first person fic, I shouldn't feel so incredibly distanced. Also, the beginning're saying that Monkey D. Luffy shows up in reality...and she's not surprised? Not even a little? This doesn't just upset me because of impossible it is not to be surprised by a miraculously spawned fictional character. No, it's because you've neglected the principle concept of One Piece humor: exaggeration. What makes One Piece so friggin hilarious is how ridiculous the characters actions and reactions are. When Paigee finds Luffy, it's like her whole response is "meh, so I found a fictional badass today, as per the norm. Wonder what I'll do tomorrow" and it honestly sours it for me. For crying out loud! It's Luffy! In your house! React! So um, yeah. I'll read more, maybe review ch2...until then, ciao!
P.S.- "hands on my hips", darling, not "hands on my waist forming triangles", "hands on my hips".
Reflection2013 chapter 13 . 2/25/2014
Aww this is a really cute story! Please update soon!
Savage Kill chapter 12 . 2/3/2014
Wow something other than food caught Luffy's

Wonder what's going to happen when they go to the festival. Update soon!
Savage Kill chapter 11 . 1/11/2014
very cute story so far!
Zbluez chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
"Something didn't felt right today."

Sorry, but when there's a grammar mistake in the very first sentence of a story I stop reading right there. Dude, it's your FIRST sentence, the FIRST thing people will see. Any halfway-decent writer has enough pride to avoid mistakes in their VERY FIRST SENTENCE. (Or their summary, for that matter. "Did Paigee really had no choice"? GRAMMAR ERROR).

Your story probably has a very interesting plot, and I might have loved it if I'd kept reading. This review is just to tell you to please, fix that first sentence, because it is putting off readers that could have potentially enjoyed it. (And because as a writer you should at least try to get your FIRST SENTENCE right).

I'm not flaming. I don't hate you or this story, and I'm aware that the alarming majority of writers in this site has frankly bad grammar, so you aren't alone. After suffering through story after story with awful grammar and spelling I've decided to leave a review in the vain hope that at least one of them will do something about it.

I'm not picking on you in particular, or anything.

I'm just trying to help you, because everyone can improve in some way, and I think you can start there. At the start.

BloodyMarryMe chapter 11 . 1/1/2014
I haven't read this story for a while, I come back today and boom; 6 more chapters since then! You're fast. :D And it really shows that your writing improved a lot, plus your chapters seem longer than before! Good job, really. :)
I'm really interested how Luffy will find his way back home
scarletlovecharlie chapter 11 . 1/1/2014
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I wanted to wait till the 1st to review so I could say that. Great chapter! I loved the christmas special, it was adorable!
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