Reviews for Hate Can Turn to Love
NightsBlackRose13 chapter 5 . 8/19/2017
At the beginning of this chapter all i can picture is aro grabing demitri and alec, shaking both of them screaming 'stop ruining my ships!'
yasindu athauda chapter 24 . 1/16/2016
an amazing ending. it was so great. I have reviewed on some of the previous chapters. I am a little tired of the vampire getting locked in the cell and cant track them because of a shield. I hope it change. I didn't like her powers as they didn't match there's only one power and it can have two talents that match. one that support the other. so please don't do that mistake again. you wrote the story well though there were some questionable chapters. however you have improve well from the start of DSM your writing style and imagination has increased significantly. I also loved VSA a lot. it was indeed one of the best stories I read. this was also good but chapters 15-19 was a little questionable and could have been improved. nevertheless it was an impressive work and a great development. please finish journey forever and falling for you. don't make the same mistakes but keep up the improvement. good job! keep up the improvement and the good work!
yasindu athauda chapter 23 . 1/16/2016
its great. definitely a step up from the previous chapters. keep up the good work.
Yasindu Athauda chapter 18 . 1/16/2016
ok I liked this chapter. excellently written and well imagined. but however I am so bored with the same old getting locked and the vampire who can block the gifts. I mean the story is making Bella's power common. and you should actually use her shield as a way to escape. and if many vampires can block gifts that way Jane and Alec is useless. please do something different next time. cause I am tired of reading the getting captured and finding her. and I am not really enjoying the covens coming in and out. however I loved how the chapter flowed and you solved the problems but it could have been better with something new.
harry chapter 24 . 1/15/2016
one of the best books ever. for me this book is good as much as twilight.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/14/2016
greatest of the greatest
Shawna chapter 12 . 4/12/2015
Another great chapter. Keep up the good work.
Shawna chapter 11 . 4/12/2015
Another wonderful chapter. Keep up the good work.
Shawna chapter 10 . 4/12/2015
Another great chapter. I felt sorry for Alec about Violet's departure. He's formed such a strong bond with her, even though for the longest time he wouldn't admit it to himself. And when he finally does, she leaves, leaving Alec with a broken heart. Poor Alec. He may be the most feared and dangerous person in the world, but this chapter proves that, underneath all that cold, hard, evil façade, he has a heart deep down inside. It just took the love of a human to bring it out of him. Keep up the good work.
Shawna chapter 9 . 4/12/2015
Another great chapter. I laughed when Alec and Violet got trapped in that cell. Hilarious! I never knew the Volturi had a dungeon with vampire-escape-proof doors! And that they would get trapped in one themselves! And start to fall in love none-the-less! Keep up the good work!
Shawna chapter 8 . 4/12/2015
Another awesome chapter. Sad that Violet's father died, but also interesting how she found that letter from her father and Alec snuck it away from her and read it. Keep up the good work.
Shawna chapter 7 . 4/12/2015
Another great chapter. Looks like Alec might be finally accepting that Violet is his mate! Keep up the good work!
Shawna chapter 6 . 4/12/2015
Another great chapter. It was sweet to see Alec comforting Violet through the thunder storm. Also, I would like to see Alec tell Violet more about his past. How was Alec's father abusive? Was Jane involved in their father's abuse as well? Was it their father that ordered them to be burned at the stake? The ending of this chapter just provided a lot more questions that I would love to see answered. If they aren't in the story now, could you go back and add them in? Through a conversation maybe? I'm just so curious about Alec's abusive past! Keep up the good work!
Shawna chapter 5 . 4/12/2015
Another great chapter. So, Alec's still frustrated over Violet. I hope this means he'll be willing to accept her sure has a short temper, doesn't he? Keep up the good work.
Shawna chapter 4 . 4/12/2015
'Uh oh Alec's mad' is right! He seems pissed! I wonder why, since he hated Violet? Well, I guess I'll just have to keep reading to find out! Keep up the good work!
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