Reviews for Forever Bound
guest chapter 22 . 9/16/2017
so much for "not going anywhere"
QuietConspiracy chapter 22 . 11/21/2014
I know it's been forever and a half, but I like how the story's progressing so far and can't wait to see how it all turns out!

Clove'sAllies chapter 22 . 10/24/2014
Sorry I've been meaning to review this earlier but this is the first opportunity I got.
Vixen-Damn that was so crazy, despite Vixen having a conscious, as seen by the fact that she gets sticky blood on her arm, she's really going down a dark path and I can't wait to see where it takes her.

Keela and Ernest-This was a pretty good chapter, pretty reasonable plot development and where I thought their POVs would be going, only because they were totally awkward around each other and unable to get over Micahs death.

Loden and Barric-Whew, no one was at the cornucopia, good for them that they're safe. I wonder if the careers will even notice how much of their supplies are gone and if they took enough to be noticeable. I think they will set up and be comfy for a bit but run into someone in their state of false security.

Careers-Tensions are so high which is hilarious because Biathyst is driving the other two up the wall. However, this group is still really powerful and I think they would be the less likely group to lose a member out of both career groups.

Poor Ayla, her chances never looked good but I hoped that she would be able to do something cool in the control room. Despite that she wasn't and that she was killed pretty immediately I still like her as one of my favorites.

Anyway can't wait for the next chapter! As for the next death I really hope that one of the careers bites the dust, as currently they're over half of the remaining tributes.
Saltey chapter 22 . 10/6/2014
Firstly, don't you just think Glory and Gore is the most perfect Hunger Games song ever! I love your choice to use it in this chapter.
The chapter was brill as usual, I liked the way in which Vixen chose to kill Ayla and I'm really feeling for Brodus now, this arena must be all his nightmares at once.
kopycat101 chapter 5 . 9/7/2014
Emmer Connifer (D11): Well Emmer sure is curious and daring. That curiosity's gonna get her killed, though...!
And she seems to have a pretty nice house, for District 11- a porch, two stories, a study...Ah, see, she's rich!
But she does seem to think very straightforwards about everything. She's strangely logical, and tells things how it is, but is still empathetic despite not knowing much of her friend's pain.

Calder Hannigan (D4): Calder seems nice and chill. But, what'll happen at the Reaping, if it's his best friend Reven who's picked to volunteer...?
Seymour Yew is so ANGRY, DEMANDING, and DRAMATIC, holy cheese. I'd be terrified of him IRL.
Ah, so Reven broke his leg...Yowch. And he wants Calder to represent him- despite the fact that volunteering was HIS dream, not Calder's...And Calder's definitely nervous about this. Like, PETRIFIED. Poor guy...
Is the theme for D4's tributes this year is that they're both forced into volunteering, because of their loved ones? Because I can see it.

Loden Tsiperal (D8): Loom Manager at a textile factory, at the tender age of 14, where he hangs up in the steal beams/catwalks? Sounds dangerous, despite him only being a manager :0
This section reminds me of child labor back then, where kids had to go in the heavy machinery to fix things.
But Loden and his friend Roko are just so happy, wtf. Happy little kids. And Loden really worries about other people- he likes being happy and in good terms with everyone, even strangers. Awwww.

Dorren 'Hal' Hallows (D6): Ooooooh, so Hal and his Uncle run a rigged trick/ gambling table? And they're street performers? That's pretty original :0
So Hal definitely knows how to con people, and how to play them...That'll definitely help him, hmmm

Biathyst Darlucaan (D1): THESE GOD DAMN D1 NAMES, MAN
Biathyst has an interesting view on things...Although it makes me sick, because she's completely brushing off Avanna's depression, as if she could control it. But i guess that Kegan and Finnick are both rather stable Victors, compared to poor broken Avanna.
Ah yes, the atpyical Career dynamics...Sigh, I liked her friend Milah and Baelfire more than Biathyst.

Cobi 'Bo' Kasper (D5): So she's a prisoner who's getting beaten? Dang, that sounds harsh...What the hell did she do?!
Oh, they sold illegal morphling...Ugh, the torture her and her TWIN brother are going through sounds awful. That new Head Peacekeeper sounds awful, but at least he isn't killing little kids. Just waiting until they turn old enough *shiver*
So I'm gonna guess that Bo volunteers? Or does she just get Reaped, the icing on the shit-cake?

Now, that's the end of these character intros, so I have a full scale!
I actually really like a majority of the tributes, whoops.
Tributes scale:
MY CHILDREN: Stocker, Carmine, Paisley, Zync, Sylvan, Ernest, Loden,
Like: Ayla, Brodus, Siobhan, Aerial, Jeremite, Keela, Nathan, Calder, Dorren Hal, Cobi Bo.
Neutral: Micah Hawk, Barric, Emmer,
Ehhhh: Ula, Vixen,
Dislike: Andromeda, Biathyst,
kopycat101 chapter 4 . 9/7/2014
Zync Olssen (D3): Zync, what are you even doing. I like him already- wanting to be a rule-breaker and bad kid, to have fun, even though he's just a happy dork.
Breaking into the school's library? #livin the thuglyfe
This section was just so amusing, and I love everything about it.

Sylvan Perry (D7): Whitling wood into a little figurine? Aw, that sounds nice.
He's so NICE, wtf. He makes little figurines for people, he doesn't mind favors for his friends, and I just- WHY ARE YOU SO GREAT.
I really hope that Aries isn't using him, though. She sounds like she is, or that she likes him or something, even though she's apparently really sweet and soft.

Andromeda Albion (D2): So she steals valuables from people? Hmmmm, really odd for someone from a wealthy District.
Ah, so she was chosen, and her brother wants to win back-to-back with her? Explains why he's so dead-set on her being prepared. But it really would be bad luck for him, if she dies- that tradition they have, about not letting siblings volunteer back-to-back if one dies in the Games makes D2 seem more...human, and sympathetic.
So a thief because she just likes pretty things? Hmmmm, that's really selfish. Original, but selfish. Just... All these traits she has rubs me the wrong way, and make me dislike her. :/

Ernest Berridge (D12): Ooooh, so he's the son of the owners of the General Store? Hmmm, it seems like both D12 tributes this year are Townies, rather than the usual Seam kids.
Aw, that old lady sounds nice. It's kinda rude that he brushed her off, but he was pretty intent on perfectly painting the store's sign.
Hm...I like the new side and point of view. The Seam kids look at the merchant kids with distrust, but the merchants can't be overtly wealthy, if they still live in an impoverished district. Plus, The Hob takes away the Town's clientele.
And he's got that depression that seems to blanket so much of the District...It's actually rather original that he wishes to be a poor Seam kid, because he feels his tendencies would fit better with them, and wants to try to stick it out on his own instead of having his fate forever fixed for him, without needing to work hard for it.
And of course this kid is going to DIE, even though he's great :')

Vixen Rhodes(D10): Oh god, her name sounds like a result of someone who's trying to name Foxface. There's dozens of variations of Kit/Vixen/Fox/etc for her that I've seen.
But, oh nooooo, their economy is doing terribly! She's one of the few middle-class families left, though, that can afford to stay in school...Hmmmm, that's definitely a contrast with Hawk.
So NOW people feel bad for Ranger...I mean, even if she caused problems for people, she WAS getting better and less embittered with Hadyn, and she almost won the Games last year! *holds Ranger in my arms and hisses* AND POOR HADYN, GAAAAAH, MY HEART
...Well, at least she's trying to be optimistic, and try cheering up her friends? She's pretty ehhhh to me

Nathan Sucellus (D9): Walk in the club, like, what up, I got a big cock *dumb snickering*
So he just really likes the atmosphere of danger, huh? Fighting, running from peacekeepers, being friends with a guy who fights and gets drunk, going to illegal bars... A real macho-man we got here, haha
I like him, strangely enough. He seems like he'd be a fun, strong contender.

Tributes scale:
MY CHILDREN: Stocker, Carmine, Paisley, Zync, Sylvan, Ernest
Like: Ayla, Brodus, Siobhan, Aerial, Jeremite, Keela, Nathan
Neutral: Micah Hawk, Barric
Ehhhh: Ula, Vixen,
Dislike: Andromeda,
kopycat101 chapter 3 . 9/6/2014
Siobhan Jay(D9): Bleh, school's always boring. And I suppose she's right- most would end working with the grains, no matter their educational status.
Well, she's certainly sarcastic, and doesn't care of other's opinions much- I like it.
But. oooooh, secret relationship with a peacekeeper? That's new. Most peacekeepers aren't very young- and that thought of how he 'promised' that yesterday's 'problems' aren't gonna be a thing again...Makes me feel concerned for her. I'm hoping that the only kink in their relationship is the secrecy because of the divide between law enforcement and Districts, and not something worse...

Paisley Erwin (D8): Awwww, I like how hopeful and cheerful she is! Her sister Lenora certainly is cynical, causing a definite contrast between them.
Hmmmm...So the District citizens are still enjoying Avanna's win, I see. And the parcels' larger in this final month. Those Peacekeepers are certainly being run ragged- 4 getting the parcels, 4 at the check-in. It's akin to the scramble of fastfood workers to get orders out.
I dunno, I just find Paisley super-sweet, and I like her optimism. It's rare to see a tribute who isn't really young be so genuinely happy.

Barric Yule (D11): His chapter reminds me of Burnett's from FtL! Starting off with some game with a ball.
He's just SO INTO THE GAME, MAN, it reminds me of guys from school during Football games. I found it oddly amusing- especially his interaction with Ceres. You go Ceres, keep the boy in line.
I find a parallel between him and Burnett, still. Confident he can beat him opponent, putting down girls, has interesting back-and-forth with friends. Not as happy as Burnett, though. I miss that kid's pep :')

Aeriel Hobbs (D3): Sounds like she could've fit in at D6, from name alone.
Ooooooh, but the Tech Festival sounds amazing! I'd definitely want to be part of it. And watching all the duds sounds hilarious, hehe
It looks like Aerial works with a pack of friends. She's close to Perl, because Perl's popular, even if she finds Perl brattish. And this group is full of passive aggressiveness...What has Aerial gotten into?
But I'm loving the D3 Victor's booth. Beetee would totally be in charge of something like that, and not want to take the credit.
I want to see what Aeriel does outside a group of brattish maybe-kinda passive-aggressive friends. She reminds me of my friend Ariel, a bit, so I'm gonna watch her closely.

Jeremite Garnet (D1): Such a District 1 name, haha
Hmmmm, so he's really fond of his little bro Spinel? Who worships him? I can definitely see why he's so positive with the boy, lol.
Oh man, that would've sucked, if the couple had been picked to go to the Games. Glad it was some other girl, with a really weird name. Geeze, some of these names sure are tongue twisters!
And everything was positive until Grav came up. Is he Jeremite's older brother? Agatha's past lover? A friend of theirs?
I'm really curious, now. Bout about Grav, and about Jeremite's apparent anger issues? I actually feel sympathetic towards his plight, especially with the last paragraph. That sounds rough.

Keela Monroe (D6): Ooooooh, fury against her parents, broken family construct, and tensions abound.
And here I was wondering if she was just going through a huge rebellious "I hate my parents" phase.
But her parents are fighting, and Keela is a very strong personality who'd rather issues be laid out and dealt with. Interesting...Definitely liking her!
But I have a bad feeling that she's going to regret this, when she's Reaped...Not to mention, if she's so blunt and angry, she won't get many allies, or could get on the Career's bad side...

This chapter had a lot of cool characters, hella
Tributes scale:
MY CHILDREN: Stocker, Carmine, Paisley,
Like: Ayla, Brodus, Siobhan, Aerial, Jeremite, Keela
Neutral: Micah Hawk, Barric,
Ehhhh: Ula
Dislike: None
kopycat101 chapter 2 . 9/6/2014
I've been slowly reading your SYOTS, ever since I found that you'd submitted Duke to From Utopia [I'm not a creeper, I swear]. FtD and FtL were both fairly good, and I liked both arenas.
And I gotta say, I've loved how the Victors of both Fading to Darkness and Finding the Light were a bit out of left field. [Even though I got spoiled from going on the blogs to find out how the tributes looked like, RIP me]
Especially Avanna's Victory. I was rooting for Ranger, because she reminded me of an OC of mine, who was an outcast, had a pet dog, and would use a sword. [She was made for a completely different fandom, though.]
Aaaaaand, I especially like your taste in music! I've discovered so many cool songs that I would have never known of, if not for your incorporation of them in FtL. I'm happy that it's a thing in Forever Bound, too. :0

ANYWAYS, I'm really diggin this format. Reapings are great, but after reading so many SYOTs, they get stale. Giving them intro chapters was cool.

Brodus Battles (D2): His last name SCREAMS Career. He obviously REALLY wants to Volunteer for the Games, too.
I like the twist on how he's a prisoner, convicted for killing a Peacekeeper, and has to slave away in the stone quarries. That incorporates the 3 defining traits of D2: Careers, stone quarries, peacekeepers. And it makes sense that he wasn't executed for his crime, if you consider that they're using him as slave labor to help produce more stone for the Capitol. Peacekeepers are made in D2, so they're replaceable, and Brodus is also strong from training.
I dunno, I just find his backstory fascinating, even if he acts like an atypical Career.

Micah Hawk (D10): Is he always called Hawk- is that why he refers to himself by his last name? Or is it because Hawk is 10x cooler than Micah?
A hunter...Hmmmm, not sure how to feel about this. He uses a crossbow, so that's different. And the fact that he isn't doing something with lifestock, per se- but rather, other animals. This hunting is getting paid, and shipped off to the Capitol, because DUH Lifestock District, even if it's more round-a-bout.
Hopefully, he gets put in a bear skin for the Chariots- imagine it being the one he shot, and there's an obvious tear in the bear's leg.
I also want to see if there's going to be a mention of him having hawk-like vision at some point- because I'd flip my desk, but also chuckle like a moron, if there was.

Ula Taylor (D4): A District Four tribute being, surprise surprise, good at swimming! Wow, totally didn't see that coming, like, at ALL.
Is that her only talent? Because everything about her is just 'swimming swimming brother swimming volunteering swimming'. I appreciated how well her swimming was written, though, and the description of the training pool from the Academy.
Hm...So she's going to the Games, to get back the chance for her brother? Looks like she's got her family living through her, with their expectations. She's definitely not as excited as he is about it.
I can see her cracking, in the Arena. Or, hell, you could surprise me and make her last until the Final 6- It'll be like Dangan Ronpa, where the swimming girl that no one thinks will survive manages to make it far.

Stocker Tachan (D5): WTF, why do I like this guy so much...? He's mundane, a bit of a dork, and playful with his brother. He's so normal. And I like it. Help, this kid is taking my heart
Just, the entire back-and-forth with his brother was great, the fact that he finds his job interesting despite it being factory work, and that little section in the end where he's gonna eat the orange with Tillan...
It's like my love of Kan all over again- he's probably going to die, and I'm going to be so disappointed :')

Carmine Beckett (D7): Hardworking nerd in the Lumber District? What a breath of fresh air. I like her already.
Hm...Is her father all she has? That why she wants to please him so much? Because she certainly takes his opinion highly, and tries to morph her image to something he'd like and be proud of.
But writing her taking a test...I just had war flashbacks, haha. And I hope that, despite her isolating herself to getter farther in life, she makes at least one ally.

Ayla Forrester (D12): Her name makes her sound like she was originally for D7.
It's odd, reading a section where you know the character's never gonna win the Games. I really liked how you captured the District- gloomy, winter, nearing the Reaping and the inevitable death of 2 more kids.
Her friend Chloe adds more depth to a pretty mundane girl. But I liked the spark she had, where she wanted to go take the Games banner down. And theeeeen, the gloomy despair closes the scene.

I'd usually wait to make a tributes scale until the end of Reapings, but I feel like I should start one, since these intros have three times the tributes.
MY CHILDREN: Stocker, Carmine
Like: Ayla, Brodus
Neutral: Micah Hawk,
Ehhhh: Ula
Dislike: None
BornaForeigner chapter 21 . 8/18/2014
Hey, Tales! I'm really liking this set of games (you're very consistently good!) and it was interesting to see the career pack split like that. Surprisingly though, I'm not as interested in that as I am in Jeremite. Something's going on with him that you've been very purposefully subtle/unforthcoming about, and I'm getting excited to see where his story arc goes. I'd love to see the next chapter have his POV in it.
Keep up the good work, and know that I check your profile for writing updates every day, just in case I missed something! Update soon!

LeeJean7 chapter 21 . 8/11/2014
Yes, very nice! That is a very different twist on the career pack split. I wonder how long jeremite can keep it together?I can't wait to see what happens next!
Set Fire To The Ashes chapter 21 . 8/11/2014
Uh oh... Loden and Baric going to the cornucopia, huh? I wonder which sub group of Careers they'll meet up with. Looks like things will really go down next chapter. I'm guessing they'll take down at least one of the Careers.

Oh that's interesting! Finding the control room will really give Alya an advantage. .. that is, if she wasn't unconscious. I wonder what she'll find when she wakes up, and if she could actually sort of control the prison doors and stuff...

Aw, poor Careers. They really wanted to stick together, too. I guess the Gamemakers got tired of watching them kill people. I feel bad for Jeremite, he clearly cant stand it when things dont go his way, and not to mention that he's stuck with the weaker sub-group.

Can't wait to see what happens next chapter! :)

Saltey chapter 21 . 8/10/2014
Excited to see what will happen next now the careers are split.
Clove'sAllies chapter 21 . 8/8/2014
This chapter came out a few days earlier than I was expecting! Yay!

Barric and Loden- The comments back and forth and the way they talk to each other was the epitome of Barric and very like Lodenesque in my opinion. I'm VERY nervous about the two going to the cornucopia though I think that it would be Barric's idea to raid the cornucopia. However with only Brodus, Biathyst, and Ula they might be able to raid it. I doubt it will be empty though, which is unfortunate. I think they could take Brodus, Ula would be very unlikely and Baithyst would slaughter both of them. I bet one of them will die and they take out the career guarding though.

Ayla- This section was good, even though she was alone it still was a great segment. I like that she found the control room in prison and hoped she would find the controls to be able to torment the other tributes. Lets see what happens when she's knocked out.

Careers- I like the split it's a cool idea. Jeremite's group is definitely the weaker one as they have him and Calder(whose arguably the weakest career) and the two add on careers. I could see Jeremite dying due to his weaker or more combat nervous allies. The other half of the pack looks terrifying.

I do hope to see a career death next chapter, they currently make up half the tributes that are left and I think they could use a bit of thinning out :) Great chapter Tales!
Set Fire To The Ashes chapter 20 . 7/31/2014


Aw man, Hal was my favorite(next to Bo, of course) and now Bo's all alone. I totally thought he would have killed Biathyst, but he didn't. I'm a little disappointed, but hey, he went down fighting. RIP Hal. I loved the guy while he lasted, and I loved his backstory, too.

Hmm, I wonder why the Gamemakers wanted to save Bo? The arena's a little strange too, tying into Bo and Brodus' backstories. I wonder if they're going to form a bond of some sort? That would be really cool.

Hopefully Bo's going to find some other allies(Keela and Ernest?) because right now, it's not looking very promising for her.

Ah, finally done! Now I'm eager for the next chapter. Great job, and update soon! :)

Set Fire To The Ashes chapter 19 . 7/31/2014
Bye, Stoker. I liked you while you lasted. Well, mostly liked you. After Paisley died, I was ready for him to die, and as soon as I read about him being in the cafeteria I knew the Careers were going to get him. I'm surprised he didn't manage to kill Zync, but I guess he wasn't up for it. I'm glad he didn't, because I like Zync.

The Careers are sure living it up right now, and I knew they'd do pretty well. They're doing really well, actually, and they're pretty tight-knit, too. Also, I'm really liking Brodus.

Poor Bo and Hal, all alone. With the Careers after them, too. I have a feeling there's going to be a run-in next chapter - I hope it doesn't end too badly.

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