Reviews for Sensual
xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 3 . 4/16/2018
please don't forget us
Krys7 chapter 3 . 1/30/2018
Ahhhh i got so into the story the first 2 chapters were amazing! I hope you haven't forgotten about this story and will continue with it. I would love to see how the night ends up... i loved the toast makoto proposed lol it seemed very fitting for mamoru's intentions lol. Anyway please update soon i'm completly hooked and want more.
Ysheild chapter 2 . 3/14/2017
Please update this story it's been 1 year of anxiously waiting his is a brilliant story live possessive D
katrina chapter 2 . 3/10/2017
Guest chapter 3 . 2/5/2017
Really love this storyline! I'm hoping that you finish it. I've tried to look it up on you're website without any luck. Please finish the story. :)
Tenshi-Yoko chapter 2 . 6/13/2016
Amazing story! I can't wait to see what you come up next with for this story and all of your other stories too! I'm a big fan of your fanfiction stories and love the plot lines you have. You're an amazing writer with a lot of talent and let no one tell you otherwise!
Daire123 chapter 4 . 5/2/2016
I'm really glad things are going really well for you! Your an amazing writer! I can't wait to read more of your great work! Do you think you'll have time to comw back and work on some of your unfinished work on her and D ? You are really missed! Please try and find time to come back!
AmixMizuno chapter 2 . 3/26/2016
Holy crap. I love this kind of Mamoru. He's so naughty. I'm addicted.
Please finish this story! I cannot WAIT to see what happens next!
Patiently waitin chapter 4 . 3/23/2016
I love this please finish the suspense disrobing me crazy!
llazo4108824 chapter 1 . 3/22/2016
This is a very cool fanfic and that you should make the rest of the chapters of this fanfic soon pretty pleases. And I will like it if the to them are together in the fanfic at the end.
fancifulfaeries chapter 2 . 3/16/2016
You said it would be out in a couple of days! It's already March 2016!
mszapata13 chapter 3 . 2/10/2016
Omg, I freaking love this story like no other! Please continue with it, it would be awful to leave this unfinished. And I'm dieing to see what happens next, please please please update soon!
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 4 . 12/26/2015
Congratulations, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
AimlesslyGera chapter 3 . 12/5/2015
I really wish you'd update your website. I always try and read your stories there and end up giving up because its formatted so badly I can't read it on my phone like I can on here. :'(
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 3 . 11/28/2015
Okay Happy Thanksgiving!
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