Reviews for A New Perdicament
bellybutton79 chapter 3 . 3/24
I love H/M stories.. not too many of
them out thank you!
Aphrodite-Venus-u.k chapter 3 . 3/24
I'm glad you're going to make this a full story! I can't wait to see where this goes!
tbirdstar chapter 2 . 3/23
Really great story. I love reading from Flint’s perspective.
SereniteRose chapter 2 . 3/23
I hope you contine this as a short story, it's wonderful and awesome, I want to see Ron and that bitch Rita get there's anyway I liked it very much.
Narabeleth Du chapter 2 . 3/23
Wait...why is this marked as complete...? Please tell me you plan to add more to this? I mean, for real, you cannot leave us hanging like this...
Outofthisworldgal chapter 2 . 3/23
Ohhhh Rita should be scared...very scared. She needs to stop "bugging" Hermione or she may be beetled with a jar :P
VampireKitty34 chapter 1 . 12/4/2015
Ahh I hope you could continue soon..I can't wait to see his reaction! I love it so far!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
C'mon, continue this! Please!
HistoryISculture chapter 1 . 12/12/2014
Update soon, please! :D
slythernprincess chapter 1 . 11/4/2013
Ooh can't wait for ore! Not enough marcus fics out there!
smithback chapter 1 . 10/17/2013