Reviews for On The Corner of Bourbon and St Ann
Lex chapter 10 . 3/15
Omg this story cannot end right there! You cannot leave me hanging like this! Please don't leave me hanging like this, I NEED to know how this story ends lol my heart can't handle the uncertainty, it's far to fragile jk. I LOVE this story, it was so well written and filled with so much emotion. I love Klaus and Caroline together, I'm a hardcore shipper for them lol. Your story embodies who they are as characters and how they react to each other and what they feel for each other and what they do in response to their feelings for each other, so accurately, I could defiantly see their story continuing like this had Caroline made a different decision in the actual show (to bad she didn't). I also love the interactions between Elijah and Caroline, I am first and foremost a Klaus and Caroline shipper but I have been known to enjoy a good Elijah and Caroline fanfiction lol. I love the little hints of a love triangle without making it a full blown idea in the story, I also love that at the very least Elijah and Caroline seem to be developing a pretty good friendship with each other. Beyond that I do feel so bad for Rebekah, she can be malicious and hateful but a huge part of her is just a hurt girl whose had her heart broken far to many times, her whole fight in this story with Klaus was extremely intense. I don't agree or like what she did, trying to purposely tear away Caroline from Klaus, but I do understand it, thank god that fight seemed to resolve itself halfway without anyone ending up dead or daggered. Anyways, I seriously enjoyed this story more so then I can express in words and I sincerely hope you have plans to update and finish this story, my heart won't be able to take it if it's completely abandoned lol, thank you for sharing your story, it was much appreciated :)
Guest chapter 10 . 3/7/2016
Please update soon! This story is brilliantly written and I can't wait for more!
minabenja chapter 10 . 1/9/2016
Oh my GOD. This is bloody brilliant! I am in awe of how well you've portrayed the characters and remained inside their heads. This story is awesome because it is believable thanks to your writing. I will be waiting eagerly for the next chapters, please update soon! I'm already a huge fan of you after reading this, also I really don't mind the long chapters so don't worry about getting swept away with the amount of words ;) just really grateful that you've taken the time and energy to think this story through, plan it, written it as well as staying true to the characters in it. You are awesome! Keep up the great work :D
Shadow Operative chapter 10 . 11/10/2015
I love this story and I can't wait for you to update again. Honestly, amazing. The way you captured the Characters is spot on, even Klaus, who I've always found difficult to pin down. His constant shifts in mood, his rage and temper, just amazing. And the way he interacts with Caroline...I just love that! KLAROLINE FOREVER!
agronderwood chapter 10 . 8/25/2015
AAAMMMMMAAAAZZZZIIINNNNGG. Just re read this entire story and I am so hype! Please update soon!
bunbunchi chapter 10 . 8/25/2015
Dreams do come true! Am so happy that you are back! This chapter is perfect. Just perfect. Mwaaaah. Thank you!
The Deadly Bunny chapter 9 . 11/26/2014
Oh my god you evil evil person! It's been half a year since your last update and you left it at such a cliffy, no less. I just recently found this story and I think the way you make your characters so palpable, so human, is unlike anything I've read before. I get that RL is probably in the way but I can't help but hope that you find the time to continue this magnificent fic. Love, Bunny

P.S.: If by any chance you want to reply, my username is also The Deadly Bunny, I'm merely too lazy to log in :)
Lilconn chapter 1 . 9/1/2014
Please please update soon...just got into this story and am lovin the characters...
livingdeadblondequeen chapter 9 . 8/13/2014
Ah! You can't leave it there! So evil.

I spent the last couple of days reading this whenever I had a moment, and found myself quite addicted to it. You've done a great job of writing the characters and creating an intriguing plot, I hope to read more soon.
Swinty chapter 9 . 8/12/2014
I just started reading this story after seeing it recommended by Maevelin. And WOW I surely wasn't disappointed. My Klaroline heart and as a bonus my Mabekah heart... Loving this story so far, love the way Caroline goes to Klaus for his help is. (I never understood why Klaus wasn't more involved in the Silas storyline on the show and the gang didn't go to him for help or why he didn't keep a closer eye on such a threat himself) I think the way how she now became a part of the Nola storyline makes a great, compelling story. I am in no way a fan of the babystoryline and the idea of the baby being Klauss redemption but I know I have to accept it in canon since Jp seems so hell bend on it. I am dreading the moment Caroline finds out about the baby on the show, I find the way you handled it very IC and believable, I only wish JP will handle it as good as you did and won't rip out our hearts and throw Klaroline away forever.
Please update! You can't leave us hanging like that!
Guest chapter 9 . 6/22/2014
I love the story so far! I can't wait for more Klaroline! I need more! Soon! :)
Guest chapter 9 . 6/22/2014
bunbunchi chapter 9 . 5/30/2014
Gahd, how I missed this fanfic! This slow burn is awfully delightful. I can't even describe how much I want to hug you and slap at the same time for that balcony moment. Please update soon.
Desi44 chapter 9 . 5/29/2014
This story is flat out amazing
RobynlovesKlaus95 chapter 9 . 5/28/2014
Great chapter! Can't wait till next time :)
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