Reviews for Saved, By the Grace of Southern Charm
The Tot chapter 14 . 9/29/2015
You are an extremely talented writer and I know that my fellow fangirlies and I all appreciate that you use that talent for the greater good. . . (Being, Destiel fanfiction of course.)
Guest chapter 14 . 9/29/2015
Great story, have read it multiple time but I alway kind of hope for an epilogue
Greeniron chapter 14 . 6/3/2015
This was great - thank you for sharing it!
If The Stars Should Fall chapter 14 . 11/9/2014
This is a truly beautiful and well written story. The different take on Destiel that you've created is fantastic and refreshing-
especially the fact that Sam was not the only highly intelligent brother- so I thank you for that. You have done a wonderful job as well as securing this story a solid spot in my personal favorites of FanFiction stories.
Sars0D chapter 14 . 10/1/2014
Stunningly written. Heart wrenching. The wake up scene in the trailer was just beautiful. And a lovely resolution.
i-am-casass chapter 14 . 9/19/2014
This is beautiful. A great story and a very different way to do Destiel. I really love it
whiterosenova chapter 14 . 8/13/2014
Holy crap :)
whiterosenova chapter 13 . 8/13/2014
I'm so confused! Does this mean that Dean is using his degree and is living in the city? Reading on now.
whiterosenova chapter 12 . 8/13/2014
Oh man. I'm really hoping that Sam and Dean's relationship isn't ruined. Or at least not ruined further.
whiterosenova chapter 11 . 8/13/2014
Oh no no no. I'm actually slightly hesitant on reading the next chapter. I don't want the sadness, no matter how pro Destiel I am.
whiterosenova chapter 10 . 8/13/2014
I still stand by the thought that Sam isn't going to come at all.
whiterosenova chapter 8 . 8/13/2014
Oh my gosh... my heart breaks just a little
whiterosenova chapter 6 . 8/13/2014
I'm guessing it was his dad's journal?
whiterosenova chapter 5 . 8/13/2014
And so it begins.
whiterosenova chapter 4 . 8/13/2014
I wonder what the actual conversation was about. Hmm.
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