Reviews for The Coming of Someday
jupimako chapter 13 . 5/15/2019
There is something about your stories that really touches me. I actually cried at the end of The Nature of Belief and then this one... Thank you for sharing. You really have a knack for pulling at heartstrings. I love it. I've read most of your other ones as well, and they're all just so wonderful. I'm going to go read more after I post this review.
Moleluv chapter 13 . 3/8/2019
I love this story. Do you think you could maybe write a two shot thing about Bunny prpoerly proposing to Jack and their Bonding? Pretty please? It would be AWESOME.
North of the North chapter 13 . 12/30/2018
That was actually really good
thechickenlittle chapter 1 . 7/14/2018
oh boy, can't wait to read this!
BabyGhost123 chapter 13 . 6/25/2018
This story was amazing from start to finish. You had me laughing and then crying, and then laughing again -it was one of those stories that I will never forget. Now it is on to the sequel.
Sith Lord Rahl chapter 13 . 4/21/2018
Like your prequel, The Nature of Belief, I love this story. It is beautifully told and never ceases to make my heart ache with so many emotions. Thank you, thank you, thank you. For creating a wonderful story that I shall never forget.
xxPrtlyCldyxx chapter 13 . 3/11/2018
Oh wow... Just... WOW. This was breathtaking and perfect and so so worth the read. In the last hour you have made me laugh and cry and scream and smile and squeal and *blush* (because omg what an AMAZING sex scene), and I enjoyed every moment of it. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this little series. It's amazing. You're amazing!
izzyru chapter 5 . 1/19/2018
I've read this many times and I never noticed a Little Mix song being mentioned like yaasss (do I even have to tell you how bomb this story is?)
Siera-Knightwalker chapter 13 . 3/9/2017
Each chapter you write brings it closer to its end, but it also imprints in our minds with a clarity the previous chapters didnt have. I really liked Phil and Baby Tooth. I hate that Jack is so much happier with so much less than the movie's Jack. Though Bunny is as good as he always was in destroying hope. Its still so weird that they can kiss.
Raha chapter 13 . 2/23/2017
You made me cry so much with this! This story was SO GOOD.
Hela Haleth Hiraeth chapter 13 . 12/24/2016
This story too? My eyes are so wet I can barely see what I'm typing! This was just as good as the first story, which is rarely true. Thank you so much for writing this.
Wings Of Mercury chapter 6 . 10/24/2016
I liked the "shovel talk." If I had to pick, I'd say Baby Tooth was the far more threatening of the two.
JOKERS14 chapter 13 . 10/17/2016
Thank you. So much, for this series. I'm pretty sure I read the first story before this one was completed( maybe even started. O.o) So when I found the original a week ago and re-read it( I fell in love with it the first time) I saw something about a sequal and looked for it. I found it and dove right in. I have really loved reading this series. During this last chapter(excluding the *intimate* moment) I was, and still am as I write this, listening to ' See you again' by Wiz Khalifa. Your idea was beautiful for these stories. Again, Thank You. 'See you again.'
no03 chapter 5 . 10/9/2016
Tbh I'm a hard core BlackIce shipper that dabbles in JackRabbit fics. You are giving me both for now and I love you so much for that.
Thank you.
MyRealNameIsTaken chapter 13 . 8/18/2016
:) such a sweet ending :)
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