Reviews for Keeping Hope Alive
setokayba2n chapter 34 . 5/7
Good fic, too bad we could not see overpowered Chibi Chibi helping the doctor in some adventures with Rose. The only problem in this fic is the change of perspective, sometimes we are following Chibi Chibi and later we are following someone else without knowing there was a change, leaving that aside, it was a good story
lautaro94 chapter 34 . 4/12
Well I remember this story very fondly nice to see it get an ending sad that the ending is from a plotline from 2 doctors ago at this point
luckycomet09 chapter 32 . 1/4/2018
This story! I can't remember how I stumbled across this fantastic tale, but I am so happy I did. Your storyline is brilliant and unique compared to other stories here, and I love that you chose the point of view of Sailor Cosmos.

I excited to see how this story ends-what happens to Sailor Cosmos, to the Doctor and Rose-I can't wait to see it!

Thanks so much for this fanfic! It's been a while since I've read something that moves me like this one has :]
death0887 chapter 31 . 7/3/2017
No offence, but my one problem with this fic is that the Doctor is almost completely superfluous.

I mean, you haven't used any Doctor Who Villains, the Doctor doesn't do much, you've made the Silver Millenium stronger than the Time Lords even though the Time Lords have been shown to have had some ridiculous feats and worst of all it feels like the only reason this was a crossover is because you needed some way to get Cosmos to the past.

Don't get me wrong, the writing of the fic is great and it is enjoyable, but you criminally under-utilised the Doctor. I'm sorry if I was a little too harsh, but I'm just trying to be constructive.
Ignis76 chapter 30 . 6/28/2017
So awesome! XD
datajana chapter 29 . 2/22/2017
Ignis76 chapter 29 . 2/22/2017
Hi! I'm so sorry I haven't reviewed as much lately, thank you so much for updating :D
datajana chapter 28 . 2/19/2017
I've not forgotten about this fic! I'm delighted that you refuse to give up on it. It's one of my top 10 favorites!

I'm waiting to see how you plan on bringing Rose back along with everyone else. I'm excited to see what you're going to do in the chapters to come.

SixPerfections chapter 14 . 10/14/2016
Damn. You know I was actually really looking forward to Rose/Doctor plus Serenity going in a jaunt through the tardis for a few years. That would have been awesome. Time for healing, character growth, frenships to be made, maybe finding hope again... instead we get all super angsty. Ugh man you had foreshadowed it but it was still a dissapointment and sad. Oh well. Still gonna keep reading, though I hope the dynamics change soon. Serenity angsting in the past is just starting to get a little too much. still i admire the work youve put into this. very devoted, very nice going.
SixPerfections chapter 8 . 10/14/2016
Really interesting so far, if the elements about Serenity are a little confusing. Well I'm not too worried about this ominous end to this chapter. SM is all about love and friendship winning out in the end, and in Doctor Who there is usually collateral damage along the way but in the end The Doctor saves the day. No way he'll just let this tragedy unfold. Really creative, it feels rare that someone would take the time to write a story this intricate. Good job. Can't wait to see how it plays out.
chaoticwisdom chapter 27 . 6/21/2016
Thanks for the extra update this month! Loved this chapter. Can't wait for more. Hoping the Doctor gets Rose back _
Ignis76 chapter 27 . 6/21/2016
Haha, regardless I'm glad for the update :D

Usagi/Sailor Moon is so strong, its really amazing :3

When will we see Rose again though? -pouts-
chaoticwisdom chapter 26 . 6/3/2016
Awesomeeeeeeeee :)
Catra T. L. Heaveno 04 chapter 25 . 4/22/2016
Please update if you can
chaoticwisdom chapter 25 . 3/13/2016
You're killing me smalllllss! Love it!
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