Reviews for Good Girl Gone Bad
NewYorkHybrid95 chapter 43 . 2/10
You have no idea how happy and excited I was when I saw the notification in my email! I’m so happy for another great chapter! I love the emotions that was written and I could feel it through my phone screen. Can’t wait to read more!
NewYorkHybrid95 chapter 42 . 5/31/2018
Omg! I was so excited when i got the update for this story! I miss it! Welcome back! I don’t have any ideas for you (sorry, i know i suck) but I can’t wait to read the rest of this story and any other future stories you will write. I love all your stories. I’ve probably read the Randy/Samantha one a hundred times!
fearlesszuko chapter 41 . 1/7/2016
Dean is such a mess right now, it breaks my heart to see him like this. What does Sofia need to do what will springboard Karlee into going back to the WWE and putting that bitch into her place? Poor Dean! Drinking can only make him forget about his problems for such a small period of time before it comes back to him and he has to repeat the process of forgetting. I'm hoping that these two can find their way to each other's arms again!
DeeMarie426 chapter 41 . 1/1/2016
He's in bad shape! Karlee needs to go home, stay home and somehow fix the mess she created.
Cori.A.Carmins chapter 41 . 1/1/2016
More please!
wwedesires chapter 40 . 9/24/2015
Poor Dean man that is awful! But damn will he put her through hell!
wwedesires chapter 39 . 9/24/2015
Damn what a good match. So great of Karlee to allow Alice to pick up that win!
wwedesires chapter 38 . 9/24/2015
Reading this makes me want to go to a wedding!1 Aw damn he was going to propose:0 Shit!
wwedesires chapter 37 . 9/24/2015
Damn dude everything was so perfect too! The wedding was breathtaking and of course the McMahons ruin some shit-_-
fearlesszuko chapter 40 . 9/17/2015
I wonder how Karlee will feel about Dean's storyline with Sofia. I hope it motivates her to come back to the WWE and kick Sofia's ass. I just hope that the time in the UK helps put things in perspective for Karlee and she sees that she needs to get back at wrestling. I can't believe that Sofia is back! I thought we got rid of the bitch, but I hope that this plan Paul and Steph has works and they get rid of her once and for all.
calwitch chapter 40 . 9/16/2015
Poor Karlee...! Perhaps seeing them will snap things into place for her and she can get her ass on the first flight back. As for Dean, he put her in her place so hard and fast ... It was awesome! I think he found a way to channel that anger. He definitely does not like the story line but will do it to officially get rid of Sofia. That will be a glorious day. Only surpassed by Karlee and Dean getting back together. The following chapters are going to be tense for a few people. Wonder if Sofia knows that Stephanie and Paul don't want anything to do with her either and are just tolerating her for the time being.
Cori.A.Carmins chapter 40 . 9/15/2015
Amazing as always!
Cori.A.Carmins chapter 39 . 8/31/2015
I loved it! Update soon!
calwitch chapter 39 . 8/30/2015
*sniff* (wiping some tears away) it's so sad! I so want him to go after her... He better! And he better not wait to long! Or something along that line... I'll smack your muses upside the head... I'll do it! He better stay faithful too!
fearlesszuko chapter 39 . 8/30/2015
Ugh! The emotion was so high for me in this chapter. My heart keeps breaking for Karlee so much. The thought of Alice being so crushed and I was amazed that Alice managed to beat Karlee. For sure, Alice will be on of the girls to carry the Division. I kept thinking about Dean and what he will go through with Karlee going. Also, I noticed she did not take off the ring, so there is no doubt she'll be back...right? She can't just leave without finishing the important things.
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