Reviews for With this Paper, I Give You My Love
Linalop chapter 1 . 3/11/2016
Amazing. I love the symbolic behind the pictures it was very artistic!
KyoREQUIEM chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
Such a unique and moving fanfiction... *brushes tears away*
Good job, made me love this ship even more! :D
Katcchan chapter 1 . 6/14/2015
Oh. My. God. This is too beautiful. I just want to tell you that I'm getting the chills. This is so perfect! Good thing I decided to check out your Free fics :)))) When Rin was looking at Haru's final sketches in the story, it's like I was looking along with him. I could imagine every picture thanks to your diction. I felt this really warm feeling in my chest and it was too much I gripped my shirt tightly (Yeah, I know this is really cheesy, but it really happened). You're really an amazing writer *hands down* I'll be sure to follow you in the future and support you if you become a pro writer:)))) Thank you for this. Really. A good story to read before bedtime. Now I could sleep in peace.

Sorry for this unorganized review. I suck at this.
guest chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
I'm crying... SO BEAUTIFUL! FEELS!
MaxandFang101 chapter 1 . 8/1/2014
That was SO FREAKING CUTE. Ohmigosh, that was great. That made my insides all warm and fuzzy. Please keep writing more stories, because I love your writing style :)
Miehczyslaw chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
This is beautiful.
I like the approach of the drawings. What Rin is the only one who sees the significance of these. The difficulty of Haru to express what he want. The end.
Ah, no, my cheesy side reborn.
It's very IC. And I like it.
aucan chapter 1 . 7/14/2014
I had uchiha a big smile on my face reading this story. I really love the symbolism and your writing )
pyrosgaleforce4 chapter 1 . 4/26/2014
D'aww...the ending. THE FEELS

That was beautiful. The descriptive language and symbolism was written really well and I loved the way Haru communicated with art. I would also love to see the artworks in real life. You can tell how it connects within the storyline and how the message Haru was trying to portray fits too. Overall, another great piece of writing. Keep up with good work _
omgimwritingfanfics chapter 1 . 1/20/2014
ki-ku-maru BEAM chapter 1 . 10/21/2013
Such a sweet fluff story :). I really like the time jumps which are all tied together by Haruka art. My favorite parts were the introduction to Rin as well as Rin's response to the question.

I like that you don't give us a whole lot of detail about the relationship and yet, in terms of the moment to moment actions we can see the love.

Really nice work. :)
Ri-Ryn chapter 1 . 10/20/2013
Even if I have no real intention of getting married. f a man did this for me, then yes! Lovely, truly.

Quill's And Parchment chapter 1 . 10/20/2013
I seriously freaking crying.
And considering drawing these things for myself.
Now I sound like Rei.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/20/2013
Lovely - from start to finish :) I really enjoyed your description of Haruka expressing himself to Rin through his art.
Maiden Warrior chapter 1 . 10/20/2013
(cue Cupid's arrow going through my heart)

This is so beautiful! (cries happily and sneezing in a tissue)

Rin-Rin is so adorable! Haruka is perfect here! They don't seem OOC at all! I really LOVE this story!