Reviews for The Trap
Bronwyn Celtia chapter 1 . 10/11/2014
Okay, with this one, you win some respect for Ninja Joes from me... although Spirit could have done the same thing...
AA - MamaBirdCat chapter 1 . 11/11/2013
Very Good.. Looks like Flint could use some of Hawk or Duke's extra strength aspirn..
bugsymutt chapter 1 . 10/31/2013
It's Halloween night and reading this was a great way to celebrate this year. I thought it was a creative story and well written. And I loved that you had a character named Clyde. I have a dog named Clyde and I don't see it very often. :)
Linuxgirl chapter 1 . 10/31/2013
Welcome back to G. I. Joe, Karama. It's been awhile and I sure missed you here.

Thank you for this little gem (well, little compared to most of your other stories ;) ). Your characters are great as usual and the idea of Tommy and Hart working together to free some ghosts is great. I had quite some giggles and laughs through reading it.
Nice explanation why Jinx' mom won't leave, by the way.
tigerwolfspellbear chapter 1 . 10/30/2013
Nice banter between the three Vipers. They have an interesting, if short-lived work dynamic. I quite liked the entire thing though. It's got the right tone for the holiday without being Halloweenish. Girl magnet... but of course, priorities and all. I loved his line about acting though, feels like we learned something about him even though it was already something we know. Also loved Flint's confusion of Tommy having religious beliefs just because he thinks ninjas shouldn't have them.
Winterhalt chapter 1 . 10/30/2013
I Loved it.
Thank you and
Kusari-Gama 61602 chapter 1 . 10/30/2013
*gets salt and popcorn* *eats the popcorn and tosses a pinch of salt over shoulder* Alrighty, let's start this.

Haha, stupid vipers. Don't steal a chip that can be tracked. Isn't rendez-vous hyphenated? Well, I could be wrong (seeing as I have limited French knowledge).

Abandoned farm house? Bad idea already.

... Well, motherfu- haha... ah... getting scary... O-ohhh... grooooss... rotting bodies.

Great, now they're ghosts. *hugs stuffed bunny for comfort*

NO, FLINT. DON'T YOU DARE GO IN. NO NO NO. Wait... STORM'S THERE TOO. Ah, phew, at least Storm knows that Hart is scared. Wait... Storm's going in. 0_0

YES, STORMY. LET'S SKEDADDLE. CHOP CHOP. G'BYE, NO REASON TO BE HERE. Ooh, Tommy knows the ritual? Well... I guess it would be nice to free the ghosts...

... Girl magnet. Of course you would, Tommy.


*snort* "enjoying the bonfire he'd created." That make me laugh.

Wow, over a minute? Lotsa spirits. Well, well, well, Flint. Do you believe in ghosts now?

Can Tommy come to my house? Please? Just to see if there's ghosts here? Actually, maybe that's not a good idea. I startle easily if I see something mostly white-ish and humanoid shaped at night.

Nice spooky Halloween one-shot, although I'm a little frazzled right now. Gah, ghosts. Don't like 'em. Except for Misao. I like Misao.
Lady Jaye1 chapter 1 . 10/30/2013
Very enjoyable! I liked how real the horror of the vipers felt at the beginning, followed by the exchange between Storm Shadow and Hart, and then Flint's disbelief at the end.
TinySprite chapter 1 . 10/30/2013
Oooh, this is a good one!
Willwrite4fics chapter 1 . 10/30/2013
Excellent short story. Fast thinking on SS part too!
Totenkinder Madchen chapter 1 . 10/30/2013
I love the idea of an unexplained spirit trap! That IS a spooky idea, especially when you imagine being stuck with a bunch of Vipers for all eternity.

It's nice to see that Storm and the others have a very pragmatic approach to ghosts, though. Burn the place the hell down? I approve. Nicely done. :D