Reviews for How I Met Your Brother
Lost for the world to reach chapter 5 . 5/11
I loved it. Specially chapter 3.
Duvaind1r chapter 5 . 5/26/2017
Hope your feeling better can't wait for the next update
TimeyWimeyBadWolf chapter 5 . 7/13/2015
So perfect! Nice job!
QueenoftheBlackOrder chapter 5 . 1/14/2015
Could you maybe bring Mycroft to Scotland Yard to do something? Like, I don't know, gray his umbrella? And make them realize he's Sherlocks brother?
Rowan Cookie chapter 5 . 8/18/2014
Oh wow I love this story, it's so well written and original! I really hope you update soon as I really want to read what happens next and yes I would like to hear more about what happened with Mycroft's umbrella.
Lilly chapter 3 . 7/15/2014
I really liked the ending to this chapter. I was definitely expecting it be John Watson. Of course, Anderson wouldn't be smart enough to go there, so he resorted to a yo mama joke. Genius. I congratulate you on that little twist.
DetectiveSilence chapter 5 . 3/12/2014
this was really good, I really like Mrs Hudson and you wrote her in character very well. I do hope you continue when your better. The umbrella thing is hilariouse and I thought Anthea's response was really good. Great work!
49478 chapter 5 . 2/13/2014
Yay thanks for writing more hope that you feel better soon.
Saavikam69 chapter 5 . 2/13/2014
Great story. Glad he got the message about Mrs. Hudson in time.
erik chapter 5 . 2/12/2014
A great fun set of interviews.
Xx-Vampyre-Ninja-xX chapter 4 . 2/7/2014
Please update soon
Guest chapter 4 . 2/5/2014
This story is absolutely amazing, I love it. I can't wait to read the rest, you so should continue to read more.
PastaandNutella chapter 2 . 1/25/2014
Sorry for this. I can't help it... SHERLOCK STYLE WRECKING BALL! YEAH! Awesome story!
49478 chapter 4 . 1/13/2014
Please write more this is a really good story
DetectiveSilence chapter 4 . 12/24/2013
i like this. the case is very good, very detailed.
Always love a bit of mycroft's umbrella. it's like his pet.
Looking forward to next chapter
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