Reviews for Love Triangle
One More Guy chapter 49 . 1/9
Oh, and one more thing I forgot to mention. Your worldbuilding is insane. Your skill in handling politics, even if they're fictional, is great. Yeah, sure, it wasn't the most formal of things and admittedly that broke suspension of disbelief but... meh. That's a nitpick. You deceived me many times, and I fell for it every. Single. Time. Your world was alive, breathing. Maybe the citizens of Piltover and Zaun could've gotten more coverage, but I suppose they couldn't have mattered much. Cain Marshall was too cunning a man, after all ;)

And most importantly, you made me see Zaun's perspective in a wholly different light. I still can't decide if I despise the scientists for what they did, or stand down and let the hatred you made me feel for them go. Damn... even when the story's over, you're still fucking with me. Damn you!

Anyway. Thank you for this story. I'm glad I found it, even if was 5 years late.
One More Guy chapter 50 . 1/9
So I spent three days of my life reading this story, consumed by pretty much everything it had to offer. A bunch of plot twists, very fulfilling characters and backstories, and a very strong moral message... Of course, it wasn't without its shortcomings, but I'll get to that later.

You kept me enthralled the moment chapter 17 came knocking. Up until then, it was pretty average. I would've just read up to the end at some point, probably joint read alongside some other stuff I am currently interested by and that'd be it. I was convinced it wouldn't get much better, and I was okay with it. The story looked interesting, but it was nothing crazy, especially when I saw you'd written the entire story in a year. But no. After the foundations had been laid down, the quality skyrocketed. And chapter 25's poll put the final nail in the coffin, as I saw you were dedicated to keeping your readers interested. And you managed it very well. It wasn't a masterpiece, but the way you used morality, political trickery, love, and duty as your tools to create something more than the sum of its parts was masterful. There was intent, love behind what I read. And I don't care what you say about "having a schedule", I am certain you cared about what you wrote. I might be a fool and fell for a lie, but I don't give a shit.

Now for the shortcomings. I was convinced for about 10 chapters that you had declared war on commas and everything they stood for. It was frustrating, to say the least. Not to mention, the sentence-to-sentence flow suffered enough for me to skip paragraphs once in a while. It got better as I read, but you still seemed to have a bit of trouble with it at the end. I think 2014 you could use some work there. Maybe you changed since then, but as this story stands, this is true.

As for the emotional moments, I think you kind of renounced flow for the sake of intensity (and rightfully so, with some characters), but I believe you overshot it. There wasn't any kind of sign that you wanted the scene to feel more (or less) slow. It felt same-y, something you thankfully covered for with your admittedly skillful use of morals to make your characters grow. Or I should say, the breathing room you gave your characters to express their morals. You made me believe they were alive and they owned their words; for that, I have to commend you. While I can't say I felt their emotions despite being shown all these events, I will admit I understood a bit more about love and morality, something I never thought a fanfic could show me.

And finally, the ending... yeah, it was anticlimactic as all hell. Vi's death was kinda... uncalled for? The way you tried to write it exposed your inability to handle pacing in a scene properly. It was bad. So bad that I would've probably been angry if it wasn't for Cain Marshall's will that followed and made me shut the fuck up. If Vi's death was what showed your weaknesses, the letter is what showcases your strengths in the most excellent of ways. Bravo for writing such a satisfying letter, even if the rest of the scene made me want to just stop reading. Was it because you rushed the chapter out? Was it because you were exhausted by people hating on you? I don't know. I can't tell, but I don't want you to think I find your work to be bad or that I'm trying to bring you down. You're capable of giving us works full of content and meaning. It's just the packaging that needs work. Trust me, I wouldn't be here typing this review if you didn't deserve both my praise and criticism. You put it work, I must do my part too.

Thank you for writing one of the best Cait x Vi fanfictions out there. Even if it had its flaws, even if you felt distressed by the people reviewing and everything else... I can't do anything but applaud you for giving me a great time, entertaining and simultaneously showing me such deep, real characters.

I hope you continue writing if such is your passion. I wish you the best.
~One More Guy
ChuckRadaman chapter 50 . 7/18/2019
Kinda ruined the whole thing by killing off Vi and C pretty anticlimactically. Can't believe I wasted hours reading this.
Mie Rebus chapter 50 . 11/25/2015
First things first, i want to say thank you, for sharing. It has been a week since i started to read your story, and i have to say, it is awesome! It was well thought through and through, from the first chapter to the last.
The progress, the development, the plot twist, everything! I love it. I never played LoL (i choose DoTA), but recently, i found an interest on Jinx character. Then i wanted to know more about her, about Vi, and finally it brought me here. Again, thank you for sharing such mind blowing story.
elris5morsky chapter 1 . 5/26/2015
xviij, wow that is brilliant love this already.
Simomura chapter 50 . 3/2/2015
All I can say is that it was a really good, heart breaking story. I would only recommend this story to anyone who would like to read something with lots of feelings, great story and twists the whole experience was very heart warming and sour, my eyes got wet many times. Thank you very much for this incredible gift you gave us to readers! ;')
Nyx Sigma ZERO chapter 50 . 12/26/2014
Simple...Wow, this really dificult how to begin on reviewing it, It's like I watched a whole new world unfold in front of my eyes, till the beginning from Vi and XJ(Jinx) early side, then to the two trying to adjuste to life without the other, to then grwoing up, then Caitlyn, Alexander, a chacacter I really loved, they Team, the people who helped them, Candice and Margaret, anothers chacacters I really loved, Brittney Hah! I'm really glad for how her final really turned out, and not missing Vi, hardships in her early years in the streets of Piltover, Hnm...I didn't particullarly disliked Ruby, but she was a weak person, and they most tragic end, I really though, that Brittney wasn't going to show up again, I was really happy when she did, Vi being used and the pursuit for her lost family to come back, Her encounter with Caitlyn, and Alexander getting between them, XJ(Jinx) further decay in to the Madness, Her depute as Jinx, the Loose Canon, Alexander's Fate, all the plottings behind the Scenes, that crazy Dragon Ball-like battle, XJ(Jinx) and Caitlyn encounter, HAHA I just loved that, the three of then together, the Stone an her dimension, Tavern and his descisions, Father, the bastard, The War, Caitlyn's Father Marshall, 'C'..., Roy, XJ(Jinx) "Ascension", Vi coming back, The tribunal, The idea they had Haha i really liked that, XJ(Jinx)'s Love for Brittney, I feel sorry for Zachary really, The Wedding(even through there wasn't one), The Family...Alexia and CJ, you story has earned a Place in my heart.

The Only things that didn't attracted me was that everything was super focused on Piltover, The League and the rest of LOL's World was cast Aside, I like Piltover but it's not my favorite Estate, and I'm though that it's was going to be a Vi x Cait x Jinx fic, like in Polyamory they all loved each other, but the Pairings were simply amazing nonetheless, A HUUUUUUGE THANK YOU for sharing this brilliant piece of work with us readers and writters alike it's got a 10/10, out despite the minimun Cons, Phew, YA-HA! Janne! and I hope to see you again here with another Master Piece of Work
Truna chapter 50 . 11/30/2014
This has been an incredibly enjoyable ride so far. I hope to see more in the future. My only complaint is that the amount of characters introduced gradually became too complex for me to remember off the top of my head, but that aside, I love how you've developed the characters from the very beginning.
Truna chapter 9 . 11/17/2014
Crud. Well that's great...

Amazing fic, I've been addicted for the past few days. xD Love it so much.
tomanatorr chapter 17 . 11/16/2014
I only recently started reading this story but I think it is amazing, I just wanted to comment on your engine science. There is no real force titled centrifugal, it is an imaginary force pulling objects inward on a circuitous track, all of your other scientific information included up to this point is accurate otherwise.
Guest chapter 13 . 11/5/2014
I like how bipolar the characters are. It's one of the more realistic parts of the story.
Brissar chapter 50 . 10/13/2014
I have reread this entire story several times over and this is by far the most emotional chapter you have written. I recommend this to everyone I know who plays LoL. You have done an absolutely amazing job with this story. I thank you for your hard work and dedication to this. Now I think it's time for a feel trip though.
Guest chapter 50 . 10/13/2014
Probably u will never know my name but I have followed your fic since chap 16 I guess.
I just wanted to tell you THANKS for this fic it was one of the best fics I ve read. Probably I will write de last part of caitlyn's father card in my dairy. Again thanks for all.
Sam-spirit-of-the-forest chapter 50 . 10/12/2014
If I'm not the only crying like a baby in this moment, you can jump and fall in a 30 floors building n.n
I don't know what to said, I'm so, so sad... In a part Vi is like... with one of her family in the... '''heaven?'' but in the other hand... Vi lost her new family (at last for a while) and her sister... I mean, she fought so hard for they, for what?
Why always the good people received only shit in change?
Well... At last she died with honor or if you prefer, in a big cause, if she wasn't standing there the shot would have killed AX or CJ and well, I can see the three women and the survival child jumping over the window together XD

Well... nothing, I'm just going to cry in my bed imagining a beautiful world to Vi and Caitlyn XD
jabe0212 chapter 50 . 10/12/2014
No offence, but the overall diclaimer to this story should be "emotionally fucked up" . Totally. I'll just go sit in a corner for a few days in depresion. ;(
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