Reviews for Free Falling
IceTear1 chapter 4 . 7/16/2016
Loved it!
joalyn chapter 4 . 5/25/2015
arghh, this was beautiful and sad (in the best kind of way). I love Daddy Deacon and Maddie finding each other.
Meade chapter 4 . 5/28/2014
Loved how you wrote this chapter leaving the door open for Deacon and Rayna. Now you need to write chapters about them getting back together. Soon please...
Meade chapter 3 . 5/28/2014
Enjoyed this chapter didn't go overboard just father and daughter getting acquainted.
Meade chapter 2 . 5/28/2014
Deacon is scared and how your writing what he's thinking is perfect...
Meade chapter 1 . 5/28/2014
Nice first chapter always wanted to know how Maddie felt about Deacon being her father.
Rachel Wilder chapter 4 . 10/27/2013
Loved glad I found it and I'll be looking for more fic from you. Thanks so much for writing and sharing it with us.
OnceUponASomeday chapter 4 . 10/23/2013
This was so great, I'm sad it's finished! It felt really authentic and touching how you wrote Deacon and Maddie being so tentative and curious around each other, really lovely. I hope you'll write more!
mulderitsme1 chapter 4 . 10/21/2013
Awww that was great...and I swear to heart just keeps breaking with the two of them.
hushedgreylily chapter 4 . 10/20/2013
Oh, I just completely fell in love with the ending :) This has been a really enjoyable piece, thanks for sharing :)
KarenES chapter 4 . 10/19/2013
Really, really great - you have a nice light touch and an inventive way with dialogue. Very much enjoyed it and hope you will keep writing!
Km chapter 4 . 10/19/2013
Just caught this 4th chapter. It's absolutely perfect. Welcome back to fan fiction!
BeckyPo chapter 3 . 10/19/2013
I can't wait for the moment they tell each other they love one another. Just Maddie calling Deacon Dad on that phone call had me in tears. Good chapter.
BeckyPo chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
I am looking forward to Deacon and Maddie building their relationship. Good story idea.
Shiny Jewel chapter 3 . 10/19/2013
This story was a real a treat to read. It was so nicely written and felt very true and authentic to both Maddie and Deacon. This is very much how I imagine their relationship will be once they start spending time with each other. They'll both be awkward and uncertain but curious to know more about each other, and I have a feeling they'll develop an easy connection. I loved Deacon's sentiment about wanting Maddie to be her own person, and the end, where he's watching her sleep is just so sweet. Great job! I hope you continue to write for Nashville :)
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